Herbs & Spices

Licorice Root Effective Skin Treatment Since Ages

Licorice root is renowned as a medicinal herb. Licorice was found to be used by Japanese Geishas. It is considered as a fundamental herb as per the Chinese traditional medicine. It has been used for more than 4000 years and boosts skin benefits in different ways.

The two important parts extracted from the licorice root – Glycyrrhizin acid, and Glabridin hosts medicinal purposes, and can treat a wide array of ailments like congestion, stomach ulcers, and congestion.

Licorice Root syrup, too, makes for a great skincare routine. It also is one very good alternative to that heavy anti-aging and anti-marks creams.


Glycyrrhizin acid(1), a licorice root extract is 50 times sweeter than sugar

Still, having a hard time believing in the benefits of Liquorice? Here are the reasons why you should add this super herb to your daily beauty routine:

Why Use Licorice Root for Skin?

1. Fight Wrinkles


Skincare requires you to add natural ingredients to your routine. Natural alternatives help you treat the impurities, and skin damage called by UVB rays and free radicals.

Licorice is also full of antioxidants. It helps block free radicals and prevents your skin from premature aging and effectively treats fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Brightens Skin

Extra Melanin deposits around the skin can make your skin patchy and dark. Licorice root is an exciting natural option to treat patches; dark skin gives you an even tone.

Also, if you are suffering from melasma (known as the mask of pregnancy), Licorice root is a great natural remedy to help lighten the dark-toned skin caused post-delivery.

3. Eases Inflammation

pH imbalance leads to sensitive skin, which could be prone to inflammation and itchiness of the skin.

Glycyrrhizin found in licorice roots helps to relieve from redness and soothes skin inflammation.

4. Soothes and Hydrates

Another great use of licorice root is that it soothes sensitive skin. The root is comprised of glycyrrhizin, a triterpenoid saponin of licorice.

When these triterpenoids come into contact with the skin, it triggers steroid growth in the skin. Steroids help increase recovery time, which is evident from the curing of sensitive skin such as eczema and rosacea.

5. Heal Wounds and Skin Infections


Licorice has natural antimicrobial and antifungal properties and is great for wound cleaning. It also helps to keep swelling and redness to a minimum. The Liquorice works by reducing the number of bacteria on the skin and allowing the skin to repair faster.

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6. Provides Natural Sun Protection

Licorice roots provide natural sun protection. The antioxidants in licorice roots prevent oxidation. It also protects against damage caused by exposure to the sun!

How to Use Licorice Root for Skin?

The best way to use licorice roots is to powder the licorice roots and make tea. Simply take those licorice roots from the kitchen and put them in a mortar and pestle. Grind the licorice roots into a fine powder and add one teaspoon to your daily morning tea and consume hot. However, should you wish you can use licorice roots supplement capsules or gels on your skin?

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Other Benefits of Using Licorice Roots

Treat Sore Throat

Licorice as a sore throat remedy.

The researchers showed that gargling a licorice solution for 1–15 minutes before surgery was as effective as a ketamine gargle in reducing the incidence and severity of postoperative sore throat.

A similar study found that a higher concentration of licorice was more effective than less concentrated solutions in improving postoperative sore throat.

Treats Tooth decay

Research suggests that licorice may help kill tooth decay-causing bacteria.

It has an ability to inhibit the growth of oral bacteria, thus proving its potential as a future cavity treatment.

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Right Dosage

  • Those opting for licorice roots supplement tablets should take no more than 100 milligrams per day(2). Overdose of licorice roots tablets could lead to hypertension and seizures. So if you are opting for this opting, consult a physician.
  • Licorice roots for skin are the ancient remedy for many skin problems. It is the ideal solution for those with sensitive skin and comes with several benefits that apply the minimum amount you need.
  • You can opt for licorice root supplements. However, start off with 0.2 milligrams since you need licorice roots for oil control


1. Are Licorice Roots Safe?

Licorice roots are very much safe to use and give you good results for skin problems. However, like some people, you experience headaches and stomach upsets. Regardless, these problems only occur if you have an overdose.

2. I Have Sensitive Skin and Often Suffer From Outbursts of Acne. Is Licorice Roots Supplement Safe to Use?

Yes. Licorice roots are the perfect solution for those with sensitive skin and even for people with a combination of sensitive dry and sensitive oily skin.

3. I Suffer From Hypertension? Can I Add Licorice Roots for Tea?

Licorice roots have glycyrrhetinic acid, which leads to dangerous levels of hypertension and hypokalemia. So no, you cannot add licorice roots to your tea. However, you could ask your physician for another alternative.