
Are You Drinking Water At The Right Times Of The Day?

Doesn’t everyone recommends to drink plenty of water throughout the day and associate not taking it in abundance with any or every problem that you might be having? Yes, right! But has anyone till now mentioned that drinking water at certain times might harm you or in reverse case can benefit you more than ever? No! Water is your body’s desired fuel hence be all ears as there are times when you can reap the maximum benefits of that plain glass of water!

Drinking water is an essential part of life. But drinking at random hours will not do. There is a right time for everything and so is there a right time to drink water too. Read on to find out more about when to drink water and how much to drink throughout the day to lead a healthy and hearty life.

How much water should you drink in a day?

The human body is composed of about 60% of water. The body continually loses water in the forms of sweat and urine. It is of utmost necessity to drink water at regular intervals for the prevention of dehydration and other diseases linked with insufficient drinking of water.


It is recommended by the National Academy of Medicines to drink about 2 liters of water on a daily basis. You need to sip water throughout the day at every hour even if you do not feel thirsty. It is the best way to flush out toxins from the body.

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What are the amazing health benefits of drinking water?

Water plays a crucial role in the maintenance of health and beauty. There are countless benefits of drinking water, and some of them are.

  1. Enhancement of the body immune system
  2. Improvement in physical energy and performance
  3. Elimination of toxins, wastes, and dead cells from the body
  4. Support in losing excess body weight
  5. Natural treatment and prevention of skin diseases and blemishes like acne, pimples, dark spots, and dullness of the skin
  6. Preservation of the health of the digestive system by the prevention of constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, and indigestion
  7. Cure of headaches, sleepiness, and fatigue by the increase of alertness and vigilance
  8. Regulation of healthy body temperature
  9. Maintenance of the healthy pH balance of the body
  10. Prevention of cardiovascular problems and preservation of the health of the heart
  11. Natural treatment of muscular cramp and sprains
  12. Preservation of the health and functioning of the kidneys
  13. Protection of the hepatic health

What are the best times to drink water in a day and why?

Drinking water might sound simple, but its effects on health and beauty know no bounds. But at what time should you drink water to gain the maximum benefit? Find out right now.

  1. After Waking Up
  2. Before sitting Down to a Meal
  3. Drive out hunger with water
  4. Before a Workout
  5. Post Workout Session
  6. Exposed to Unhealthy Germs
  7. If you are sick
  8. Feel Fatigued or Sleepy

1. Drink water right after waking up


Imagine cruising through the day with a bloated stomach? You can avoid every little disaster with just a glass of water.

Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach right after waking up to flush out the toxins, the stubborn free radicals, and the residue from the last night’s digestion and metabolism. Taking water right after waking up helps to clear out the bowel in the morning thus enables you to feel light and happy throughout the day.

2. Drink water before sitting down to a meal


If you are feeling exceptionally hungry before hitting your dining table, then there are chances that you might overheat, and it results to be right in most of the cases. But you can drown your fears of overeating with a glass of water. Drink a glass of water before sitting down to breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner to curb your appetite and make you feel full. Besides, the water helps in triggering the taste buds, hydrating the mouth and intestinal lining, enabling quicker digestion, and preventing acid reflux as well.

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3. Drive out hunger with water

If you are trying hard to break the bad habit of eating between meals, then taking in water can be a lifesaver for you. Hydrate yourself regularly to beat hunger pangs and sudden cravings for food. Drinking water helps to keep calorie consumption in check and prevent random snacking and overeating.

4. Drink water before a workout

Working out results in the loss of excess water through sweat that might result in dehydration if you do not replenish the fluids well. Counter the state of dehydration by taking water at least 10-15 minutes before hitting the gym or going out for a jog or sprint. You should even drink water before doing yoga to prevent dehydration through sweating. You should also drink water during and after the workout session to stay properly hydrated and healthy.

5. Drink water post workout session


It is essential to drink plenty of water following a vigorous workout session to make up for the loss of excess water through sweating and urination. The amount of water to be taken depends on several factors such as health conditions, body weight, temperature conditions, the extent of exercise, and more. Don’t drink water too quickly otherwise; you might get stomach cramps and sudden chest pain if the water gushes into your system.

6. Drink water when you get exposed to unhealthy germs

A hydrated body acts as a barricade against bacteria and infection. So if you are inside a hospital, at school, work or perhaps traveling in public transport then sip on water throughout the stay to protect your health against the invasion of disease-causing microbes and germs.

7. Drink more water if you are sick

If you are affected with fever, cold, or any infection, then drink more water than usual. WHO recommends drinking at least 9-11 glasses of water along with other fluids throughout the day to enable the immune system to fight harder against the infection and to balance the level of electrolytes in the body.

8. Drink water when you feel fatigued or sleepy

Water might not be as effective as a dose of strong caffeine, but it is healthier and hence way better than coffee for driving out weariness and tired feelings. Drink water to beat dehydration which is one of the primary causes of fatigue. Water can rush throughout the body and reach the brain quickly to make it alert and more vigilant.

