Natural Remedies

Use Rosehip Oil for Acne – Be Acne Free!!!

Everyone loves to have clear skin with no marks. There are many different causes for our facial skin to get scarred or damaged and the most common factor is acne. The best option is rosehip oil for acne to treat naturally. Our skin has pores that allow the dead skin cells to rise up from under the skin and be discarded outside the body. Under our skin, there are oil glands that produce a particular type of oil which helps the dead skin cells rise to the surface.

However, for the oil to rise to the surface of our skin and do its job correctly, the pores in our skin need to be open. Now, what causes the pores to get blocked? There are several reasons why the pores can get blocked.

Dust, dirt, damaged skin due to exposure to harsh sunlight are just a few reasons that can occur to just about anyone. One finds a lot of different chemicals filled remedies in the market that cure acne, but along with curing acne the strong chemicals in these ointments can cause a lot of damage to your facial skin as well. It is always better to go natural.

This article will tell you all about how to use Rosehip oil for acne and also other home remedies to get rid of acne naturally.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Acne]

Causes of Acne

  • Excessive yeast content called Malassezia.
  • Not washing hair or unclean hair scalp can cause scalp acne.
  • Excessive oil-secreting glands can also cause acne on your back, chest, and shoulders, commonly referred to as acne.
  • Fluctuations in hormones of both males and females.


  • Acne Vulgaris / common acne
  • Comedones.
  • Blackheads.
  • Whiteheads.
  • Papules
  • Pustules.
  • Nodules
  • Cysts.

Risk factors

  • Genetics
  • Menstrual cycles
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Hot climate
  • Squeezing existing pimples.

What is Rosehip Oil?

Image: Shutterstock

Rosehip essential oil is derived from plants under the Rosacea family. It is extracted from the seeds and fruits of the rose plant. This essential is said to be containing full of vitamins, skin-nourishing vitamins, and essential fatty acids.

It has excellent properties that help for hydrating dry skin, reducing scarring, anti-aging, and even pigmentation. Rosehip oil for acne is high in a component called linoleic acid that helps with healing pimples and acne scars.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Acne]

How to Use Rosehip Oil for Acne?

To cure acne, acne scars or any other condition of acne it is essential to maintain the pH balance of the skin. Rosehip oil for acne has all those vitamins and tons of nourishing agents that skin craves for. It contains fatty acids and vitamins A, C, and E, which protects the acne-prone skin and keeping the facial cells free from blockages.

Rosehip oil is often used in aromatherapy. This oil can be applied directly onto your skin unlike other essential oils, which require a carrier oil. It is suggested to store this oil in a dark bottle and a cold place.

There is no specific dosage recommended for rosehip oil. It can be directly applied to your skin. It can be added to a diffuser, can be applied to pulse points, used as a massage oil, and can also be added to the bath.

A DIY recipe involving Rosehip Oil for Acne

Recipe 1: rosehip, lavender, and jojoba essential oil concoction

Things you will need :

Rosehip essential oil, lavender essential oil, and jojoba essential oil.


take one tablespoon of each essential oil into a small glass bottle. Shake the bottle gently to blend all the oils. Apply this concoction onto your skin every evening and massage it well into the skin. This recipe works best for acne and acne scars.

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Recipe 2: Tea tree and rosehip oil

Things you will need:

rosehip essential oil and tea tree oil(1)


Blend both oils and use it for spot treatment onto the affected regions with acne and pimples. Leave it on overnight; this is suppressed and reduce the acne inflammation.
Precautions, side effects, dos and don’ts of using Rosehip Oil

Dos and don’ts

It is always suggested consulting a health expert to determine what works best for you. Never ingest essential oils. Still take precautions when it comes to children, pets, pregnant women and the elderly. Unnecessary and overconsumption could also be fatal.

The benefits of essential oils can be reaped by topical applications or inhalations. Don’t use too much, since essential oils are very much concentrated and potent.


1. Do not heat the essential oils before application, apply them at room temperature.
2. Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
3. Always keep the bottle closed firmly.

Side effects

Excessive use of anything could have a drawback, applies the same for essential oils. Always advising a health expert to decide what is suitable for you will reduce the chances of side effects like allergic reactions and skin irritation.

Other Home Remedies

● Mix tea tree oil with any carrier oil of choice and do a spot treatment, by dipping a cotton swab into the mixture and dotting it o affected areas. Repeat the process at least twice a day. Since tea tree essential oil is known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it helps fighting acne of all types like fungal acne and scalp acne.

● Making green tea water, by steeping it in boil water. Then fill the solution into a spray bottle and spritz it on your face, let it dry and later rinse it off with water. Green tea has amazing antioxidant properties that help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. Applying green tea to the skin regularly helps reducing acne significantly.

● Aloe Vera gel is the best remedy for acne. Scrape out the aloe gel from its plant using a spoon, apply it directly onto the skin as a moisturizer. Repeat this process for at least two times a day. It has excellent properties that help combat inflammation and treat burns.

Bottom Line

Rosehip essential oil is considered as the best remedy to fight acne. By following the above-mentioned DIY recipes and home remedies will help fight acne and conditions of acne.

Essentials oils are nature’s gift for one’s health and wellness. Above mentioned essential oils can help one combat the risking factors for lice treatment in a natural way.

Keeping in mind the dos and don’ts, precautions and side-effects regarding essential oils will hold one at bay from unwanted complications. Visiting and consulting an expert as to know what’s best for your body is vital.