General Health

Best Naturally-Occurring Antihistamine Foods

Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illnesses in the US alone! Allergic reactions are triggered by the release of histamines from the mast cells (white blood cells), which identify and detect foreign particles and attack them. Some of the most common allergens are dust, pollen, and even certain foods.

While allergies are a natural defense mechanism, the symptoms associated with allergies, such as sneezing, runny nose or congestion, sinus pressure, and itchy eyes can be extremely difficult to handle. Although they can be treated with simple over-the-counter drugs, they can have long-term side effects. Fortunately, if you suffer from perennial or seasonal allergies, you can follow an antihistamine diet to control the symptoms and stop the allergic reaction.

Benefits of  Antihistamine Foods

Consuming natural antihistamine foods prevents the body from overreacting to foreign contaminants. It keeps your allergies in check and suppresses allergy-related symptoms like a runny nose and excessive sneezing. Further, consuming natural antihistamine foods protects you from the side effects of harmful OTC drugs.

However, care must be taken not to exceed the consumption of antihistamine foods as it may impair your body’s natural immune system and could compromise with the immunity. Moreover, low-histamine or antihistamine diets tend to be restrictive and may not offer the necessary nutrition.

Here is a list of the best antihistamine foods for allergies like hives, asthma, etc.:

1.  Yogurt


Everyone knows that consuming fresh yogurt can help to improve your gut health. But did you know that it can also help control the release of histamines?

How Does It Help?

Yogurt is rich in probiotics(1), which are known to be friendly bacteria. You can find them listed as lactobacillus or bifidobacterium and are similar to the kind found naturally in your digestive tract. The probiotics present in yogurt (and other fermented food items like miso, sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, etc.) can control the immune response to allergens while also boosting your immunity.

[Read: Effective Green Tea Health Benefits]

2.  Green Tea

The idea of sipping on a cup of warm green tea by itself is calming. Additionally, it can also help with fixing your allergies!

How Does It Help?

Decaffeinated green tea contains natural antihistamines, which can help in controlling allergic responses. It is loaded with quercetin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)(2), with the former fighting allergies and the latter decreasing mucus production. Drinking a freshly brewed cup of antihistamine-rich green tea is particularly beneficial for those suffering from early-morning sneezes and allergies.

3.  Lime


Citric foods like limes, lemons, and oranges are the best allergy-busting foods loaded with antihistamines. Other Vitamin C-rich foods include kiwis and bell peppers.

How Does It Help?

A 2018 study indicated that Vitamin C plays a vital role in the treatment of allergies due to its anti-inflammatory properties and the presence of antioxidants. Another study discovered that consuming 2g of Vitamin C daily is as potent as antihistamine drugs.

4.  Pineapples

The tropical flavors of pineapple not only make your tastebuds feel better, but they can also help in clearing up your allergies.

How Does It Help?

Pineapples contain an enzymatic compound known as bromelain(3) that treats the sinus inflammation and respiratory distress commonly witnessed during an allergic episode. In fact, studies have found it to be highly effective for treating allergies in mice. You could juice fresh, raw pineapples, along with its core, and consume the drink. Alternatively, you could also consume bromelain in its supplement form. However, consult your physician before doing so.

[Read: Boost Your Health by Drinking Black Tea]

5.  Black Tea

If green tea is not your cup of tea, you can consume black tea. You can even add other antihistamine-rich foods to brew a perfect herbal antihistamine tea.

How Does It Help?

Black tea contains quercetin, which is an antioxidant flavonoid capable of relieving symptoms of allergy. It is believed to have anti-allergic, antihistamine properties(4) and can help control allergies. An animal study(5) discovered that quercetin could help clear the inflammation of the airways.

6.  Raw Honey

Raw, unpasteurized honey contains traces of pollen. So why would consumption of an allergen help to fix allergies? Let’s find out.

How Does It Help?

Studies have discovered that regular ingestion of local honey helps keep a check on allergies. Further, local honey contains traces of pollen, which helps you build immunity against it.

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[Read: Honey for Allergy Treatment]

7.  Salmon

Salmon is a fatty fish that promises a host of health and goodness to anybody who regularly consumes it, and it can maintain the antihistamine levels in your body.

How Does It Help?

Salmon is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, which greatly help in reducing inflammation caused by allergies. In fact, studies(6) have discovered that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is particularly useful in soothing the symptoms of chronic allergic conditions such as asthma.

8.  Capers

Capers are pickled flower buds that are used for seasoning pasta, salads, and other food items. These tiny garnishings are packed with flavor and health benefits.

How Does It Help?

Capers contain the highest concentration of quercetin, the flavonol containing anti-inflammatory properties capable of blocking the effects of histamine. In addition to acting as an antihistamine, capers can also help in the stabilization of mast cells. Most importantly, it strengthens your immunity.

[Read: Cure Pollen Allergy]

Meal Plan

Avoid the following foods:

  • Alcohol
  • Perishable fresh produce
  • Canned products
  • Hard cheeses
  • Nuts

Include the following foods in your antihistamine diet:

  • Fresh, organic meat
  • Unprocessed, whole foods
  • Eggs
  • Cream cheese
  • Low-sodium salt
  • Apple cider vinegar

In addition to incorporating the foods mentioned above in your regular diet, here are a few tips for an antihistamine diet:

  • Consume fresh food and avoid raw, uncooked foods, especially during allergy season.
  • Avoid spicy foods, as it may aggravate your allergies.
  • Cook your own food and avoid eating out.

While following an antihistamine diet may not entirely get rid of allergies, it can definitely make it more manageable. It is best to consult a doctor and consider immunotherapy if the allergies are getting in the way of your life. On the other hand, making a few dietary modifications could significantly improve your condition even during peak allergy season.


1. Is Coffee an Antihistamine?

Scientists have discovered that coffee could have anti-allergic properties as they can retard the release of histamines by the mast cells. Hence, it is a natural antihistamine.

2. Are Antihistamines Dangerous?

Consuming antihistamines in the form of drugs has been linked to long-term side effects. Abusing antihistamine drugs can cause hallucinations and seizures, and consuming them with pain medication could lead to a fatal overdose.

However, in controlled quantities, antihistamines, especially from natural sources, are safe and can boost immunity.

3. Is Ginger a Natural Antihistamine?

Ginger is a natural herbal antihistamine that provides almost instant relief from allergies. It has the ability to block histamine receptors and can boost your immunity.

4. How Long Do Antihistamines Take to Work?

Antihistamine tablets typically take anywhere between 30 minutes to two hours to take effect, depending on the brand.

5. Which Antihistamine Is Best for Itching?

Here are a few natural antihistamines that you can apply topically for treating an itch:

  • Peppermint essential oil
  • A colloidal paste of oatmeal and water
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Baking soda