Beauty & Skin Care

Effective Way to Detoxify and Nourish Skin Using Lemon Grass

Bizarre facts

  • Did you know lemongrass oil detoxifies the body which helps in the regulation of different body organs?
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Lemongrass oil is a popular remedy.That is why it is used in different shampoos, conditioners, and different deodorants. Moreover, it is an insect repellent when mixed with a carrier oil. But it is to be tested for skin allergy before spraying. It is also found that lemongrass oil for skin can heal various conditions as it is used to remove dirt from the skin pores (1).Also, it is used as a skin tonic that works as a toner. This toner removes excess oil from the skin. It is also known to get rid of acne problems.

How to Make Lemongrass Oil for Skin at Home


There are two different ways to make lemongrass oil at home. One is the chilly imbuement technique, and the other is a hot mixture strategy. Both of these techniques are recorded beneath;

  • First, you will require two 1-quart canning containers, 4 to 5 lemon stalks or more as wanted for intensity. Utilize a twofold kettle, wine press, quart-sized or bigger glass container or holder, mortar, and pestle. You need 1-quart almond, coconut or grapeseed oil, cheesecloth and dark-colored or blue glass bottles with covers.

Chilly Imbuement Technique

  • The lemongrass stalk ought to be squashed with a mortar and pestle to discharge its oil. A moving pin can be utilized as a substitute if a mortar and pestle aren’t accessible.
  • The squashed lemongrass stalks are to be set in a water/air proof container and secured with the discharged oil. Store the pot in a spot where it would get sufficient daylight for two days.
  • After two days, strain the components of the dish into a subsequent container and include two increasingly squashed lemongrass stalk into it, rehashing a similar strategy as done before. Presently place it again in daylight for two days.
  • Now repeat the procedure referenced above until the ideal degree of strength is come to by smelling it.
  • If the perfect level is reached, at that point channel the lemongrass oil with the assistance of cheesecloth into the capacity bottles. Spot them in a dim, cool spot for capacity.

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Hot Mixture Strategy

  • Add water to the lower dish of a double boiler and heat it to the bubble on a stove.
  • Put the expertly cut lemongrass on the top skillet of the pot and put it over the lower container as the water in it goes to a moving bubble.
  • Heat the lemongrass for around three hours in it.
  • Place the wine press over a container and raise it to such a level where its plastic cylinder strains inside the container.
  • Place the cheesecloth on the mouth of the winepress. Strain the lemongrass oil from the top of the heater into the winepress.
  • All the major oil channels into the containers ought to be filled into capacity bottles and kept in cold, dull spots for capacity.

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These, previously mentioned, are the two standard techniques that are utilized to make lemongrass oil for skin. Generally, the hot imbuement strategy is favored as it is less tedious, and there is less work in it.

The primary concern to be considered while utilizing lemongrass oil is using the strategies referenced above for as long as a year. It begins to separate after the predetermined period. It is recommended to consult a specialist before applying this lemongrass oil on youngsters.

Lemongrass oil can be dangerous for pregnant, the older, and the nursing ladies. It might turn out to be delicate to the skin in such cases. Also, the lemongrass oil arranged using cold and hot mixture strategy isn’t palatable. Subsequently, consumable utilization ought to be maintained a strategic distance from.

How to Apply Lemongrass Oil on the Skin

It is said that lemongrass oil has a high concentration. Therefore, dilute it with any other essential oil or water. Mostly, water is used for this sole purpose. As it is also suitable for skin. Therefore, the real meaning of lemongrass oil remains intact. Lemongrass oil for skin can also be applied to minor wounds as it has antiseptic properties in it (2).

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Lemongrass oil is a home remedy for all skin problems. It could be added up in your soaps and shampoo bottles. Further, it can also be added to skincare products and ointments. It is observed to help get rid of acne and relief from blackheads. If it is being used from the readily available packet, then all the safety instructions should be met.

More importantly, the skin sensitivity test should be done. This test would help in avoiding any irritation or allergic reaction. Adding a small amount of lemongrass oil to any of the beauty products will add a faint lemon sent into them. This scent is long-lasting. Thus, lemongrass oil for skin is a perfect choice. It is, indeed, the right choice to make.

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1. Can Lemongrass Oil Be Used as a Skin Toner?

Yes, it could be used as a toner for the skin. It helps improve skin complexion.

2. Can Lemongrass Oil Be Used as a Bug Repellent?

Yes, it can be used as an insect repellent. Lemongrass oil helps to repel many sorts of insects and bugs

3. Can Lemongrass Oil Be Applied to Wounds?

Yes, it contains antiseptic properties that heal the wound. However, you must consult a doctor before regular use on the wound.