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What are the times when you should not drink water in a day and why?

  1. Already gulped down enough
  2. When your urine is clear
  3. After a heavy meal
  4. Immediately after rigorous workouts
  5. If it contains synthetic additives

This question might sound like a joke to you, but there is a wrong time for drinking water. There are times when you need to avoid chugging in the lifesaving drink even if your throat feels as dry as the Sahara to prevent putting your precious health at risk. Check out the worst times to drink water and keep them in mind before you take another thirsty sip.

1. Avoid water when you have already gulped down enough

If you are planning to drain out the Pacific Ocean, then please stop. Drinking more water than the body requires dilutes the natural salts in the body and lowers the level of electrolytes like sodium and potassium in the body.

Hyponatremia is the medical condition that refers to the deficiency of electrolytes in the body caused by drinking excess water and by the use of specific medications such as pain-killers, antidepressants, and diuretics. Athletes have a habit of drinking large volumes of water that causes bloating, cellular swelling, seizures, nausea, and vomiting. Avoid drinking beyond the required level to stay healthy.

2. Avoid water when your urine is clear

If you are puzzling over whether you have taken sufficient water or not then here’s an easy solution for you. Take a close look at your urine and note down its color. If the color of your urine is pale yellow, then it implies that you have had enough water. If it is clear and transparent as water, then you need to stop drinking water for a while. But if the urine appears dark yellow then panic a little and fill your glass right now.

3. Avoid water after a heavy meal

Taking water after a heavy dinner interferes with the process of digestion. It dilutes the digestive enzymes and juices and leads to indigestion, bloating stomach cramps, and discomfort. It is recommended to avoid water during the meal as well to preserve the health of the digestive tract. If you do feel thirsty during meal times or after eating then drink buttermilk, lemon water, and such other fluids which aid in the metabolic process.

4. Avoid water immediately after rigorous workouts

Rigorous workout sessions not only cause loss of water from the body but also trigger the loss of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Drinking plain water is not enough for the replenishment of the water and electrolyte balance in the body. So avoid water right after an intense session of working out. Instead, drink a sports drink, sugar, and salt solution, coconut water, and protein shake which are rich in vitamin C, sodium, magnesium, and potassium.

5.  Avoid water if it contains synthetic additives

Let’s admit it, it is boring to drink plain and tasteless water, but drinking artificially sweetened water is toxic for health. Even if they come with flashy labels claiming zero calories and zero sugar, they are still harmful and can cause weight gain and obesity. You can try flavoring the water in natural ways by tossing in diced fruits and berries into it, by preparing lemonade, and watermelon juices that will make the water taste delicious and enthuse you to drink more water as well.

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What happens if you don’t drink enough water?

Water is life. It is the backbone, the pillar of strength, the oxygen of existence. Find out the frightening health complications that are caused by not drinking sufficient water.

  1. Sudden gain in body weight
  2. Dip in energy levels
  3. Loss of concentration power
  4. Increase in the risk of cardiac problems
  5. Causes mood swings and irritation
  6. Triggers hunger pangs

1. Sudden gain in body weight


Skipping out on drinking an adequate amount of water causes water retention and consequent increase in body weight. When you do not drink sufficient water, the body tends to retain every ounce of water to prevent dehydration. The gain in body weight is temporary and can get controlled by drinking an adequate volume of water throughout the day.

2. Dip in energy levels

The slightest dehydration can cause weakness, fatigue, and significant draining out of energy. It is of utmost importance to stay hydrated continuously to fight against tiredness and lack of vigilance.

3. Loss of concentration power

The cognitive ability and functioning of the brain are enormously dependent upon water. When you do not drink water, your body gets dehydrated. The dehydration impairs the capabilities of the brain and reduces concentration power and mental flexibility. It has been proven by the National Center for Biological Research that drinking water can enhance the functioning of the brain by about 14%.

4. Increase in the risk of cardiac problems


Mild to severe dehydration can expose the heart to the dangers of strokes and cardiac attacks. Dehydration can also delay the recovery from strokes and worsen the symptoms of cardiac disorders.

5. Causes mood swings and irritation

If you are feeling cranky and irritated, then it is because you haven’t had enough water to drink in a while. Drinking sufficient water helps to stay calm and composed. When you don’t drink enough water, the body reacts to counter the dehydration with sudden mood swings, headaches, irritation of temper.

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6. Triggers hunger pangs

The brain often gets confused between hunger and dehydration and triggers hunger cravings when you are in reality feeling dry and thirsty. If your stomach is rumbling then drink a glass of good old water, instead of popping in a sugary treat. Drinking low amount of water causes overeating and leads to unhealthy snacking between meals. Drink water to beat such hunger cravings.

Water is not just a drink but a panacea that can cure every ailment on Earth. From making your skin glow with health and beauty to preserving your physiological health, drinking water is the best effort that you can make for your health. So the next time you feel weird, cranky, doubtful, disturbed, uncomfortable, or sick, slush it down with a glass of crisp and refreshing water.