Natural Remedies

Top 10 Most Useful Essential Oils For Hypothyroidism

Sometimes, the area near the throat may swell up giving an appearance of a double chin. However, it could be more than just a double chin. It could indicate that the person is suffering from Hypothyroidism. This condition is caused due to excess secretion of a hormone in the gland.

However, it can be cured through proper medication and through certain essential oils for hypothyroidism designed for the condition.


There are five major types of Hypothyroidism disorders:-

  • Type 1: When the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones
  • Type 2: When the gland produces enough thyroid hormones, but the body does not recognize them
  • Type 3: When there is the presence of Autoimmune disorders
  • Type 4: When there is a severe selenium deficiency
  • Type 5: When there is the presence of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome


Hypothyroidism is caused due to various reasons.

  • Graves’ disease, also known as the autoimmune disorder, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. It causes antibodies to stimulate thyroid hormone to secrete in massive amounts.
  • Excess iodine, a key ingredient in T3 and T4.
  • Thyroiditis, or inflammation of the thyroid, which causes T3 and T4 to leak out of the thyroid gland.
  • Tumours on the ovaries or testes.
  • Benign tumours on the thyroid or pituitary gland.
  • Excessive amounts of tetraiodothyronine taken through dietary supplements or medication.


  • Viral infections wherein it causes to leak the stored hormone causing an imbalance
  • Irritability, nervousness, increased sweating, heart racing, hand tremors, insomnia, thinning of your skin, brittle hair, high energy and weakness in limb muscles
  • Frequent bowel movements
  • Weight lost and lightening of menstrual flow

Essential Oils For Hypothyroidism

Essential oils for Hypothyroidism are natural extracts from plants that use their inherent medicinal properties for natural treatment of a disease from its root and offer long-lasting relief.

How to Use?

Here are 10 most beneficial essential oils for hypothyroidism along with their benefits and usage details.

1. CBD oil

CBD oil interacts with the body through the endocannabinoid system, an important signaling system that is responsible for regulating an array of functions, some of which include:

  • Sense of Pain
  • Feel of Appetite
  • Mood swings

How to use ?

  • CBD oil for hypothyroidism can be orally consumed in a concentrated paste or drops/ tincture format.
  • To consume CBD oil, hold it under the tongue to be absorbed in the mouth before swallowing.
  • This step is paramount because some of the CBD oil consumed will be broken down by the digestive system.

2. Wintergreen Oil

The wintergreen oil has healing and soothing properties. It relieves pain and other discomforts. It is also recommended oil for muscle & joint pains which are often caused by hypothyroidism.

How to use?

  • Take some oil and rub it against the palms of the hand.
  • Then, pour the oil and massage over the affected area.

3. Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil(1) is well known and recommends as it contains anti-anxiety properties. These properties help in curing stress and anxiety which is a symptom of hypothyroidism. The oil is often massaged over pressure points for a great relief.

How to use?

  • Take a few drops of sandalwood oil and massage it over all the pressure points of the body.
  • The oil can also be used through a diffuser as well.

4. Pine Oil

The pine oil contains anti-inflammatory properties which makes it suitable for treating muscle pains and joint pains. However, the oil should not be taken internally as it could lead to adverse health effects.

How to use ?

  • Take a few drops of the oil and massage it over the affected areas.

5. Cedarwood Oil

The cedarwood oil is vastly used for curing thyroid conditions. It is a potent oil and is used for curing skin-related conditions like dry skin. It is also a good smelling oil which is often used to treat various symptoms caused by overactive thyroid.

How to use?

  • Mix a few drops of the oil with other carrier oils.
  • Gently massage the mixture over the affected area.

[Read: Benefits of Cedarwood Oil  ]

6. Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass oil is an anti-inflammatory substance. It helps in promoting alertness, relieves anxiety. Lemongrass essential oil is said to reduce stress, ease nausea, regulate blood pressure, and more common thyroid disorders include Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’ disease and goitre.

How to use?

  • To use lemongrass oil, add up to 12 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil such as coconut oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil.
  • One can also inhale lemongrass oil directly. Add a few drops to a cotton ball or handkerchief and breathe in the aroma.
  • Some people mix the lemongrass with hot water, heat it and drink the concentrated lukewarm water.

7. Clary Sage Oil

Clary sage oil helps in regulating the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) levels, which is the objective of consuming natural oils. This essential oil is particularly useful for women post-menopause whose estrogen needs balancing and for people with clinical depression.

Aside from its anti-inflammatory ability, Clary sage oil is also known to be relaxing, i.e., antidepressant, antifungal and antimicrobial.

How to use?

  • Inhalation of clary sage oil reduces cortisol levels and a decline in TSH.
  • Apply the oil on the abdomen, behind your neck, at the bottom of your feet.
  • For maximum gains, blend clary sage with oils that have similar properties, like lavender and chamomile.

8. Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil prevents and helps in managing learning and memory difficulties associated with hypothyroidism. Weak digestion leads to indigestion and constipation. Frankincense oil has immune-enhancing effects to combat Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Grave’s disease.

Also, Frankincense is one of the essential oil for relieving stress levels and maintaining hormone levels.

Related Post

How to use?

  • Put one drop of Frankincense essential oil under the tongue on a daily basis.
  • Also, you can rub drops of Frankincense oil around the neck twice a day to reduce the soreness.

[Also Read: Frankincense Oil Health Benefits ]

9. Clove Oil

Clove oil is essential as it contains numerous flavonoids with anti-inflammatory benefits and they are also able to alleviate a headache. Additionally, it functions as an antifungal, fighting candida in leaky gut syndrome, which may participate in an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. Clove oil is an excellent stress reliever as well as it removes mental exhaustion and fatigue while stimulating your mind at the same time.

How to use ?

  • You can inhale the clove essential oil or can apply it topically.
  • It’s a good idea to apply the essential oil in the exact place where the thyroid gland is, or at the base of the big toe as the bottoms of your feet have the largest pores and quickly absorbs the oil thereby making it work faster.
  • You can also combine more oils and use the mixture to massage it into your skin three to five times a day.

10. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory properties for aromatherapy and can help in achieving a calmer and relaxed state and have an easier time sleeping as it can prevent consequences associated with unmanaged stress. An antioxidant, soothing, and anti-diabetes effects, lavender essential oil is a must in the arsenal of people with hypothyroidism.

How to use ?

  • Lavender oil is an example of aromatherapy which makes it quite easy to use. You can inhale the lavender oil or can apply it topically.
  • It’s a good idea to apply the essential oil in the exact place where the thyroid gland is, or at the base of the big toe as the bottoms of your feet have the largest pores and quickly absorbs the oil thereby making it work faster.
  • You can also combine more oils and use the mixture to massage it into your skin three to five times a day.

[Read More: Lavender Oil Benefits ]

Other Oils for Hypothyroidism

There are certain other oils also available, in addition to essential oils for hypothyroidism, which offer significant relief from the condition.

1. Flaxseed Oil

Eating flaxseed regularly can help in reducing the risk of thyroid problem as well as curing the existing ones. The omega three fatty acids in flaxseeds for thyroid problems contain anti-inflammatory properties that promote hormone production. The magnesium and vitamin B6 in flaxseeds are also crucial for healthy thyroid production.

How to use?

  • One teaspoon of flaxseed oil daily is the general recommendation by experts to treat hypothyroidism.
  • Flaxseeds also contain goitrogens which suppress excessive thyroid functions.

[Read More: Flaxseed Oil Health Benefits ]

2. Cod Liver Oil

It is one of the best sources for omega-3 fatty acids, and it contains relatively high amounts of vitamin A, and vitamin D. Concentration of nutrients in cod liver oil depends on Gadus or the species of the cod, the oil comes from.

How to use ?

  • Cod liver oil is naturally available in fish, and any food item that includes fish is preferable.
  • However, if one wants highly concentrated cod liver oil, they can mix a few drops in water of suitable quantity accordingly.
  • It is to be consumed daily for extended lasting benefits.

Side Effects

Though there are minimal side effects in using essential oils for hypothyroidism, still if one finds any abnormality in the body, they should consult a health expert to avoid further issue. Also, the risks associated with hypothyroidism mostly include:

  • Joint pains
  • Low white blood cell counts, I.e., weak immune system
  • Abnormal metabolism
  • Anxiety
  • Physical and mental fatigue
  • Obesity


  • Wholesome food with an emphasis on Zinc, Iron and Calcium
  • Managing stress and getting enough sleep
  • Reducing toxicity, I.e., avoiding eating unhealthy foods and habits in general

Natural Remedies

In addition to the essential oils for hypothyroidism mentioned above, you can use the following natural remedies to cure the hypothyroidism disorder you are suffering from.

High Fiber Foods

People with hypothyroidism have digestive difficulties. So, aiming for 30-40 grams of fibre on a daily basis is recommended by health experts. Not only does a high-fiber diet help with digestive health, but it also improves heart health, maintains healthy blood sugar levels and supports a healthy weight by making you feel fuller. Easy hack to increase fibre intake includes eating more fresh vegetables, berries, beans, lentils and seeds.

Fruits and Vegetables

High in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which are necessary for combating free-radical damage and lowering inflammation. They are nutrients rich and ought to make up a large portion of a healthy diet since they support digestive health, heart health, hormone balance and a healthy weight.

Clean Water

Water helps in staying hydrated and digestive functioning will be proper preventing fatigue and moodiness. For the prevention of constipation, indigestion, low energy and sugar cravings, drink at least eight ounces every 90 minutes.

Bottom Line

It is always better to prevent than to cure a disease. However, it the situation is out of your hands, you should stand up for yourselves and be mentally strong to handle ourselves. In the case of hyperthyroid, Thyroid acts as a thermostat regulating things like hunger, sex drive, mood and energy. Any issue in the above mentioned will affect all the facets of life.

Women are affected much more often, especially with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune condition. Natural remedies, i.e. essential oils for hyperthyroidism problems include improving your diet, reversing deficiencies, reducing extreme stress, leading an active life and avoiding toxicity/chemical exposure.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I Need More Iodine If I Have Hypothyroidism?

Iodine is one of the essential minerals needed by the thyroid gland to produce T4 and T3 hormones. Only 5-10% population with iodine deficiency do not have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. It means that people with hypothyroidism generally tend to have an iodine deficiency. Healthy food habits like eating leafy vegetables will solve the issue.

2.How Will I Know If I Am Suffering From Thyroid?

Please go through the symptoms in this page. If there is a match, don’t hesitate to consult a health care expert.