Beauty & Skin Care

7 Inexpensive Remedies to get rid of Lip Lines

Smile please, yes you look beautiful now. But what if smiling becomes a problem, not of your nature, but of your looks? What if you are smiling with the thought of being conscious about those lip lines at the back of your mind? Lips are among the most beautiful parts of your body. Be it, men or women, everyone wants to have perfect lips since they enhance your looks. Read further to know remedies on how to get rid of lip lines.

What are Lip Lines?

Lip Lines are the lines that are formed right above your upper lips. These are usually vertical wrinkles starting from your upper lips right to the bottom of your nostrils. These wrinkles generally appear due to aging.


Why do I have lines on my lips? Well, this is a widespread issue. Lip Lines happen due to many factors. Let us have a look at them starting with the most common:

While we age, the two proteins crucial to the skin begin to break down. Also due to aging, the body cannot generate these proteins or natural oils to hydrate your body. It results in dullness and wrinkles.

  • Exposure to the sun for long hours
  • Dehydration and unhealthy diet
  • Fewer hours of sleep
  • Consumption of excess alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Being too lazy to exercise

Now do not think that you are going to live with these lip lines for a lifetime. The good news is that these are wholly treatable and you can get rid of them.

[ Read: Home Remedies for Chapped Lips ]

How to Get Rid of Lip Lines?

While science has progressed a lot, you can still work on how to get rid of lip lines without surgery. Here are the most inexpensive ways you can adapt to steer clear the lip lines:

1. Cinnamon and natural oil

Image: Shutterstock

Take a pinch of cinnamon(1) and mix it with any natural oil of your choice. Apply the mixture and massage it on your skin and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it away with warm water and pat dry.

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2.  Sugar scrub

Sugar is the best natural scrub that is readily available at your home. Mix it with some lemon juice and rub it on your lips twice a week. Also, you can make a sugar and water paste and apply it every night. It works as an excellent exfoliation treatment and heals the wrinkles on the lips.

You Can Buy Sugar Scrub Online

3. Drinking Water

Drinking plenty of water is good for health and increases the collagen level which keeps the lips soft. However, getting the bottle to your mouth and gulping down water leads to lip lines around the mouth. So avoid using bottles and fetch the glass.

4. Foods rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants(2) and Omega 3 Fatty acids comprise vitamins, minerals and free radicals that keep the skin youthful for a longer time. These nutrients help to treat existing lip lines and also prevent the new ones. A few antioxidant-rich foods include berries, broccoli, carrots, and spinach.

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5. Clarified butter


Clarified butter is an age-old remedy usually used by the ancestors. It is a perfect moisturizer for the skin and lips which helps on how to get rid of lip lines.

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6. Milk cream

Milk cream is again one of the oldest remedies. Try to store some milk cream and apply it on your lips every day. This remedy will surely bid a farewell to your wrinkles around lips and will help to get rid of lip lines quickly.

7. Facial exercises

Even your face has muscles in some of its parts like forehead and cheeks. Just like strong body muscles lead to soft body skin, similarly strong facial muscles lead to the soft facial skin.

For this, it is important to practice facial exercises such as stretching your lips into a wide smile and back to normal, half smile and back to normal. You can try out many variations of facial exercises on the internet. It will help you get free from wrinkles around the mouth and also on how to get rid of lip lines.

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Scientific Remedies to get rid of lip lines:

Science has progressed a lot in the beauty section not leaving a single part of it untouched. Let us have a look at some of the remedies on how to get rid of lip lines:


Filler is a method where collagen gets inserted in the lips through injection. Since due to aging, the body cannot produce enough collagen naturally, the collagen is either taken from an external source or your own body. This solution is inexpensive since collagen is available at a low cost. However, this is a temporary solution and lasts for about three months.

Laser Treatment:

There are laser treatments which can be used by themselves or along with fillers. However, the results here are seen only after several sittings. Moreover, it lasts for a year, and there can be soreness, redness and swelling a few days after the treatment.

[ Read: Coconut Lip Balm ]

Precautions to prevent lip lines:

While we have discussed the do’s to get rid of lip lines, now is the time to come to precautions and preventions for how to get rid of lip lines:

  • One thing that you must avoid is smoking. Lip lines are inevitable because of age. However, smoking worsens it, and you might see these signs at a very young age
  • Also, do not underestimate the power of sunscreen in preventing lip lines. Apply sunscreen on the area above your upper lips to avoid the harsh rays of the sun


The best part is that there are natural as well as scientific treatments available on how to get rid of the vertical lip lines. However, the natural remedies are a good bet since they will be a permanent cure of how to get rid of lip lines as compared to scientific solutions. There are multiple ways listed above to cure lip lines. Try them and experience a beautiful smile with confidence and happiness.