Natural Remedies

15 Rhodiola Health Benefits to Boost Your Health

Rhodiola is an adaptogen herb. It provides protection to body cells from oxidative stress and environmental damage. Referred to as the golden root and arctic root, Rhodiola benefits health in numerous ways. The herb has been in use since ancient times. It has anti-anxiety, energy boosting, antidepressant and memory-improving properties.

What is Rhodiola good for? Rhodiola is rich in flavonoids, salidroside, and rosavins. Rhodiola has the ability to normalize the level of cortisol in the body. This is through the enhancement of bodily secretion of nitric oxide- a chemical that helps to relax arteries and makes you feel less fatigued and stressed out.

15 Rhodiola Rosea Benefits

  1. Stress
  2. Headaches
  3. Diabetes
  4. Cancer
  5. Nervous System
  6. Memory
  7. Blood Pressure
  8. Arteries
  9. Chemotherapy
  10. Weight Loss
  11. More

1. Stress

Being adaptogenic in nature, Rhodiola(1) can help to fight against stress and anxiety and the symptoms related to stress that includes exhaustion, fatigue, headaches and more. It increases the body’s resistance to stress and helps the victim to cope with enhancing strength.

Prescribed consumption of Rhodiola controls the level of cortisol (popularly known as the stress hormone) in the body and pumps healthy blood circulation. This helps in the release of excess stress and makes the mind and body feel refreshed and healthy.

2. Headaches

A Headache is an ailment that affects everyone these days owing to the deprivation of sleep, hectic schedules, and long hours at work, wrong food habits and the like. Stress is one of the major causes of painful headaches.

Nothing beats fatigue, stress, and headaches arising from them, like Rhodiola Rosea. Prescribed dosage of Rhodiola naturally cures migraines and sinuses by adaptogenic and analgesic nature.

[More resource: Best Tips for Headache]

3. Diabetes


Regular consumption of Rhodiola helps to control the level of glucose in the blood by increasing the number of glucose transporters in the blood that transport the glucose to the cells and reduce the blood glucose levels.

Rhodiola helps to enhance the rate of metabolism of the body, thus converting the excess sugar ingested into energy. This naturally lowers blood sugar level and helps to protect the body from hyperglycemia or diabetes.

[More resource: Remedies For Diabetes]


4. Cancer

Rhodiola contains salidroside that causes the inhibition of growth and spread of cells afflicted with cancers. (2) Besides, Rhodiola helps in the detoxification of the body and prevents metastasis. This reduces the risk of getting affected cancer. The anti-carcinogenic properties of Rhodiola aid in the natural cure of oral and breast cancer.

[Also Read: Natural Tips to Cure Cancer]

5. Nervous System

Rhodiola is a highly effective natural remedy for nervous disorders like epilepsy, seizing fits, convulsions, etc. It helps to soothe the central nervous system and improves the coordination of motor sensory nerves. Prescribed consumption of Rhodiola rose helps in the maintenance of body coordination and movement.

6. Memory

Rhodiola helps to protect the human brain against damage caused by oxidative stress. This makes it play a significant part in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and the prevention of dementia. It protects the brain against memory loss and helps to keep the memory intact even in old age.

[Also Read: Natural Tips to Improve Memory]

7. Blood Pressure


Rhodiola can lower spiked blood pressure by suppressing the enzymatic action of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. The adaptogenic herb stabilizes blood pressure and is recommended by pharmacists as a great solution and dietary supplement for hypertension.

8. Arteries

Cardiac diseases result from hardening of arteries, which puts pressure on cardiac functioning as the heart has to work harder to pump the blood through the stiffened arteries. Rhodiola Rosea increases the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps to decrease the stiffness of arteries and provides protection against atherosclerosis.

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9. Chemotherapy

Rhodiola consists of salidroside which actively protects healthy cells against damage inflicted by the powerful radiations in chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer.

10. Digestive System

Our digestive tract suffers from a constant bombardment of toxins that come from the junk food we eat, which damages the sensitive track with food poisoning,  oversecretion of gastric juices and acidity.

