Natural Remedies

Cuts & Wounds: First Aid for Bleeding Control

Cuts and injuries that result in bleeding are normally not a cause of concern and can be dealt with easily at home. Typically, your blood will coagulate around the cut and form a clot that prevents further flow of blood. This is known as hemostasis(1). The body will then form a scab, under which the scarred tissues will be rebuilt.

However, in certain conditions, a cut or injury in sensitive locations can cause incessant bleeding, which could result in shock, including weakened pulse, cold and clammy skin, loss of consciousness. Thus, it is important to know how to stop bleeding fast.

First Aid

It is ideally the first resort. The Dos and Don’ts of offering first aid for bleeding are as follows:


  • Help the injured person stay calm. If the wound is deep and they are bleeding heavily, make them lie down.
  • Remove any debris from the wound, as it can cause infections.
  • If the cut is small, wash it with soap and cool water.
  • Place a sterile gauze over the wound and apply pressure for about 10 minutes. If the blood soaks through, change the gauze.
  • Once the bleeding stops, apply a bandaid over the cut.


  • If an object is embedded in the body, it is best to not dislodge it
  • Do not attempt to clean a large wound.
  • If you have applied a bandage over the wound, do not remove it to inspect the site as it may restart the bleeding.

Natural Ways to Stop Bleeding at Home:

Herbal Remedies

1. Turmeric

Turmeric can come very handy to stop a small cut from bleeding. It contains curcumin, which is a naturally occurring anticoagulant(2) and can instantly stop bleeding. In addition to stopping bleeding, preventing it from getting infected, it also contains anti-inflammatory properties that numb the pain and boosts healing.

How to Use It?

Combine turmeric powder and coconut oil to make a thick paste. Apply a generous amount of this paste over the cut or the wound. Alternatively, you can also sprinkle turmeric powder directly into the cut or the wound to stop it from bleeding.

How Often to Use It?

Apply the paste or powder daily until the wound starts to scab.

2. Stinging Nettle


Stinging nettle contains the bioactive agents to prevent bleeding even after surgery(3). It also possesses the quality to bind the skin, promote clotting, and decrease the blood supply to the region. Ointments containing stinging nettle can also treat burns(4).

How to Use It?

Dab some ointment containing stinging nettle extract on a sterile gauze and compress it over the wound to stop the bleeding.

Note: Use it as an immediate first aid measure.

Suggested Read:
•  Speed the Healing of Wounds by Using Witch Hazel on Bruises
•  Treat Various Wounds Easily with Just a Dab of Manuka Honey
•  Suffered a Cut Injury? Try Essential Oils for Cuts Now and Get Instant Relief

Complementary Methods

1. Apply Pressure and Elevate

Applying pressure and elevating the cut above the heart is one of the best ways to stop bleeding. It stops the bleeding and promotes the clotting of blood. Regardless of the compress that you use, it should be a clean, sterile surface. You may also apply an ice compress as it will constrict the blood vessels and promote clotting.

How to Use It?

Application of pressure and elevating it is the prescribed treatment for cuts at a sensitive spot. If you are struggling with bleeding, simply place a compress and apply pressure on it. If the blood seeps through, do not remove it, rather, place another compress over it and continue applying pressure.

Check the wound after 10 minutes to check if the bleeding has slowed down or stopped. If not, apply pressure for another 5 minutes.

2. Petroleum Jelly

If you are wondering about stopping bleeding, you could simply make use of balms and Vaseline products lying around your house. These products often contain oils and waxes that protect the skin and halt bleeding, especially for shallow cuts. It seals the cut and facilitates clotting.

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How to Use It?

  • Wipe the surface with an antiseptic or an astringent, and apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly and let it sit.
  • Keep applying the petroleum jelly periodically.


1. Tea

How to stop bleeding from a cut when it is inside the mouth(5)? The answer – tea! The tannins present in tea induce hemostasis and speed up the clotting process. Further, tannins also possess astringent properties, which makes the blood vessels constrict and keep the area free from infections.

How to Use It?

Place a steeped tea bag inside a fridge. Once it has cooled, apply it directly over the wound.

How Often to Use It?

Apply the tea bag on the wound for 15-20 minutes until the bleeding stops.

2. Vitamin C Powder and Zinc Lozenges

A case study highlighted how Vitamin C powder and Zinc lozenges were instrumental in stopping bleeding cuts. In addition to stopping prolonged bleeding, it also encourages the formation of blood clots. This remedy can take effect in as little as 3 minutes!

How to Use It?

Here’s how to heal a deep cut with Vitamin C powder and Zinc lozenges: Sprinkle the Vitamin C powder over the cut, place a gauze over it, and press down on it until the bleeding stops. Once it does, consume (if the cut is in the mouth) or make a paste of zinc lozenges and apply it to the area.

How Often to Use It?

You need to try it only once as you will notice that it catalyzes the formation of blood clots, which eventually cause healing.

When to See a Doctor?

Visit a physician immediately if:

  • Blood is spurting out of the cut or wound
  • You do not stop bleeding even after 20 minutes
  • Blood starts pooling on the ground or soaking in your clothes
  • You lose a part or whole of your limb
  • You experience dizziness or confusion

Final Take

You can use simple home remedies to stop bleeding in minor cuts. All you need is some basic knowledge to control bleeding. As a rule of thumb, always apply pressure and elevate the wound immediately. Following this, you can try the treatments listed above. Finally, even if you stop bleeding, you may want to consider visiting a doctor if you notice signs of infection.


1. Does Salt Stop Bleeding?

Salt can absorb blood, draw out toxins, and disinfect the wounds. Thus, it can stop bleeding. However, it is not advised as it can cause an intense burning sensation.

2. Can Toothpaste Stop Bleeding?

A dab of toothpaste can impart its astringent properties, which can seal the cut faster and constrict blood vessels. However, it is only recommended for shaving cuts and superficial nicks.

3. How Long Does a Deep Cut Take to Heal?

Deep cuts can take as much as 1-2 weeks to heal depending on its location and intensity.

Tags: Bleeding