
Coronavirus: Is It Threatening the World With Its Deadly Outbreak?

Coronavirus, another epidemic is causing havoc around the globe, and especially in Asian countries. The virus infects the respiratory tract resulting in mild common colds to severe MERS & SARS, and there are reports of coronavirus infecting the gastrointestinal system.

The recent outbreak is from Novel Coronavirus (nCoV), a new virus that is affecting humans. According to the studies, the infection is more rampant in the coastal areas and animal & seafood markets. It is reported that the person infected from coronavirus was possibly infected from exposure to animals(1).

In the past, coronavirus was reported in 5 continents, with a fatality rate of nearly 10%(2). In more than 90% of the cases, fever was a common symptom, with 80% of them diagnosed with fatigue and dry cough. Further diagnosis also revealed signs of headaches, respiratory distress, and low WBC count.

After the recent reports of deaths and spread of coronavirus, WHO advised the nations to take necessary measures. Centre for Disease Control flagged travel at level 1, which means that there is low risk and does not pose a major threat to healthy humans. Countries are also advised to prepare necessary measures to tackle the possible outbreaks, based on the International Health Regulations.

Coronavirus primarily infects the respiratory system resulting in mortality. Reports of coronavirus infecting the brain are also reported in some cases, resulting in long-term neurological disease(3).

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There is no straight drug for the effective treatment of coronavirus, but some antiviral drugs are proven to treat coronavirus(4). However, WHO and CDC encourage preventive measures to stop the possibility of getting infected from coronavirus.

Preventive measures for coronavirus:

CDC and WHO advised nations to take certain preventive measures and checks at the airports, which could help in finding the spread and control of coronavirus.

Below are some of the basic safety standards that everyone must follow:

  • Avoid traveling to animal or seafood markets.
  • Avoid close contact with infected people.
  • Always carry a hand sanitizer.
  • Clean your hands after tending sick people, sneezing or coughing, treating wounds.

Since there are no direct remedies for treating coronavirus, natural herbs or plants containing antiviral properties can help in preventing or mitigating the effects of coronavirus. It should also be noted that there are around seven different coronaviruses that affect humans.

However, treating the symptoms of coronavirus using antiviral herbs is the next-best available solution.

Natural Remedies with Antiviral Properties

1. Mate Tea


Mate tea contains triterpene glycosides, which can exert antiviral properties against coronavirus. It also contains polyphenols that protect humans from viral infection(5). In addition, mate tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients. The components of mate tea boost the immune system and also help in fighting bacterial, fungal, and parasite infections.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the best foods that help in fighting the cold, one of the symptoms of coronavirus. It contains a cocktail of compounds including vitamin C&K, that boost the immune system and treat flu.

Broccoli is also enriched with phenolic compounds which have antioxidant power and can possibly fight against the viral infection of coronavirus.

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3. Green tea

Green tea is widely known for its various health benefits due to its high antioxidant content. It supports protecting the body when under attack from infections. Green tea also boosts immunity and metabolism, which plays a major role in supporting the body when sick. Besides, green tea contains catechins, which slows down the infection by inhibiting their reproduction.


4. Garlic

Garlic is a promising food source that aids the body in fighting cold and flu. Antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibiotic properties of garlic help in treating symptoms of coronavirus that include cough, cold, and fever. It is also an excellent source to treat because of its ability to exhibit high decongestant and expectorant effects.

[ Read: Garlic for Infection ]

5. Elderberry

Elderberry is an age-old remedy to treat flu and cold that are caused by viruses. They also contain compounds that boost the immune system and have the ability to fight respiratory infections. It is also known to contain certain elements that disable the infectious abilities of viruses and make them ineffective.

Bottom Line

WHO and CDC have reported that coronavirus is spreading and is advising the governments to take preventive measures from its mass outbreak. As there is no fixed cure, for now, it is better to follow measures that can help humans fight in symptoms of coronavirus and possibly avoid the severity of its spreading.

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1. Can coronavirus come back after treatment?

Although once cured, coronavirus can comeback or reinfect the person after effective treatment

2. Can coronavirus be diagnosed?

Yes. Coronavirus can be diagnosed with laboratory tests by collecting samples from the respiratory tract and serum.

3. Can coronavirus be cured completely?

Although there is no direct vaccine or drug to treat coronavirus, it is advised to take the necessary precautionary measures mentioned above to prevent the infection of coronavirus.

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