
Horse Gram: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Horse Grams to Kick Start Your Day With!

Horse gram benefits aren’t known to many. This legume got its name as it’s a staple food for horses and cattle. It is prevalent in South India and is often referred to as Kollu. It is a very nutritious lentil and is an ingredient in many food recipes across India. There are a lot of health benefits this magical lentil has to offer.  It has diuretic properties and also is a storehouse of antioxidants that is of great help to patients suffering from hemorrhoids, hemorrhage(1), and diarrhea. It provides you with essential minerals and vitamins that help in building immunity and protects from infections.

Horse Gram Nutrition Profile

Horse grams fulfill your daily dietary requirements. For every 100 gms of it, nutrition facts include-

Energy 321 E cals
Moisture 12 gms
Protein 22gm
Fat 0 gm
Minerals 3 gm
Fiber 5 gm
Carbohydrates 57 gm
Calcium 287 mg
Phosphorus 311 mg
Iron 7 mg

Incredible Health Benefits

1. Treats Cold and Fever

When viruses attack your body, you could attract cold and flu. This damages the immune system. Consuming this during cold softens the mucous membrane(2) by opening the nasal tracts. Thus, horse gram is useful in treating common cold and fever. It boosts metabolism too.

The ideal way to way horse grams for For cold and fever is in the form of soups. Soups help provide you with instant relief from congestion.

2. Treats Diabetes


It works for diabetes too. It has anti-hyperglycemic properties that help to reduce insulin resistance. Consuming the seeds reduces the insulin formation in the body and helps to control blood sugar levels. It also improves the digestion of carbs.

Horse gram for diabetes is widely used in raw form. You can either eat raw horse grams on an empty stomach or add them to salads.

3. Cures Constipation

This lentil might be the answer to your constipation problems. Constipation has several causes, one being an unhealthy lifestyle and dehydration. Since Horse gram is rich in fiber, it helps ease out the stool process.

To cure constipation, pre-soak these seeds and have them early morning. Alternatively, you can also add these soaked seeds to salads.

[Read: Benefits of Lentils]

4. Treats Diarrhea

If you are looking for a quick remedy for diarrhea, horse gram is the answer to it. It is rich in fiber and speeds the digestion process and soaks the fluid from the stomach and intestines. This way, it works on loose motion and makes the bowel movements regular. The fiber from this bean has a soothing effect on the intestine.

To treat diarrhea, have pre-soaked seeds early int he morning. This will provide instant relief.

5. Cures Conjunctivitis

One surprising benefit of it is its healing nature in conjunctivitis. The seeds have antioxidants that help to calm and soothe the eyes.

To effectively heal conjunctivitis, soak the seeds over-night.  Strain the water and use it to wash your eyes with it. Do it approximately two-three times a day.

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6. Treats Menstrual Disorders


It also treats menstrual disorders. Menses can be painful for some women and drain all your energy out. These seeds are high in iron that prevents your hemoglobin levels from dropping and gives your body the energy it requires.

You can add the boiled seeds to salads and soups. This could help soothing relief during periods.

7. Treats Piles

This is an excellent home remedy for piles. Pile is a condition where the veins in the rectum get swollen and get inflamed. It can be harrowing and is accompanied by bloody stools. The highly fibrous nature of horse gram reduces the swelling in the rectum and eases the passage of stool.

To treat piles, soak the seeds overnight. Strain out the water the next morning and have it on an empty stomach. This will help ease the symptoms.

8. Treats Ulcers

It can also treat ulcers. It has lipid properties that help people suffering from peptic and mouth ulcers. Ayurveda consists of using horse gram powder has an effective way to treat ulcers.

Though horse grams can be had raw, a mashed form is suggested to be highly beneficial. Having a mashed form of these seeds twice daily is recommended.

9. Treats Urinary Problems

Use it to treat urinary discharge disorders. Urinary discharge is common amongst postpartum women. Urinary discharge is foul and inconsistent. It leads to vaginal infections, swelling, and pain in the cervix. The juice of these seeds is very beneficial under such circumstances.

To treat urinary disorders, soak the seeds overnight. Boil them the next morning, and consume the water. Do this two-three times daily. This will help ease the symptoms.

10. Controls Cholesterol Levels

Image: ShutterStock

Seeds control the cholesterol levels in the body. The fiber and lipids in horse gram control and manage the bad cholesterol that exists in the blood.   They help remove the LDL levels from the blood.

Soak them overnight. Have them on an empty two-three times daily.


  • You must avoid it if you have gastric issues.
  • It is said to increase bleeding, so if you’re a heavy bleeder during your menses, avoid taking it.
  • It must be strictly avoided if you are suffering from TB.

Horse gram is known to be a superfood with several health benefits. You can call it a storehouse of antioxidants and nutrients. Compared to the veggies you would eat daily, a plate full of this grain will make up for it. What else do you need? This is indeed a pocket-friendly way of boosting your immunity using easy recipes like soups, porridge, or in powdered form for daily use.


1. Can Horse Gram Treat Kidney Stones?

Yes, being a diuretic, it is known to treat kidney stones. Making a soup out of it and consuming it twice weekly should give you the desired results.
