Beauty & Skin Care

5 Stunning ways for How To Lighten Skin Naturally

Skin, the largest organ of the body, tends to be something that most people overlook, however, bright and beautiful skin is desired aesthetically and having that these days, is almost close to impossible. From harmful UV rays, pollution to stress, and an unhealthy diet, all these factors tend to be a deterrent in acquiring that beautiful skin. 

Having bright, healthy and supple skin, is like its own suit of confidence. There are several allopathic medications and surgeries that are available. However, on the off chance that they won’t work and sometimes even tend to have side effects. Instead, you could prefer using natural and alternative remedies as they tend to be inexpensive and also tend to work very effectively without any side effects. Healthy and bright skin, is just a step away. 

Natural ways to lighten skin

    1. Foods
    2. Herbal
    3. Essential Oils
    4. Home Remedies
    5. Supplements

How to Brighten Your Skin Naturally?

With skin-lightening becoming a craze, there are numerous products available in the market that claim to lighten the skin tone(1). However, these products come loaded with harmful chemicals, that may cause more harm rather than doing good. Long term usage of these products tends to chip away on the skin’s health and tend to cause more harm than ever.  

Thus, if you are looking for healthy skin lightening ways, then resort to natural products. Below mentioned are some of the homemade masks and bleaches that give remarkable results in no time. Continue reading to find out how to lighten skin naturally.

1. Foods

Lemon Juice

Lemons are natural bleaching agents, that help in de-tanning the skin and help in the removal of the dirt and sweat clogged in the pores, thereby lightening the skin. Learn how to lighten skin with lemon juice.


How to Use?

  • Take a lemon and squeeze it out
  • Pour that into a container
  • Let a cotton ball soak in the juice for about 1-2 minutes
  • Apply it directly on your skin
  • Alternatively, you can also directly rub a cut piece of lemon on your skin.
  • Let it stay for an hour and then wash off with water
  • Repeat the process every day to get the desired results.


The acidity of lemon lends its skin bleaching properties. Hence, the regular application of it gives you visible results in no time. Also, lemons are rich in antioxidants that are known to fight free radicals that damage your skin and cause it to age making it dull and pigmented.

Further, the presence of Vitamin C boosts the health of your skin by stimulating the production of new cells. Thus it helps in quick healing of the skin damage caused due to pollution and other derogatory agents.

[Also Read: Nourish Skin Using Lemon Grass]


If you have sensitive skin and history of allergy, then do a skin patch test by rubbing some lemon on your arm. If it causes irritation or inflammation, then wash the area immediately and avoid using the remedy.

Foods to Eat & Avoid

A healthy complexion is impossible without a healthy diet. Hence, if you wish for skin tone, here are few foods to add and avoid to your diet that boost your skin’s complexion.

Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Junk Foods
Antioxidant-rich colorful fruits Processed Foods
Turmeric Spicy foods
Avocadoes Foods high in sugar or sodium
Fish and Fish oils Unhygienic foods
Carrot Overcooked foods
Green Tea

2. Herbal Treatment

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera(2) is a potent plant that can do wonders for your skin. Those wishing for lighter skin tones can resort to this aloe vera remedy which is safe and quite easy to use.


How to Use?

  • Take an aloe vera leaf
  • Peel its outer layer and extract out the gel
  • Apply the fresh aloe vera gel on your skin
  • Let it stay for around thirty minutes and then wash it off with water
  • Repeat the process two times a day, and you will start seeing results in two weeks.


Aloe Vera effectively works in relieving hyperpigmentation which causes uneven skin tone. Regular application of the fresh aloe vera gel helps in restoring the original color of your skin. Further, it cools and hydrates your skin promoting the regeneration of new skin cells and repair of the damaged cells.

[Also Read: Why to Consider Aloe Vera for Skin]


Use freshly extracted aloe vera gel to get the desired results. Store-bought gels may not be that effective.

