Beauty & Skin Care

12 Natural Techniques for Removal of Dead Skin From Feet

Do you know that feet are those part of the body which do the toughest job every day? As feet carry all other parts of the body, it becomes very important that we take good care of them. How often has it happened that the display of dead skin on your feet has hindered you from wearing fancy footwear to a gathering or a party?

It is a bane when it comes to showing off your feet, and even expensive treatments like pedicures cannot keep away the onslaught of dead skin. Nothing seems to work as whatever you do, your feet remain marred by rough and dry patches, especially around the heels. Well, nature has endowed us with some wonderful natural ways to deal with removing dead skin from feet.

What causes the Dead Skin on Feet?

One of the major causes of dry, dead skin on feet is lack of moisture and can be due to either environmental or medical reasons.

1. Keeping your feet in water for long
2. Regular exposure to harsh soap
3. Constant rubbing
4. Exposure to dirt and grime
5. Certain skin conditions like Athlete’s foot, psoriasis, eczema, etc

Removal of Dead Skin from Feet Naturally?

The dry dead skin on feet can be a big nuisance and acts as a hindrance. One might worry about peeling dead skin off feet and its ways around it. Well, your tension can be allayed as provided below are some of the most useful and effective ways to remove dead skin off feet naturally(1). Some of the remedies include soaking feet in warm water, pumice stone, paraffin wax, foot scrub, oatmeal scrub and more.

What foods come to your rescue?

Incorporate these foods in your daily diet to get a healthy and better skin.


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Yogurt dissolves dead skin cells owing to the rich presence of both vitamin B and lactic acid in it.


Lemons are jam-packed with vitamin B, vitamin C and phosphorous which makes it highly effective to get rid of dead skin cells. Moreover, it lightens age spots too.


The presence of alpha-hydroxyl acid makes it useful when it comes to the removal of dead skin cells naturally.

How can Herbal treatment help you overcome?

Aloe Vera scrub

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Aloe Vera has been in use since ancient times for its countless health problems. It is no different when it comes to skin issues and incorporating this amazing herb will help you get rid of all your skin problems.
Grab fresh aloe vera gel, a cup of sugar and two tbsp lemon juice. Blend the three ingredients to use as a scrub for face as well as body.


Basil helps to put at bay several skin problems and infections and is highly effective when it comes to acne problems. Topical application of basil leaves help to improve the tone of skin as it helps to get rid of dead skin cells.

Essential oils can also be a savior:

Carrot seed essential oil

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The antioxidant, antiseptic and carminative properties of this oil works wonders to reverse the aging process. The antioxidants help get rid of dead skin and on top of that, they regenerate fresh and healthy skin. Apply topically and massage gently for two to three minutes.

Geranium essential oil

From controlling the production of sebum to dealing with eczema and minimizing wrinkles, this oil does it all. Apply the mixture of geranium and argan oil on skin daily to regenerate new skin cells.

Home remedies to overcome dead skin:

Lemon juice soak

The acidic nature present in the lemons is what softens the accumulated dead skin cells effectively. They make the skin soft and supple, and clear of dead cells. The acidic nature present in the lemons which soften the accumulated dead skin cells. They make the skin soft and vibrant.

• A bucket with lukewarm water is filled.
• Some lemon juice is added to it.
• Soak your feet in this mixture for 15 minutes.
• A foot brush or pumice stone is used and scrub your feet.
• Rinse off with water and pat the skin dry.
• Any moisturize then used of your choice. Coconut oil is ideal.
• Note: You may want to wait until any cuts or trauma has healed before trying this.

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Banana crush

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Banana is high on potassium which is an elixir for dry and cracked skin. Crush an overripe banana into a pulp; apply it on your feet especially around the edges and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water and moisturize to get supple skin without dead skin.

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Natural treatments

Soaking feet in warm water

A common question of how to exfoliate feet is often asked. A basic foot soak in warm water is easily done and equally effective. It will help loosen some dead skin cells. But most benefits can be received by adding other potent ingredients to your foot soaks like Epsom salts, lemon juice, etc. What is better than to soak your feet in warm water and sit with a good book as a pastime?
• Fill up a basin or bucket with warm water
• Immerse your feet in the warm water for 20 minutes.
• Scrub the feet and rinse them off with water.
• Dry your feet using a soft towel gently.
• Moisturize your feet with any foot lotion or butter, coconut oil
• Repeat regularly

Paraffin Wax

One of the best ways to remove dead skin from feet naturally is through a paraffin wax treatment. Paraffin wax is known to soften the skin and retain moisture in the skin. It also helps to lessen the accumulation of dead skin cells.

It is a simple procedure:

1. Heat some paraffin wax
2. Some coconut oil should be added to it and stirred well.
3. Apply the mixture on the feet. Make sure it is not that hot.
4. Either remove the wax, in turn, removing the dead cells, or you can leave it overnight  after wearing socks.
5.Use a soft brush to scrub the wax and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Epsom salt soak or scrub

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Epsom salt is the crystal form of magnesium sulfate which is used and favored widely for removing dead skin cells. Soaking your feet in Epsom salt-dissolved water for the best results will help in exfoliating and smoothening feet.
• An Epsom salt soak can be created by pouring 1/2 cup of salt into a full cup or a bathtub full of warm water.
• Relax and soak for up to 20 minutes with a book to bide your time.
• You can use a pumice stone or a foot brush after the soak to help remove dry skin and exfoliate.

An Epson salt scrub can also be made by mixing a handful of Epsom salt with a tablespoon of olive oil in your hand or on a bath sponge followed by application, gentle exfoliation and rinsing with warm water giving away beautiful and supple skin sans dead skin!

[Also Read: How to Cure Toenail Fungus with Epsom Salt]

Few precautions that are a must:

A few do’s and don’ts are important to be known and be aware of:
1. Before using any of the remedies make sure the area to be cleaned should not be injured or hurt in any way to avoid irritation.
2. While using the razor, be careful to do so without cutting yourself and contract an infection,
3. The tools used for exfoliation should be recommended for feet.
4. Hot foot baths are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes, and peripheral vascular disease hence is careful.

Bottom Line

On a concluding note, ways to remove dead skin off feet naturally are in abundance and can be chosen from the wide array of options. All of them are proven effective thus can be trusted albeit for the fact that they are carried out as per instructions if all this followed then nothing could go awry. By following these remedies your feet can go back to being supple and healthy, and in no time! These regimes and remedies are natural and require minimal demands with being cost-effective and helpful.

[Also Read: Natural Ways To Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet ]