
9 Hormone-Regulating Foods You Should Eat Every

When it comes to fluctuations in our hormones or problems related to these changes such as PMS or stress, we rarely think to turn to food as an antidote.

However,  a diet to regulate hormones can help balance out your hormones, and adding these foods to your diet can help level out your body and improve your general well-being without taking any medicines.

Although everyone’s body reacts differently, incorporating these healthy foods that regulate hormones keeps our body functioning perfectly.

Hormones(1) regulate almost every aspect of how we behave. Serotonin, insulin, dopamine, and cortisol, not to mention testosterone and estrogen, can all be affected by the food choices we make. Each macronutrient (carbohydrate, fat, and protein) plays a role in how they are synthesized in the body and how hormones function.

On the other side, unhealthy foods such as high glycemic foods, sugar, and alcohol can negatively impact your hormones, so it’s essential only to eat these foods in moderation.

[Also Read: How to Manage Hunger Hormones]

Foods That Regulate Hormones

Here’s how to balance hormones through diet, try eating these 9 foods.

1. Avocado

Avocados are a yummy addition to any meal, but they can do a lot more for your health than you believe. On top of being a fantastic go-to brunch treat, avocados impact the hormones that control your menstrual cycle and help manage stress hormones.

Avocados are loaded with beta-sitosterol, which can balance the stress hormone cortisol and can affect blood cholesterol levels. The plant sterols found in avocados also affect progesterone and estrogen, the two hormones responsible for regulating ovulation and menstrual cycles.

[Also Read: Benefits of Avocado]

2. Flaxseed

You may have noticed this new superfood, but did you know that flaxseed can have all kinds of advantages for your hormones?

Flaxseed is a major source of phytoestrogens, and it mainly contains a kind of phytoestrogen called lignans. Lignans have both an antiestrogenic and estrogenic effect, and they are believed to have protective benefits against some types of cancer.

Flaxseed is a brilliant source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. Throw it in your smoothy or even try eating it in your oatmeal.

3. Broccoli

There’s a reason you were always encouraged to eat broccoli. On top of its various health benefits, broccoli can also be useful in balancing your hormones. This cruciferous vegetable can help regulate estrogen balance, and since it is very rich in calcium, it can also help with premenstrual syndrome.

Broccoli contains phytoestogenic compounds that can promote beneficial estrogen metabolism, help flush out environmental, or ‘bad’ estrogens from the body.

Not just broccoli, you can enjoy other cruciferous vegetables, including bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage,  Brussel sprouts, kale, and turnips.

4. Pomegranate

According to a study from the AACR American Association for Cancer Research, this antioxidant-filled fruit can help block excess estrogen production in the body. The research also found that this could mean pomegranate can prevent types of breast cancers that respond to estrogen.

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Pomegranates have a natural substance that may inhibit the enzyme in women’s bodies that converts estrone into estradiol. This potent estrogen may play a role in the origin of hormone-dependent cancers.

5. Salmon

According to the AHA (American Heart Association), it’s essential to eat fatty fish high in omega-3s at least two times a week. A  serving of fish (3.5 ounces) such as mackerel, salmon,  lake trout, herring, albacore tuna, or sardines can make your heart healthy; it can help those vulnerable for heart disease.

Fatty fish offers good high fats for cell-to-cell communication, which leads to overall enhanced hormonal communication. This can also lead to enhanced cognition and mood. 

6. Leafy Greens

Nutrient-dense foods such as leafy greens are ideal for balancing hormones. Because they’re loaded with so many antioxidants, leafy greens help lower stress levels and prevent inflammation and, which can help improve cortisol levels. They can also help with balancing estrogen.

Certain veggies like spinach, collard greens, kale, beet greens, dandelion greens, and swiss chard are also good sources of iron. Since iron deficiency can be a problem that leads to brain fog, fatigue, and headaches, it’s always good to include your leafy greens into your daily meals! 

[Also Read: How To Balance Hormones Naturally]

7. Nuts

Nuts like almonds affect your endocrine system, which can help lower your cholesterol levels. They can also help maintain blood sugar levels and lower insulin and.

In particular, Walnuts contain polyphenols, which can protect our heart and cardiovascular system by fighting free radicals in our bodies. They’re high in omega-3s, which are good for brain health and can also have anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Soy

Most of us are aware that soy affects estrogen levels, but eating the bean can positively benefit, particularly during menopause. Tofu and Edamame in small amounts have estrogen-like effects on menopausal women. This can help reduce symptoms such as hot flashes.

Soy may also be able to minimize the risk of breast cancer in some people. While it was once assumed that soy could aggravate breast cancer risk because it can mimic estrogen in the body, it has actually been found that those who have a regular diet rich in soy may reduce their breast cancer risk.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is reputed to be an excellent remedy to relieve inflammation. Because of its substance curcumin, turmeric is believed to have many healing properties. A 2009 research even found that turmeric could ease pain in those with arthritis just as much as ibuprofen could.

Like soy, turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, can mimic the activity of estrogen. The root can help reduce menstrual pain, such as period cramps.

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Bottom Line

Hormones impact development and growth, digestion, metabolism,  stress, fertility,  mood, appetite, weight, energy, and more. Eating a diet high in vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, whole grains,  and protein keeps hormones balanced.

Not eating enough healthy fats, total calories,  or fiber can disrupt hormones and may lead to conditions like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and infertility. Stress, lack of sleep,  processed foods, and alcohol can also throw off hormones indirectly or directly by influencing the gut microbiome, which keeps hormones balanced.