General Health

Effective Home Remedies To Bring Down Your Fever

Sore throat, burning eyes, weakness, and fiery head- we all have been through the miserable phase of fever multiple times in our lives. This article will give you the details about the home remedies which you can use to cure fever.

Fever is a natural phenomenon the temperature of the body rises above its normal levels for a short period. It can affect both children and adults. Our body can defend itself from the toxins and viruses in our system, and fever is a typical response of our body when it fights these viruses and bacteria off.

Fever also acts as stimulation for our immune system as it flushes all the toxins away.

Fever is also called hyperthermia or pyrexia in medical terms, and it is the way how our body chooses to heal itself after fighting the harmful bacteria and viruses.

Medication is only required during a fever when our body becomes too weak to handle it.

Why Home Remedies and How Effective Is a Home Remedy?

The home remedy can be used as an alternative to medication. Home remedies always have an advantage over medicines as it is cheap, easily done and the most important thing that home remedy does not have any danger of side effect which is a big problem in medical treatment.

Home remedies are generally very effective in case of fever(1). According to different studies,

Home remedies treat 70 percent of cases of general fever. It is advised to first use a home remedy for fever, and if it does not work, then you should visit a doctor.

[Also Read: Remedies To Cure Cedar Fever ]

Various Home Remedies for Fever

A mild fever can be cured easily through home remedies, but in case of severe fever, you need to consult a doctor.

If someone you care about is suffering from a mild fever, here are a few home remedies that might help

1. Water


How Much to Take?

Hydration might be one of the answers to all the problems because water flushes out toxins, energizes the system, and plays a vital role in day to day functioning of the body. Moreover, water maintains the electrolytic balance of our system and its the need of the hour in fever time.

How Much to Take?

Depending upon your body needs (7 liters approximately)

[Read: Baths for Fever]

2. Iced / Warm Tea For Fever

How Much to Take?

A fever usually can cause more sweating and thereby, more water loss. On the contrary, during fever, we don’t feel like eating or drinking any fluid. That’s why an extra effort is needed to prevent dehydration.

Iced tea is a great refreshment drink, helps out in fulfilling daily hydration needs, and would also help in cooling down the system. According to the preference, one can go for iced tea or warm tea.

How to Use?

  • A sachet of the ice tea bag in cold or room temperature water will do the job of making ice tea.
  • Alternatively, boil water and pour it in a cup with the tea bag.
  • A little amount of hydration and caffeine could give you the ‘awareness’ jolt you need

How Much to Use?

1-2 cups are enough during the fever phase.


Even after drinking tea(cold or warm) you are not feeling well, or you feel your inflammation of the body isn’t going down, you may consider visiting a doctor.

[Read: Essential Oils for Fever]

3. Herbal Tea


How Much to Take

Herbal teas are not only affordable and easy to find but also have amazing diverse benefits for flu prevention and recovery. There are many options for herbal tea available, and you may choose from any one of them. No specific rules applied here. For example, – Garlic, Ginger, and Cayenne tea, etc.

How to Use?

  • To make the tea you’ll need a few slices of fresh ginger, a clove of chopped garlic, a half a teaspoon of cayenne powder, and your favorite herbal tea.
  • Boil the garlic and ginger first for 20 minutes, then steep the tea and add the cayenne.
  • Add honey to taste (you can add milk as well). For best results, drink three to four cups per day.

How Much to Use?

  • 1-2 cups in a day wouldn’t cause any harm; on the other hand, it will soothe and calm your body.


Even after drinking tea(cold or warm) you are not feeling well, or you feel that your inflammation of the body isn’t going down, you may consider visiting a doctor.

These herbal remedies will take time and work slowly because they are boosting the body’s healing powers to relieve fever.

Herbal remedies are not a “quick” fix. However, these are natural remedies with lesser cautions and not so dangerous side effects can help you cure the fever.

[Read: Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever]

4. Fruit Juices

Why Take

Other than just acting as a hydrating agent, fruit juices help in increasing antioxidant(2) quotient on our body. They might not help in losing some extra pounds but will help in curing fever. Juices have the necessary nutrients and vitamins that can help your body’s functioning.

How to Use?

In particular, you may go for orange juice because of its positive impact on the digestive system makes you more likely to urinate and flux out toxins from your body.

How Much to Use?

Just a glass of any juice you like would be good enough but if its fresh juice then benefits from the juice would undoubtedly increase.

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Don’t drink more than 2 glasses of juice as it has preservatives which are not suitable for health. It also contains added sugar, which is ‘white poison.’

5. Vitamin C


How Much to Take

A well balanced nutritional diet is always a blessing for our body. When suffering from fever eat anti-inflammatory food that is rich in Vitamin C. They promote immunity boost, cell growth and repair and also energy production.

How to Use?

