natural remedies

Cold clammy hands to cure

10 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Clammy Hands

11shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppFor many, sweaty palms are an embarrassment. Especially when in meetings or public where shaking hands is mandatory. When palms keep sweating, holding onto something or writing,…

essential oils for varicose veins

10 Effective Essential Oils for Varicose Veins That You Must Try

39shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppTo cure a disease, we first need to know what that disease is and what causes it. Varicose (as in Oxford Dictionary) means “swollen, twisted and lengthened…

how to get rid of laugh lines

4 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Laugh Lines

151shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppNobody wants to wake up one day and discover laugh lines on their faces when they look at themselves in the mirror first thing in the morning.…

how to get rid of crepey skin

How to Get Rid of Crepey Skin with Natural Remedies?

139shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppWith increasing age, your face and skin experiences change especially affecting your appearance; crepey skin is one such thing. Your skin begins to get saggy and loses…

how to treat jaundice

How to Treat Jaundice – Natural Remedies to Consider

20shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppJaundice is a symptom, which is characterized by the yellowing (sometimes even orange tinting) of the skin, mucous membrane, and the sclera. It is a result of…

how to cure nausea

Nausea: A Complete Guide to Get Rid of Nausea Naturally

35shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppAll of us are quite familiar with nausea as we must have experienced its symptoms at least once. They mostly consist of discomfort and an uneasy feeling…

Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Remedies to Cure Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

39shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppIf we told you that mild to moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10 percent of men per decade of their life that is  40% by age 40, 50%…

how to get rid of dandruff

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff

280shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppDandruff is a dermatological condition in which dead skin from your scalp wears off in the form of white flakes. It is a very common problem among…

How to Treat Herpes

How to treat herpes with the Help of Natural Remedies?

49shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppHSV (herpes simplex virus) is the main cause of Herpes. It causes sores on genitals and /or mouth. Two different viruses cause herpes. One is named herpes…

Benefits of avocado oil

Unknown Yet Effective Benefits of Avocado Oil

17shares Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email WhatsAppAvocados have gained immense popularity of late and are a choice for millions of people around the world. Its popularity and use in European nations have grown…