Beauty & Skin Care

Make Your Face Fresh and Young by Using Honey

Is honey good for your face? Using honey for face can have multiple benefits. The use of honey for face allows it to act as a pore cleanser. Honey helps open up the skin and get rid of blackheads.

It also reduces acne by removing oily dirt from your skin pores. As a result, it provides you a brighter complexion. At the same time, honey is a gentle exfoliator.

Honey reduces the removes the dead cells. Honey is also a rich antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compound. As a result, it can help to reduce pimples from your skin. Honey acts as a natural hydrant and keeps your skin moist.

As a result, the skin gets soft and radiant. Using honey and milk for the face can help soften your skin even further. It is full of antioxidants and probiotics. These elements reduce free radicals and cause anti-aging effects. Honey can reduce wrinkles.

The polyphenols and flavonoids in honey can boost collagen in the skin, which reduces wrinkles. It also promotes scar healing of facial skin. As a result, the skin looks a lot better. Aloe vera can be added with honey to provide even better results(1).

[Also Read: How to Get Rid of Wrinkle ]

Best Honey for Face

1. Honey and Tomato Mask


One of the most favored facial remedies involves making a mask using tomatoes and honey. Tomatoes boost the anti-aging effects of honey.

  1. You need half a ripe tomato.
  2. Take one tablespoon of raw honey. It is recommended to use manuka honey as it is rich in antioxidants that can provide better treatment to facial skin. It is generally considered the best honey for the face.
  3. The preparation time of the remedy, on an average, is around five minutes. The treatment itself can take about fifteen minutes. At maximum, you can complete the treatment within half an hour.
  4. Blend the tomato in an electrical blender. You are required to blend it until there are no lumps. Large-sized lumps do not penetrate through the facial skin, reducing the benefits of the remedy.
  5. Add the honey to this mix well. Make sure you combine until the contents are evenly spread through the mixture.
  6. You may use a mild cleanser to wash your face before the treatment. Make sure you try your skin with a towel.
  7. Apply the mixture on your face. Avoid applying it on delicate spots like the area around your eyes.
  8. You may leave the mask on for fifteen minutes. This time is required for the content to penetrate through the pores. You may slightly massage to allow better penetration.
  9. Rinse your face using cold water.
  10. Pat-dry your face.

You may repeat this remedy twice a week.

[Also Read: Benefits of Tomato for Acne ]

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2. Honey, Milk, Oats Mask


You may make a face mask using milk and honey together.

  1. For this remedy, you need one tablespoon of raw honey. You need to mix this with two tablespoons of milk. The mixture has strong antibacterial and moisturizing properties.
  2. If you have sensitive skin, you may add two tablespoons of oat flour to the mixture. Oat flour soothes the skin and protects it from any excessive damage.
  3. Stir the ingredients together until the honey is completely dissolved. It should be creamy.
  4. Apply the mixture to your face. Instead of the direct application using a hand, you may use cotton.
  5. Use circular motions to work the mixture on your skin.
  6. Let the mixture sit for five to ten minutes.
  7. Now, wash your face. You may use some toner or moisturizer afterward.

Honey-lemon masks can also be made for facial treatment(2). You can also check with your doctor to get the best treatment suited for you.

Honey is an incredible natural treatment for your facial issues. It can improve your skin quality, texture, and lighten the skin.

[Also Read: Raw Foods for Glowing Skin]

Simultaneously,  it is free from the adverse effects of over-the-counter remedies. Honey treatment for your face can provide you an easy to use and affordable natural remedy that you may use at the ease of your home.


1. Is Raw Honey Good for Your Face?

Raw honey can improve the quality of your facial skin, due to a high amount of antioxidants present in it. It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties.

2. What Does Honey Do to Your Face?

Honey can help improve facial skin quality. It penetrates through the pores of the skin. As a result, it can remove any dirt present. At the same time, it can remove bacteria and help fight acne.

3. Can honey be used with milk for facial treatment?

Honey and milk can complement each other’s beneficial properties. As a result, a mixture of both can help create an excellent face cleanser and mask.