Skin Pigmentation

how to lighten skin

5 Stunning ways for How To Lighten Skin Naturally

702shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppSkin, the largest organ of the body, tends to be something that most people overlook, however, bright and beautiful skin is desired aesthetically and having that these…

Home Remedies for Bacterial Infections

6 Home Remedies for Bacterial Infections

47shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppAntibiotics, the 1950’s rage drug, that could kill almost every single strain of bacteria. Modern medicine flourished after the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming. Although antibiotics…

natural remedies for hyperpigmentation on skin

15 Home Remedies For Hyperpigmentation of Skin

65shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppIt takes quite a toll on your appearance and self-esteem if your face sports a couple of dark patches instead of being flawless like it should be.…

Cure Age Spots

7 Effective Ways That Can Work Wonders To Cure Age Spots

24shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppAge spots are brown in color and are also known as liver spots which start with your hands, face and around the neck. The main cause of…

Home Remedies for Skin Pigmentation

8 Best Remedies To Cure Skin Pigmentation

47shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppImagine a situation where you have to get ready for a big event and all of a sudden, you notice dark spots on your skin. Your entire…