11 Home Remedies for Curing Appendicitis

Appendix; the small tubular 3.5-inch long structure, that doesn’t severe any known purpose apart from being a pain in the stomach! (if inflamed)

The appendix is an inconsequential organ, medically termed as a vestigial organ. It does not bear any functional significance to the body. As Charles Darwin defined in the Theory Of Origin, Appendix was an organ that was observed in herbivores, it was an organ that was used for digestion of plants and leaves. As evolution occurred humans as a species lost the capability to digest plant products thereby causing the appendix to become vestigial.

If the appendix is vestigial, why does it pose a problem, you mask ask! Here is where appendicitis crawls into your stomach (pun intended).

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix causing severe amounts of pain, abdominal swelling, fever, and several such disastrous symptoms.

What Causes Appendicitis?

To make this simpler for you to understand, we could use the analogy of a drain pipe. A drain pipe is used to move out waste from the insides of your house to the outside and thereby connecting it to the main line to carry out the waste. In the same way, the body has a large intestine to carry out the waste of the body. In the passage of the undigested food through the body, sometimes a food particle could get lodged in the appendix, causing an inflammatory reaction.

Imagine if the drain is blocked, wouldn’t there be enormous amounts of pressure on the site? The same way there would be a lot of pressure, causing the appendix to swell up and cause a lot of pain.

[Also Read: How to Take Care of Appendicitis]

Although this is one of the primary reasons for having appendicitis(1) nonetheless, they are several other reasons such as

  1. Gastrointestinal disease or any other infection that causes the inflammation of the tissue inside the appendix
  2. Parasites
  3. Tumour

These are some of the reasons that you might be experiencing, however, how would you differentiate between simple gas trouble and appendicitis.

Symptoms of Appendicitis

  1. There is severe pain associated with the disease, to differentiate it from an acidic stomach. You’d need to see where the pain originates, in the case of appendicitis it starts at your belly button and slowly traverses across to the lower right region. (It is to be noted the pain starts suddenly and increases exponentially with time.)
  2. Nausea and vomiting
  3. Fever
  4. Abdominal swelling
  5. Diarrhea or constipation
  6. Difficulty in flatulence

The only medical procedure that is used when you have appendicitis is to surgically remove it from your body. As it is a vestigial organ it doesn’t matter either way.

Post surgery your body would require a lot of supplementation to bring it back to normal, as the process gets very tedious for people. They rely on medication that only causes harm and stunts the process of healing.

Home Remedies for Appendicitis

Using the below listed home remedies you could alleviate your pain and swelling effectively and in a much more healthier way.

  1. Fenugreek Seeds
  2. Butter Milk
  3. Castor Oil
  4. Garlic
  5. Ginger & Turmeric Mix
  6. Lemon & Honey Juice
  7. Basil Leaves
  8. Green Gram
  9. Ginseng Tea
  10. Mint
  11. Baking Soda

1. Fenugreek Seeds – Trigonella foenum-graecum

This herb is a treasure trove of medicinal properties and it helps with a lot of conditions and diseases. As they have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial problems they would be the perfect choice for appendicitis, as they reduce the swelling in the operated area and also kills all the pathogens present there.


  • 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds
  • A glass of water


  • Take a glass of water and pour it into the trough
  • In the trough, put in 2 teaspoons of fenugreek and bring it to a boil.
  • Boil it on low heat for 15-20 minutes
  • Strain and drink this up!


  • You should have this at least once a day

[Read: Benefits of Fenugreek Tea]

2. Butter Milk – The ‘dairy’ solution

Drinking a lot of fluids, especially buttermilk could be extremely beneficial to the body. It is very light on the stomach and can be consumed in large quantities. Not only does it simulate better digestive activity it also provides a probiotic bacterial flora that can deal with any kind of infection.


  • 1 liter of buttermilk


  • It is advised strongly that you prepare your own buttermilk. Alternatively, you could also use store-bought buttermilk
  • Refrigerate the buttermilk for an hour, you could consume this throughout the day!
  • You could make sipping on it even better by making a mocktail. Using fresh ingredients such as ginger, cucumbers, a little mint, and coriander. Add these in for that extra punch.
  • To elevate this to the next level you could also make a smoothie using the fruit of your choice.


  • You could sip on this throughout the day, ideally, you would need to consume a liter of it for the best benefits.

3. Castor Oil – Ricinus communis


Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid(2) that is an anti-inflammatory agent as well as a known analgesic. The topical application of this oil could alleviate any kind of pain in the body including appendix pain.

Related Post


  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • A cloth


  • Fold the cloth in the shape of a cup so that it could retain the oil. Once you have the structure, drip 2-3 drops of castor oil.
  • Place it on the affected area for 2-3 minutes and massage in a circular pattern. You could also ingest castor oil directly as well.


  • Repeat the application of the oil pack twice daily

4. Garlic – Allium sativum

This spice consists of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, that reduce the pain and swelling in the site of the appendix and as well as will kill all the harmful bacteria, virus and any pathogens present there.


