Beauty & Skin Care

How to Treat Blackheads Using Homemade Facemasks

Face mask for blackheads works beautifully by exposing these blackheads to elements that help to dissolve them while being applied to these masks; it improves the condition and prevents fresh spread-outs in the future. Masks that contain chemical exfoliators like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or both helps in loosening oil and dead cells congesting the follicle.

According to specialists, charcoal, a natural ingredient works as great impurities and dirt absorbent. It is recommended to be tolerant if your problem persists, solicit a dermatologist’s help. One will find many skincare routines and face masks on the internet.

Blackheads are common if you are having oily skin or a combined one. The small clogged pore is certainly the blackheads, resulted due to hypersecretion of sebum and oil, age and other factors like pollution, sun exposure, lifestyle factors, free radicals and blackheads with time become stronger and take the course of pigmentation and dark spots.

Various Face Masks for Blackheads

1. Charcoal Facemask


Why to Use?

Tired with blackheads? Try out charcoal masks; charcoal has a deep penetrating property into the pores. It absorbs the oil and dead skin, which leads to ductile accumulation resulting in unwanted blackheads. With an anti-blackhead bamboo charcoal face pack, it banishes all your acne and blackheads. Its active rich carbon content elements guarantee improved skin texture and deep cleansing.

This face pack clears dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt from all over the face by tightening pores and lifting blackheads. It even targets various impurities and acne, making skin appears visibly smoother and brighter. Bamboo charcoal has a unique composition that penetrates deep into the skin and easily breaks down the toxic deposits, thereby improving skin’s elasticity making it appear nourished and clear.

How to Use It?

Add water and essential oil in a bowl, and add little bentonite clay from the top. Keep it for 10 secs. Using a small rubber spatula, mix the ingredients in the bowl. Apply over the face and keep it to dry for 10 mins. Then wash the face with soap and warm water.

How Much to Use?

Depending on skin condition, one can use 1-3 times in a week.

Tips/Dos &Don’t’s

People having sensitive skin or eczema, using charcoal masks can spoil their skin.

[Read: Natural Remedies for Blackheads]

2. Milk and Honey Mask

Why/what is in it that helps prevent blackhead:  They together act a great cleanser.

How to Use?

Take a bowl, mix 2 tsp. of honey in ¼ cup of milk, mix well and apply it with a clean cotton ball gently all over the face, wait for ten to fifteen minutes and rinse it thoroughly with Luke warm water.

How Much to Use?

Follow this procedure twice a week.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s:

Microwave the above mixture before applying over the face.

3. Lemon Juice and Egg Whites Mask


Why/what is in it that helps prevent blackhead:  The antibacterial property of honey is beneficial for oily skin.

How to Use?

Apply the mixture of 1 tsp. Lime juice and one egg white with a face cleansing brush on your face. Let it soak for ten to fifteen minutes after it stiffens your skin and dries up. Clean it off with the help of cold water followed by a moisturizer.

How Much to Use?

One can apply this mask daily 1 to 2 times.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s:

People with sensitive skin should avoid using it.

[Read: Home Remedies for Blackheads]

 4. Honey and Cinnamon Mask

How to Use?

Awesome natural face mask for blackheads, apply this thick paste of 3 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder thoroughly on your face. Wait until 20 minutes before washing it off. Concentrate on particular trouble-causing areas like chin, forehead or T-zone if you possess any.

How Much to Use?

Anyone can use this mask daily for a minimum of 2 weeks

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s

people allergic to honey may come across side effects like swelling, wheezing and itching.

5. Lemon, Yoghurt and Oatmeal Facemask


Why/what is in it that helps prevent blackhead: Yoghurt helps to scrape pimples and acne from the face.

How to Use?

Take 2 tsp. of oatmeal, immerse it in 1stp of yogurt, put some lemon juice to it and apply this mask entirely over the face. Wait for twenty minutes before cleaning it up. This is one of the most worthwhile homemade facemasks for blackheads.

How Much to Use?

Can be applied over the face once in a week.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s

It is recommended to undergo a patch test on having sensitive skin.

[Read: Oatmeal Mask for Acne]

6. Gelatin, Lemon and Mint Face Mask

Why/what is in it that helps prevent blackhead: Lemon juice reduces swelling and keeps the skin firm.

How to Use?

Take some mint leaves, boil it in minimal water quantity, and allow it to cool.  Then, microwave 1/3 cup of pure water for fifteen seconds. Followed by this mix 1 tsp of gelatin powder in that warm water and stir it well, to this add the already prepared mint tea and one tsp of lemon juice. Apply this uniformly over your face, wait until it turns complete dry. Finally, take off gently and wash your face using cold water.

How Much to Use?

Follow this process once a week.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s

Remove the mask immediately, if irritation occurs.

7. Gelatin, Cucumber, and Green Tea Face Mask


gelatin is very helpful for dry skins and behaves as a cleansing factor.

How to Use?

In a cup take 1/3 portion of warm water, to it blend 1 tsp. of gelatin powder, cucumber of 2 tsp. and 2 tsp. of green tea. Apply over the face and wash it off after 20 minutes.

How Much to Use?

Can be used regularly.

