Natural Remedies

What Vitamin E Oil Actually Does For Your Skin & Face

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that has various anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is fat-soluble and also supports the immune system. Like many others, Rita V. Linkner(1), a dermatologist also claims that using vitamin E oil for face is very beneficial as it protects the skin against free radicals. Mentioned below are some of the benefits of vitamin E for skin and face.

Did You Know!

Your skin starts aging at 20

Benefits of Vitamin E Oil for Face

1. Hyperpigmentation

Research(2) shows that vitamin E oil has antitumorigenic and photoprotective properties. These properties, combined with the antioxidant power of vitamin E, heal the dark patches on the skin caused due to an increased amount of melanin. Studies(3) have shown that the topical use of vitamin E oil can also be used for hyperpigmentation.

2. Preventing Wrinkles

Studies(4) have proven that vitamin E can reverse the effects of the wrinkles and also reduce the brown spots on the skin by boosting the production of the tissues called collagen. Collagen supports cell growth and regeneration by lubricating the cell membrane.

3. Treating Acne Scars

Rubbing vitamin E oil on the acne scars can lighten them and reduce their visibility. A research experiment(5) confirmed that vitamin E, in combination with lactoferrin and zinc, successfully treated the acne scars in people from 13-40 years old.

4. Skin Cancer Prevention

Vitamin E has been described as a ‘workhorse of a vitamin’(6) as it protects the skin from free radicals and also strengthens it. It reduces the effect of daily environmental stresses like UV rays and pollution, preventing the skin from cancer and inflammation. It is also known to hydrate the skin and restore damaged skin cells.

Vitamin E Oil – How To Use It On Your Face

Vitamin E Homemade Face Packs

One of the major benefits of using vitamin E face pack is its ability to treat acne and blemishes on the skin. Vitamin E face masks can be prepared at home easily in a short duration of time and without spending much.

The natural ingredients used in the face mask along with the vitamin E oil makes it more effective and beneficial, and can also help you get rid of stubborn stretch marks.

Suggested Read:
•  Top Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin You Must Know!
•  Role of Vitamin E in Treating Hair Loss
•  How Effective It Is to Use Vitamin E for Acne Treatment

How to Use and How Much?

You can make a variety of homemade packs using natural products like honey, milk, aloe vera, green tea, etc. Some of the combinations for face mask are,

1. Green Tea and Vitamin E Oil

Add 3 tbsp rice flour, honey and, vitamin E oil to a cup of brewed green tea. Mix well and apply it on the face and neck evenly. Allow it to dry naturally and then rinse. Do this twice a week.

2. Papaya and Vitamin E Oil

Add 3 tbsp of vitamin E oil in half a bowl of papaya pulp. Apply on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing. Repeat twice a week.

3. Banana and Vitamin E Oil

Mix 3 tbsp of vitamin E oil in half a mashed banana and apply it on the face and neck. Wash once dry and repeat twice a week.

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4. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Oil

Add 3 tbsp of vitamin E oil in 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel. Spread this mixture evenly across the face and leave overnight. Wash it off in the morning. Do this 2-3 times a week to see quick results.

Source of Vitamin E

Vitamin E consumed from natural sources is very healthy and part of a balanced meal plan. In fact, it is healthier to get your dose of vitamin E from foods rather than oral supplements.

Alongside protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals, vitamin E also strengthens the immune system and fights off infection. It will not only keep your skin glowing but also lower the risk of heart problems and cancer.

The best and highly recommended sources of vitamin E are almonds, wheat germ oil, and sunflower seeds. You can also include in your diet other food items like olive oil, shrimp, spinach, peanuts, and avocado to increase the amount of vitamin E in the body. An average adult should consume 15 mg of vitamin E rich foods per day.

Did You Know!

If you sleep on your side or your stomach, you could be applying pressure to your face, which can contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

Safety Measures

While it is safe to use vitamin E in most cases, sometimes it can have some side effects. Mentioned below are some instances when safety due to vitamin E is compromised.

  • Taken in high doses in heart condition
  • Taking more than 400 IU/day
  • When inhaled through vaping products
  • High dosage during early pregnancy

Follow the preventive tips mentioned below to ensure the safe usage of vitamin E.

  • Consult a doctor immediately in case of skin irritation and burning
  • Decide your daily dosage through prescription
  • Only take oral supplements while breast-feeding

Closing Thoughts

Apart from skincare, vitamin E consumption can help prevent heart diseases, strengthen the immune system, promote eye health, lower the risk of cancer, fasten hair growth, etc. Hence, it is highly recommended to incorporate vitamin E in your lifestyle and diet to maintain well-balanced health.


1. Is vitamin E oil good for lips?

Yes, vitamin E can soften and moisturize your lips as it is a potent antioxidant.

2. Can I leave vitamin E oil on my face overnight?

Yes, it is recommended to leave it overnight as it has a thick consistency and takes longer for absorption.

3. Can I use vitamin E for skin whitening?

Yes, because vitamin E improves blood circulation and generates new skin cells.