Digestive Health

How to Overcome Painful Ulcerative Colitis with Probiotics?

Ulcerative colitis is stressful, painful, and recurring. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes ulceration and inflammation of the innermost lining of the colon and rectum. The inflammatory condition may lead to a narrowed large intestine and rectum, making it harder to pass stools. However, there are numerous ways to treat and relieve the condition, but what if we say that probiotics for ulcerative colitis are most beneficial in decreasing the inflammation?

You can try varied probiotics like yogurt, tempeh, cheese, etc. Read on to know how to use these probiotics for ulcerative colitis treatment.


  • Approximately 1.6 million Americans currently have Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis.
  • People are more often diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis between the ages of 15 to 35.


  • The large intestine is 25 percent of the average length of the small intestine.
  • The large intestine is where the body makes the last attempt to extract all nutrients from the food eaten.

Why Use Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis?


Probiotics may help in treating ulcerative colitis because they address the actual cause of the condition. Probiotics have a positive effect on ulcerative colitis(1), as they help balance good and bad bacteria. In ulcerative colitis, an imbalance of bacteria in the large intestine is thought to be the perceived danger that prompts the immune system to respond inappropriately. Probiotics help resolve it by providing good bacteria that help restore the bacterial balance in the intestines, thus eliminating the causes of Ulcerative Colitis.

Several types of research have shown that probiotics may be as effective as traditional ulcerative colitis medications. Probiotics also help in maintaining a strong immune system. They fight bacteria that cause diarrhea and are useful in treating many other ailments too.

[ Read: 10 Ways Probiotics Can Benefit The Overall Health of Men ]

Types of Probiotics:

There are many types of probiotics which include lactobacilli (like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus GG), bifidobacteria (like Bifidobacterium Bifidus) and some yeasts (like Saccharomyces boulardii). Different probiotics have different effects. Read on to know how to use probiotics and how much to use them.

[Read: Effective Use of Probiotics for Diarrhea]

Best Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis

1. Yogurt

A rich source of probiotics is yogurt(2). The power strains of probiotic in yogurt include bifidobacteria and lactobacillus. Yogurt aids digestion and promotes inflammation in the digestive tract. Make sure you check the labels for live and active culture if you are consuming packed and commercial yogurt. It is better to go for a homemade yogurt than the packed ones as it is naturally rich in those live cultures.

You should consume at least one cup of yogurt a week to cure ulcerative colitis.

2. Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented product derived from soybeans. It contains a wide range of helpful bacteria such as Citrobacter freundii and Klebsiella. This probiotic has become popular across the globe as a high-protein substitute for meat. It can also be a useful probiotic for people with a digestive problem and ulcerative colitis.

You can simply include tempeh in sandwiches, stir-fry it or have it baked. Intake tempeh to get relieved from ulcerative colitis.

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3. Kombucha Tea


Kombucha tea is a probiotic drink that has been used for centuries to treat ulcerative colitis. The drink is prepared by fermenting sweet black tea with a culture of bacteria and yeast known as kombucha mushrooms. The probiotic beverage boosts the immune system and benefits the gut bacteria when consumed. Also, the probiotic beverage provides energy and helps you stay fit and healthy. However, care must be taken since this probiotic beverage may not suit everyone.

You can have this probiotic beverage-kombucha tea for 3-4 times a week to relieve the symptoms and to treat ulcerative colitis.

[Read: Do Probiotics Help with Bloating?]

4. Cheese

Cheese is also a form of fermented milk. It is highly rich in probiotics and less in acidic, and its high fats preserve and nurture the good bacteria as it moves through the digestive tract. The cheese treats UC symptoms like inflammation and ulcer or sore in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, cheese probiotic has many other potential benefits as well.

Add cheese into a regular diet to treat ulcerative colitis.

[Read: Foods to Avoid with Colitis]

Risks Associated With the Use of Probiotics

  • Certain probiotics may lead to more gas, looser stools, and bloating.
  • Probiotics could even make your ulcerative colitis worse.
  • Probiotics are not useful in causing faster healing during an ulcerative colitis flare-up.
  • As probiotics contain living bacteria, it may increase infection risks in people with a compromised immune system. Because a weakened immune system might not be able to keep the live bacteria in check, and an infection may occur.
  • Those suffering from cancer, diabetes, and other long-term illness must consult their doctor before incorporating probiotic drinks and foods in the regular diet.
  • It is always beneficial to speak with your health care provider before adding probiotics to your daily routine, as there is limited information on probiotics.

Probiotics are healthy gut bacteria that are essential to ensure you have enough of them. Probiotic for ulcerative colitis is wondrously discussed and does not cause any harm to your body. But ensure to have an appropriate dosage, since excessive consumption can lead to bloating and indigestion. It is always beneficial to keep the risk associated with the use of probiotics in mind.


1. What Is Mind-Body Medicine for Ulcerative Colitis?

The mind-body medicine focusses on the connection between your mental and emotional well-being (also social, spiritual; and behavioral factors that influence the health) and your body. Mind-body medicine includes prayer, hypnosis, exercise, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation.

2. What Diet Should You Follow for Ulcerative Colitis?

Eating a low-fiber diet will help minimize ulcerative symptoms, including abdominal pain and inflammation. Also, make sure that you don’t eat high-fiber legumes and vegetables

3.What Are the Best Home Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis?

The best home remedies include regular exercising and acupuncture, drinking plenty of liquids, relaxation and breathing exercises, eating small meals, having turmeric, and aloe Vera.