Related Post

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s

Be careful while peeling off the mask

[Read: Green Tea Face Packs]

 8. Honey and Baking Soda Face Mask

Baking soda has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which reduce blackheads.

How to Use?

Mix 2 tsp. of honey with 2 tsp. of baking soda, apply this with a facial brush. Wash it off using cold water after 15 minutes. Don’t wait too long with the face mask as baking soda can create irritation in your skin. Easy to get Face mask for blackheads, all are present in the kitchen.

How Much to Use?

not to be used daily.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s

Baking Soda can cause irritation in the skin.

9.  Aloe Vera and Green Tea Face Mask

Image: ShutterStock

Green tea, a strong antibacterial factor helps to unclog pores and treats acne.

How to Use?

With ¼ the cup of cool green tea mix 1tsp aloe Vera gel, make a molten mask out of it. Apply with the help of a cotton pad. Relax for twenty minutes and then rinse it off.

How Much to Use?

Practise this Face mask for blackheads twice a week.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s:

People allergic to aloe vera should avoid using this mask.

10. Sheet Masks

People having acne-prone skins, using a sheet mask can help in clearing the pores. Sheet masks which contain pore-clearing components work amazingly towards reducing blackheads leaving your skin graceful and hydrated. Sheet mask of tea tree oil controls oil secretion and relieves irritated skin. Kaolin premium hot and cold pore pack duo minimizes pores, calms inflammation and hydrates skin. One can find this on Amazon.

How to Use?

Are you feeling lazy to apply water on the face? Take some honey in your hand and pat it down all over your face in shape, particularly the area of blackheads, the sticky nature of honey gets stuck on pores as you further move your finger, it gets to pull out.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s:

One must not put the same used sheet mask over the face.

How Much to Use?

According to dermatologists, sheet masks should be used once a week.

11. Egg Face Mask for Blackheads


The egg whites provide nutrition to the skin; it exfoliates and dries up the area where blackhead has popped up. This method prevents skin discoloration caused form acne.

How to Use?

Use this egg Facemask for blackheads, gently apply over the face and wash after 10-15 mins. It is one of the promising Face masks for blackheads to get rid of trouble making blackheads. The more you use natural ingredients, the safer your skin is from getting exposed to chemicals.

How Much to Use?

Repeat this method 2-3 times a week to feel the changes and eliminate blackheads permanently.

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s:

People having should avoid using egg regularly.

12. Baking Soda Facemask for Blackheads

Lemon has antibacterial properties; honey acts as a hydrating agent and baking soda as an anti-inflammatory agent. Together they can help to fade away redness, moisturize, soothe and cleanse the skin. Blackheads are nothing but dead skin cells and oils trapped in the skin, making it porous to pollutants, which results in making it black in color.

How to Use?

People at times apply a mixture of honey, lemon, and baking soda to produce a mask.

How Much to Use?

In week 2-3 times

[Also Read: Use Baking Soda For Blackheads]

Tips/Dos and Don’t’s:

Dilute it with water before applying over the face. Works minimum to remove blackheads, people with sensitive should avoid applying this. It may give you burning sensation on applying over armpit rashes, burning, and redness. It does not suit many people, but it’s not harmful.

Blackheads are simply pimples devoid of any skin. For this, they are vulnerable to air and pollutants. The uppermost layer of the pore oxidizes and with time becomes blackish. All you need is to take enough care to cleanse these pores, no need for squeezing or squishing.

There are many procedures one can choose to exfoliate and dump blackheads. Applying various facemasks can help to make your blackheads disappear and allow your skin to breathe freely.


1. How to Make a Mask for Blackheads?

Go for nutmeg and milk. The scrubby nature of nutmeg helps in oil removal and lactic acid from milk assists loosening of dead skin cells so that it gets washed away while rinsing. For optimum results, try buttermilk for its rich lactic acid content than regular milk.

2. What Is the Best Face Mask for Blackheads?

Most affordable and easy to get, a mixture of honey and milk is the easiest face mask one can make sitting at home. Hassle-free, grab your favorite series while preparing. All are present in your kitchen, no added responsibilities for buying products in a small bowl mix 2tsp of honey and 1/4th cup of milk. Using a fresh cotton ball spread the mask over the face. Grab some comics or your favorite series, after ten to fifteen minutes; cleanse it off using warm water.

3. Is It Possible to Remove Blackheads Permanently?

If your skin is more inclined towards blackheads, possibilities are their oily skin, and large pores are going to stay with you for the entire life, but chances are there to reverse this situation completely.

Again large pores and oily skin doesn’t wrinkle quickly because in these cases, skins have a potential to restores oils on their own. At mid 6o’s this can be a blessing for you. You can resist this problem with a touch of tender loving care.

Start choosing the right products to take care of your skin, which also involves topical applications, exercise, and diet. It may happen to cure your skin you may land up trying too many products without realizing, all these contain a chemical that may counteract, damaging the health of your skin.

That is why it is recommended to follow a particular skincare routine, containing natural ingredients. Try to eat green leafy vegetables and drink more water. Homemade remedies have always given satisfying results. In extreme cases, seek out a dermatologist help to find the right treatment for you.