  • 1-2 garlic cloves


  • Take 1-2 garlic cloves and crush them
  • Ingest these cloves directly with water


  • This should be down every single day, early in the morning on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to follow it when you have ‘severe’ pain.

5. Ginger and Turmeric Mix


Ginger is a common household item, that is a very versatile home remedy that can be used to cure a lot of ailments. Thanks to it’s sharp, palate-cleansing taste that helps you suppress the feelings of nausea. Turmeric is a well known anti-inflammatory substance.


  • ½ inch ginger piece
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  • Chop the piece of ginger into smaller pieces, and add it to the honey
    Add turmeric to this and mix it well
    Ingest this mixture


6. Lemon and Honey Juice

Organic honey and lemon are good mobilizing agents that act on your bowels and relieve constipation thereby leading to reduced pressure in the area. This eventually helps in mitigating the symptoms of appendicitis. It is strongly recommended that use organic honey for this remedy as it doesn’t contain any kind of artificial sweeteners or preservatives.


  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice


  • Ideally, it is recommended that you mix both of these ingredients in a glass and gulp it down.
  • As it has a very strong taste, leaving a certain distaste in the mouth, it is advised to use a glass of warm water. You could mix both of the ingredients in the water.

7. Basil Leaves – Ocimum Tenuiflorum

This household plant is a very versatile home remedy that can be used for several serious ailments. For appendicitis, it can be very beneficial as it fever and also helps in alleviating indigestion and constipation.


  • 5-6 basil leaves
  • ¼ th  teaspoon of rock salt
  • A pinch of black pepper powder
  • 2-3 tablespoons of plain yogurt


  • Crush the basil leaves and add along the other ingredients to the yougurt
    Drink this concoction after stirring it well


  • Have this two times a day

8. Green Gram – Vigna radiata

One of the most popular and effective remedies, Green Gram or colloquially to as mung bean. They are easily available in every grocery store and make for a nutritive snack. They contain compounds that make them anti-inflammatory in nature thereby reducing the swelling


  • Green gram/mung beans (as required)


  • Rinse the beans thoroughly and then soak them in a trough, overnight.
  • The next morning, once they have soaked up enough water, they tend to get plump and sprout. This is the ripe time that you could consume them. It is advised that you dry them before consuming them. Additionally, you could steam them or even sautee them and consume them


  • Eat this whenever you feel a tummy ache

9. Ginseng Tea


This popular Chinese tea is a revitalizing drink that could help you stay healthy as well as alleviate your pain. It contains compounds called saponins, that are anti-inflammatory and very beneficial in reducing pain and swelling in the appendix.


  • 1-2 spoons of ginseng
  • A glass of water


  • In a cup of boiling water, add the herb and let it sit
  • When it cools down, sip on it!


  • Twice a day should be very beneficial in reducing the pain

10. Mint – Mentha

Mint is a cooling and a very soothing herb. It is considered as one of the most effective remedies to treat appendicitis. It regulates the digestive process and helps in reducing the pain.


  • 4-5 mint leaves
  • A cup of boiling water
  • ½-1 spoon of honey


  • Soak the mint leaves in boiling water, let it stay for 4-5 minutes
  • Drain the water off the leaves and any sediments present
  • Pour this into a cup, ideally, you should add a 1 spoon of honey however it is up to individual preference.
  • Sip on it!


  • Drink this whenever you experience any kind of pain or other symptoms for quick relief

11. Baking Soda – Sodium Bicarbonate

Baking soda is a staple household item, that could be used in emergency situations when you feel severe pain in your stomach. Sodium bicarbonate is an anti-inflammatory agent, hence it acts effectively on the site of pain and reduces it. It also soothes the digestive system paving the way for better digestion


  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • A glass of water


  • Mix the baking powder in water and drink it immediately


  • Have this drink whenever you feel severe pain

[Read: Health Benefits of Baking Soda]

Natural Cure for Appendicitis

Home Remedies That You could help with your pain

  • Water:

Water is mainly used to cleanse your bowels. Warm water can be used regularly for flushing out toxins from your body. Drinking plenty of water 3-4 times a day is known to be beneficial for appendicitis cure. Hot water compress can be used several times a day to relieve pain.

  • High Fiber Diet:

High fiber diet consisting of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables help in reducing the symptoms as low fiber diet can lead to constipation which eventually results in inflammation of the appendix. Including these components in your diet would not only help with your appendicitis; however, will also alleviate a lot of other digestive problems.

  • Almond Oil:

Almond oil is used as pain relief and can reduce inflammation caused due to appendicitis. You could massage the oil on the site of pain for 4-5 minutes for instant relief. Almond oil is one of the essential natural cures for appendicitis.

  • Whole Wheat:

Whole wheat includes wheat bran and wheat germ. These are considered as a useful natural cure for appendicitis. Whole wheat products are beneficial for the proper functioning of your digestive system as they promote the growth of bacterial flora in the intestine and make digestion easier.

The above mentioned natural and home remedies are a perfect answer to the question ‘How to get rid of Appendix pain’. Drink adequate water, follow a proper nutritious diet and physical exercise daily will keep you away from falling prey to many health problems.