3. Essential Oils

Lemon Essential Oil

Image: Shutter stock

Essential Oils are a much better option than those face brightening creams that harm your skin adversely. These potent plant extracts give you beautiful and bright skin without any side-effect. Of these, Lemon Essential Oil is one of the best oils for getting a fair skin tone.

How to Use?

  • Add five drops of Lemon Essential Oil in a teaspoon of carrier oil
  • Apply the blend on your face using a cotton ball

Repeat the process every day for effectively lightening your skin tone.

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Lemon essential oil has a strong skin bleaching effect that works to lighten your skin. It is your natural facial bleach. Besides, it also promotes the production of new skin cells and reduces the oiliness of the skin.


Essential oils are quite potent; hence these must be used in diluted form only. Thus, you must mix lemon essential oil in a carrier oil before applying it on your skin. Also, please note that the oil increases your sensitivity to the UV rays; hence, do not wear it when out in the sun.

4. Home Remedies

Turmeric Face Mask

Turmeric is a widely popular skin brightening remedy. Regular application of it on your skin is known to give significant results. Learn how to use a turmeric face mask to lighten skin.

How to Use?

  • Add turmeric powder to milk cream
  • Mix them to get a thick paste
  • Apply it evenly on your skin
  • Let it dry
  • After that, wash it off with lukewarm water. You can also use this turmeric remedy to lighten the bikini area.


  • Combine half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, two teaspoons of gram flour and a teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Make a thick paste and apply it on your skin
  • Leave it for about twenty minutes
  • Once it dries, take off the mask
  • After that, again wash your face with lukewarm water


Turmeric is one of the best home remedies for skin lightening. It helps in maintaining a balanced skin tone by regulating the melanin content. Further, it being rich in antioxidants that kills free radicals and promotes healthy skin. Thus those looking for how to lighten skin can use it regularly to get visible results.


Wear dark colored clothes while using turmeric as it easily stains.

[ Read: 6 Best Rose-Infused Beauty Products for Glowing Skin ]

5. Supplements 

Vitamin C 


You will find numerous facial bleaching products that claim to contain Vitamin C and give you instant results. It is because Vitamin C has potent properties that can provide you with improved skin tone. If you do not wish to resort to those chemical products, then include vitamin C supplements in your diet to whiten your skin.

How to Use?

  • Take two Vitamin C capsules every day to whiten your skin
  • Alternatively, you can add more of Vitamin C rich foods in your diet for healthy and light skin.


Vitamin C is known to contain antibacterial and antioxidant properties that kill free radicals and detoxify your skin, thus reducing pigmentation. It also inhibits the production of tyrosinase enzyme in the body which aids in the production of melanin that darkens your skin.


You must not take more than two capsules of Vitamin C per day. Consuming more than the recommended dosage can harm your health.

How to bleach your skin at home?

Chemical bleaches can invariably harm your skin and damage it in the long run. If you are looking for a quick and easy way out to bleach your skin, then try this homemade Potato bleaching pack.

How to bleach skin with Potato Bleaching Pack?

  • Take a potato
  • Peel its skin and grate it
  • Add the grated potato to a blender and add some rosewater
  • Blend them to get a paste
  • Add honey to this paste if you have dry skin or lemon juice in case your skin is oily
  • Apply it on your face and neck
  • Let it dry and after that wash it off with water

This potato bleaching pack effectively bleaches your skin. You will notice a visible difference before and after bleaching the skin with this natural pack.

Bright and flawless skin is no more a dream if you follow the above mentioned natural ways for how to lighten skin. These, if used regularly, will not only lighten your skin tone but also improve the texture of your skin and make it youthful and supple.


1. Can milk lighten your skin?

Yes, milk is known to help de-tan the skin and it also helps in clearing clogged pores. Hence it is recommended that you add in a little milk in your facewash.

2. How long does it take for lemon to lighten skin?

Although this can’t be pinpointed to a specific timeline. With general usage, it takes about 2-3 weeks to notice a significant difference, there is a difference on a daily basis, however, it is not too significant.