General Health

5 Essential Oils to Boost Testosterone

What is Testosterone?

The word testosterone is often associated with a positive sense of risk-taking and adventure and a negative sense of rashness and anger.

It is also the butt of many jokes. Scientifically, however, testosterone remains a very important hormone in the human body.

It is the hormone responsible for the development of sexual properties in a male. Furthermore, it also performs the function of a regulator, maintaining the levels of sperm in the male body.

Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is also produced in females, but in much smaller amounts. Besides regulating sperm production, testosterone is also considered to directly or indirectly regulate fat distribution, RBC production, sex drive, bone mass, and muscle strength.

Low testosterone can be a big problem for males because of its vitality as a regulating agent for the aforementioned aspects in the body, especially in sperm production.

According to research by the New England Research Institute, one in four men above the age of 30 suffers from low testosterone at less than 300 nanograms per deciliter.

This article briefly looks at what testosterone is, what causes low levels of testosterone, and how these low levels can be improved by using essential oils.

Various factors can lead to low testosterone. It is seldom a single-variable dependency.

Low testosterone usually results from a combination of factors including high levels of stress and anxiety, gain in weight, poor nutrition and an unbalanced diet, usage of certain drugs, and leading a sedentary lifestyle, etc.

Did You Know?

Testosterone is not just about sexual health! According to the Urology Care Foundation, “While one of the first signs of low testosterone is loss of sex drive, low testosterone can be linked to mood swings, fatigue, low energy and a lack of drive to get up and do things.”

Essential Oils for Low Testosterone

1. Clary Sage Oil


Why Does It Work?

Clary Sage is an essential oil that is well known to provide relaxation. However, a big medicinal benefit of the essential oil is its ability to regulate estrogen production in the body. Excess estrogen is partially responsible for multiple issues such as infertility, certain cancers, and PCOS.

Excess estrogen can also interfere with testosterone levels in the male body. Clary Sage oil helps balance the estrogen, thereby facilitating an increase in testosterone.

How to Use It and How Much?

Make a mixture of 5-6 drops of clary sage oil with 12-15 ml of carrier oil such as castor or coconut. Rub the mixture to different parts of the body. Let the oil molecules be absorbed through the skin. The process can be carried out once every day.

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2. Rose Oil

Why Does It Work?

Rose Oil is quite different from Clary Sage oil in terms of the way it acts on the human body. However, it does manage to produce the same result of increasing testosterone levels. Rose impacts the hormones in the brain, increasing the secretion of serotonin and neuropeptides. As the secretion of these chemicals increases, the brain is in what we call a ‘good mood.’ The existence of this ‘good mood’ state helps create a balance in the testosterone levels.

How to Use It and How Much?

Make a mixture of 6-8 drops of rose oil to the bathwater and take a nice soothing bath daily for ideal effects.

3. Lavender Oil


Why Does It Work?

Lavender oil has strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Also, it facilitates cleansing. It can also be effective in terms of improving sperm health by protecting sperm DNA from damage.

Furthermore, the relaxation and stress reduction brought about by lavender oil can provide a good environment for increased arousal and testosterone levels. Research(1) has also found lavender oil to increase penile blood flow.

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How to Use It and How Much?

You should not directly apply lavender oil to your skin since its an essential oil. Instead, you can mix 6 drops of lavender oil with about 15 millilitres of carrier oil such as coconut. The mixture can then be applied uniformly on various body parts in a gentle massaging motion. The applied mixture can be left on the overnight daily.

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4. Chamomile Oil

Why Does It Work?

Chamomile has been a popular medicine at home for ages. It is great for treating soreness and tension in muscles. Furthermore, it has anti-inflammatory characteristics as well. Given chamomile’s properties, it is very effective at relieving anxiety and relaxing the mind to promote more tranquil sleep, thereby making it easier for the body to regulate hormone production, including facilitating an increase in levels of testosterone.

How to Use It and How Much?

You can apply chamomile topically in the form of a chamomile oil massage around different parts of the body once every day. Just make sure to dilute it with a carrier oil before using. 5-6 drops of chamomile oil in 12-15 ml of carrier oil should do the trick.

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5. Sandalwood Oil

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[ Read: How to Boosting Testosterone With Natural Remedies? ]

Why Does It Work?

Besides being famous for its aroma and the quality of its wood, the sandalwood tree has given another incredibly useful extract to the world – sandalwood essential oil. While sandalwood oil is famous as an ingredient in men’s fragrances, it also increases libido and catalyzes secretion of more testosterone(2).

Derived from the sandalwood tree, this oil has the properties of a natural aphrodisiac is one of the best essential oils to increase testosterone.

How to Use It and How Much?

Sandalwood oil can be applied topically. You can take 5-6 drops of the essential oil, mix it with 12-15 ml of carrier oil, and rub it onto different areas of the body.

There is a growing acceptance of essential oils as one of the best natural home remedies. They have been used for ages as part of traditional and ancient solutions to issues faced by human beings.

Due to the increasing pollution and exposure to radiation from gadgets, alongside the traditional factors of high stress, weight gain, and poor nutrition, low testosterone is becoming an increasing problem in males.

While allopathic solutions are available to increase testosterone levels, a few essential oils, such as Lavender, Clary Sage, Rose, Chamomile, and Sandalwood oil, have proven to be one of the best natural solutions to facilitate regulation and increase of testosterone.

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1. What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?

Various factors can lead to low testosterone. It is seldom a single-variable dependency. Low testosterone usually results from a combination of factors including high levels of stress and anxiety, gain in weight, poor nutrition and an unbalanced diet, usage of certain drugs, and leading a sedentary lifestyle, etc. A combination of such factors may lead to low testosterone.

2. Can I Improve My Low Testosterone Using Essential Oils?

Yes. While allopathic solutions are available to increase testosterone levels, a few essential oils, such as Lavender, Clary Sage, Rose, Chamomile, and Sandalwood oil, have proven to be one of the best natural solutions to facilitate regulation and increase of testosterone.

3. Is Using Essential Oils on My Body Parts Safe?

Essential oils can be quite potent. Therefore, diluting them with a carrier oil is advised before applying them on your body. 5-6 drops of the essential oil in 12-15 ml of carrier oil such as coconut, olive or castor is advised.