Rhodiola Rosea benefits in healing the damage inflicted upon the gastrointestinal tract and ensure the proper nutritional absorption of food. It fights against toxins and enhances body immunity and nourishment.

11. Weight Loss


Weight gain occurs from binge-eating during stress, leaky gut, poor diet, hormonal imbalance and lack of physical activity. Rhodiola helps to keep such factors in check thereby assists in the process of weight loss. It helps to maintain a balance in weight in women going through menopause .

12. Premature Aging


Rhodiola consists of five unique compounds which are highly active and include –

      • Rosin
      • Rosario
      • Tyrosol
      • Salidroside
      • Rhodioloside

All the compounds work in synchronization. It offers potent antioxidant reaction and prevents premature aging and wrinkles on the skin.

13. Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety covers quite a few mental health disorders like panic attacks, social anxiety, phobias and worry in general. The symptoms of anxiety include

      • Insomnia
      • Uneasiness
      • Palpitations
      • Muscles cramps
      • Hypoventilation
      • Nausea
      • Nervous breakdowns

Rhodiola Rosea helps to keep calm by soothing the taut nerves and relaxes the muscles. The anxiolytic effect of Rhodiola eliminates anxiety with ease.

14. Stimulates Physical and Mental Performance

Prescribed  Rhodiola dosage Rosea induces a stimulatory effect on the nerves. It does so in such a way, that the consumer can work endlessly with almost zero effort. They feel constantly energetic and positive. It helps get rid of lethargy and fatigue and stimulates a person to feel vigorous.

The alkaloids of Rhodiola Rosea enhance mental focus. It does so by inducing the generation of a large amount of acetylcholine that stimulates the mind to stay in focus. It prevents your thought process from getting diffused. Rhodiola Rosea induces the release of serotonin and dopamine which are known to increase concentration power, motivation, and attention span.

15. Insomnia


Rhodiola is a highly effective sedative when consumed in a slightly higher dose. For people who suffer from parasomnia and insomnia(3), consumption of Rhodiola rosea helps to induce a sound slumber. The sedative effect regulates the person’s sleeping pattern and induces a fixed sleep cycle.

[Know More: Special Tips For Insomnia]

Rhodiola Uses and Dosage

      • The recommended dosage of Rhodiola supplements is about 250 to 700 mg per day (split into two doses).
      • Rhodiola root benefits health in several ways. It is best known for its fat burning, energy boosting and memory enhancing abilities.
      • Rhodiola Rosea extract crenulata benefits in the effective treatment of mountain sickness and nausea.

Rhodiola Side Effects.

A few generic Rhodiola side effects include-

      • Mild allergies
      • Insomnia
      • Irritability
      • High blood pressure
      • Headaches
      • Anxiety etc.

Rhodiola Reviews

While some consumers of Rhodiola have complained of sickness and nausea, most consumers have claimed that Rhodiola can give you relief from panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, and anxiety disorders.


1. Can Rhodiola Help With Anxiety?

Response: Anxiety covers quite a few mental health disorders like panic attacks, social anxiety, phobias and general worry. The symptoms of anxiety include insomnia, uneasiness, palpitations, muscle cramps, hypoventilation, nausea and nervous breakdowns. Rhodiola Rosea helps to feel calm by soothing the taut nerves and relaxing the muscles. The anxiolytic effect of Rhodiola eliminates anxiety with ease.

2. Can Rhodiola Cause Headaches?

Response: A Headache is an ailment that affects everyone these days owing to the deprivation of sleep, hectic schedules, and long hours at work, wrong food habits and the like. Stress is one of the major causes of painful headaches. Nothing beats fatigue, stress and headaches arising from them, like Rhodiola Rosea. Prescribed dosage of Rhodiola naturally cures migraines and sinuses by adaptogenic and analgesic nature.

3. Can Rhodiola Cause Fatigue?

Response: Being adaptogenic in nature, Rhodiola can help to fight against stress and anxiety and the symptoms related to stress that includes exhaustion, fatigue, headaches and more.