Natural Remedies

Causes, Symptoms and 3 Ways to Use Peppermint Oil for Acne

Acne is one of the most dreaded skin issues for mostly everyone. It is an inflammatory skin condition which is chronic and causes pimples and spots which can be seen on the face, back, neck, shoulders, chest and upper arms. It mainly occurs on the onset of puberty but can affect people of any age group. Though it is not dangerous, it can leave scars on the skin which are known as acne marks.

A lot of people feel a loss of self-confidence due to these acne scars. Therefore, a lot of efforts are made to get rid of them.

Acne control products that one might use to get rid of them can be loaded with chemicals. In this scenario, one forgets that instead of protecting the skin from all the chemicals, you expose it to them. However, there is something natural which can be used to treat them, which is peppermint oil for acne.

Causes of Acne

Hormonal Factors:

The primary reason which triggers acne is the rise in the androgen levels. The trigger in the androgen levels can cause the oil glands under the skin to grow.

Other Possible Triggers:

There are some other factors which can lead to acne on the skin, such as hormonal changes, menstruation, some medicines which might contain androgen and lithium, emotional stress and greasy cosmetics.

Types of Acne

There are various types of acne, and they vary in size, color and the level of pain.

  • Blackheads
  • Cystic acne
  • Nodules
  • Papules
  • Pustules

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Acne]

Baby Acne

What is Peppermint oil?

Image: Shutterstock

Peppermint oil is native to Europe and North America and can be found commonly used as a flavoring agent in food and as a fragrance in cosmetics. Peppermint oil has been known for its benefits and is being used for a variety of health conditions both orally as well as topically.

For oral consumption, there are dietary supplements that contain a safe and permissible amount of peppermint oil, while for the topical application it forms a part of many skin creams and ointments. It’s super easy to guess if the cream has peppermint in it since both the plant as well as the oil have a very strong, minty aroma that generally overpowers all other scents.

When taken orally, peppermint oil is known to show positive effects in curing nausea, vomiting, gas, colds, coughs, inflammation of the mouth and throat, etc.

When applied topically, this oil can relieve muscle and nerve pain, applying a swab of cotton dipped in diluted peppermint oil over the teeth can also relieve a toothache.

Being anti-inflammatory in nature this oil is also used to calm the allergic reactions that occur on the skin as well as sooth itchy or dry skin. This oil, with its minty and fresh aroma, is known to help in elevating mental conditions like depression and sadness.

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[Also Read: Benefits of Peppermint Oil]

How to Use Peppermint Oil for Acne:

Direct Application:

One of the most effective ways in which peppermint can be used to treat acne is to directly apply a few drops of it on the affected area. You can do this 2-4 times a day. However, some people have sensitive skin, so for them, it is advised to use the oil in a dilute form.

Add it to face wash/toner:

You can also use peppermint oil for acne by mixing it or adding it to your face wash, moisturizer or toner and use them the way you are comfortable.

Mix with jojoba oil:

Another interesting way in which peppermint oil for acne can be used is to mix it with grapeseed jojoba oil and then massage gently on the area which is affected.

[Also Read: Essential Oils for Acne]

Safety Precautions while using Peppermint Oil

There are a few things that one needs to take care of while using the peppermint oil for acne, such as
● Peppermint oil is a concentrated oil in its pure form; therefore, it must be mixed with other carrier oils before applying on the skin. It is because the concentrated form might react with sensitive skin.
● You need to use peppermint oil in minimal quantities. The reason behind this is that it contains menthol which can damage the skin if used more than the recommended amount.
● Peppermint oil is used widely for treating acne. However, there can be a chance that it might react differently on your skin. Therefore, to test the same, you can first try it out on a patch of skin and notice its sensitivity to your skin.
● You must use only the peppermint essential oil rather than the aromatic peppermint oil or peppermint fragrance oils.
● One needs to take note that peppermint oil is just a way to reduce acne. However, you also need to take a healthy diet, stress less and take proper care of your skin.

Other Home Remedies for Acne

Baking Soda

Image: Shutterstock

Mix one tsp of baking soda with a few drops of water and prepare a thick paste. Apply it over the affected area and let it stay for ten minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Fuller’s Earth

Image: Shutterstock

Take equal quantities of fuller’s earth, rose water and sandalwood powder. Mix them thoroughly to prepare a face pack. Apply evenly over the face and let it dry. Wash it off with cold water.


Cut a lemon into half and rub gently over the affected area. Wash it off with cold water after some time.

By now, you must have been aware of a natural way to get rid of the acne which might be troubling you. Peppermint oil can be beneficial in reducing the acne is a natural remedy. However, the essential elements include taking a healthy diet, following a proper skin care routine and stressing less.

These tips will surely help you keep acne at a distance. The medicinal properties of peppermint oil for acne cannot be undermined, and it remains one of the most significant essential oils.