  • Eat light and non-acidic food such as salads, nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, olive oil, fish, fruits (such as strawberries, oranges, grapes, lime, tomatoes, mangoes, etc.).
  • Have calcium-rich foods such as milk and milk products.

How Much to Use?

Some studies suggest that vitamin C can reduce the period of a cold by a margin of 24 to 30 hours.

However, another set of reviews state that even very high doses of Vitamin C i .e. 3gm/day is useless and not useful. So this remedy might not work for everybody. It can boost the immune system, though, for sure.


  • Consult a doctor and then take vitamin supplements containing Magnesium, Calcium, and Vitamin C ( if needed)
  • High doses of vitamin C sometimes recommended for cold and flu can upset the stomach and even cause diarrhea in some people.

6. Moringa

How Much to Take

Moringa is a tropical herb with a lot of medicinal benefits. It is said to give relief in fever to rabbits. It has a lot of antioxidants; anti-inflammatory agents that help bring comfort during a fever.

How to Use?

  • Rub Moringa oil all over your body and massage well. This will help to reduce body heat.
  • Soaking Moringa bark in water and drinking the infused water twice a day will help in fever.

How Much to Use?

  • You can take a spoonful of Moringa oil twice a day for quick relief.
  • Moringa tree extract has numerous disadvantages too, as it can disturb fertility, uterine contraction in females, therefore use OIL not extract.
  • In other words, go for external treatment, not any internal treatment in case of moringa herb.

[Read: Benefits of Moringa Seeds]

7. Acupressure


How Much to Take

There are various acupressure points on our body to help reduce fever.

How to Use?

There are various acupressure points on our body to help reduce fever. Some of them are:-

  • The point beside the outer elbow crease, also known as crooked pond point.
  • The point between the index finger and the thumb also known as union valley.
  • The point on the base of every fingernail.


8. Soaking all the Way

Why to use

Soaking the body in the normal temperature water can bring relief to the fever as it brings down body temperature and calms the nervous system of the body.

How to Use?

You can add Epsom salt or mustard powder to the bath and soak your body in it for 10 to 15 minutes.

How Much to Use?

2-3 tablespoon of Epsom salt or mustard powder are enough for one bath.


Don’t remain in the bathtub for more than half an hour; it may have a negative effect on fever. Visit the doctor, if you feel uncomfortable and the fever is high and persistent do visit a doctor.

Additional Points to Note

1. Rest

Fever is an indication that our body is working hard to fight off the viruses. Thus, plenty of rest is required for the body to self-heal and strengthen the immunity system. A right amount of rest and 7-8 hours of peaceful sleep can work wonders.

2. Wet Scocks

The wet sock treatment has been beneficial during fever to bring down body temperatures. Wear a pair of soaking damp cotton socks before going to bed and wear a pair of dry ones over it. This will instantly bring down the body temperature and increase the circulation of blood.

3. Cold Head Cloth

Placing cold, wet cloth to your head and feet helps to reduce the body temperature, thus providing relief to the body. During fever, the body is inflammated and heated up. Even external help as a cooling agent can be quite useful.

4. Stay Cool

During fever, the temperature of the body shoots up, therefore, to provide comfort to the body avoid extreme temperatures and stay indoors in a cooler temperature.

A fever cannot be kept at bay forever since it is a common reflex of the body. However, maintaining a certain level of hygiene can prevent people around the affected person to be safe. The more one stays away from infectious agents, the better it is for them.

Fever can happen to anybody and at any age. A few tips and tricks of home remedies on your fingertips would help you bring relief for your cared ones instantly. Though the medications are available, you should avoid them in mild fever. During this phase, you should sit back, rest, and let your loved ones take plenty of care of you.


1. How Long Does a Fever Last?

The amount of time that a fever would last and its frequency is determined by the infection that caused it in the first place. A viral fever (caused due to viruses) lasts up to about 3 to 4 days and in some cases and extend upto 2 weeks.

A bacterial fever can, however, be cured through antibiotics. A fever lasting longer than 2 weeks can be a sign of a severe health issue, and you should seek a doctor immediately.

2. What Are Some Best Fever Reducers for Adults?

For quick relief from fever, while you’re on the go, you can try over-the-countermedications like Ibuprofen (Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol or Paracetamol). They work well for reducing fever and inflammation.

Although they might not work for a long term relief and multiple dosages may require along with an antibiotic. Do you consult a physician before use?

3. Can Fever Be Dangerous for Your Health?

Fevers are a common phenomenon for the human body. It is how the body heals itself after battling the harmful viruses. Fever is considered good for our health as it burns away all the toxins stimulating our immunity system.

However, if the fever is above mild temperatures, for a prolonged period and is accompanied by other additional symptoms; then you might want to consult a doctor immediately as it could indicate underlying major medical issues.