
How Cinnamon Can Spice up Your Health

One of the most prized spices in the world is cinnamon! Cinnamon is usually used as a spice in Indian recipes, but an alternate way to consume that would be to make a cinnamon-infused tea. This tea can become your favorite morning beverage while allowing your body to reap the benefits of cinnamon tea.

Tea is a ubiquitous beverage in most households; it’s a great way to alter the taste of your tea and add some variety. To utilize the health benefits of cinnamon tea, you could also add ginger, cloves, etc. Cinnamon tea works for your body in ways that will make you opt-out of other medications/therapies. Let us find out how.

Facts About Cinnamon Tea

  • Did you know cinnamon is collected from inside the barks of a tree?
  • A cinnamon stick is also referred to as a quill.
  • Cinnamon tea has a relaxing effect on your body.
  • Cinnamon teas have two varieties – one is made from – Ceylon Cinnamon and the other from cassia cinnamon.
  • It is known to aid weight loss.
  • The benefits of cinnamon tea prevent the occurrence of any chronic disease.
  • Cinnamon tea acts as an excellent mouth freshener when used as a mouth rinse.
  • Cinnamon tea is known to kill lethargy in your body.

How Does Cinnamon Tea Work for Your Body?

Cinnamon is everyone’s preferred spice. Adding this spice adds an aroma to your tea. It not only makes it delicious but also adds on the benefits of cinnamon tea to your body.

  • Cinnamon tea is full of antioxidants(1). Like most herbal teas, it offers health benefits. IT protects the body against free radicals caused by oxidative stress. Heart diseases, cancer are known to be caused by free radicals. Cinnamon tea is an excellent way to prevent it from occurring.
  • Drinking a cup of cinnamon tea improves your heart health. As cinnamon tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, it prevents your arteries from thickening and helps in the functioning of a healthy heart.
  • Research says that drinking cinnamon tea works on your brain health and improves brainpower. Cinnamon helps in the production of Dopamine that is known to normalize neurotransmitters.
  • Cinnamon is known to boost your immunity. Drinking cinnamon tea prevents the growth of unhealthy bacteria in your body. It is anti-bacterial and kills the growth of candida Albicans and salmonella.

Different Cinnamon Teas That You Could Try

Here are some ways to prepare and utilize the benefits of cinnamon tea.

1. Banana Cinnamon Tea


This tea is beneficial to treat insomnia.

Things you will need:

One raw banana, one pot of water, ½ tsp cinnamon powder.


Boil water in a pot, and then add a banana to the water. Sprinkle cinnamon and strain after a while. Drink this half an hour before you go to bed.

[Read: Benefits of Chaga Tea]

2. Regular Cinnamon Tea

This tea helps reduce PMS and menstrual cramps

Things you will need:

1 small cinnamon stick, water, milk/sweetening agent.


First, boil water in a heavy bottom pan. Then, add cinnamon in a mug and add the hot water. Let it steep for a few minutes. You can add honey if you like it sweet. Strain and drink.

3. Cinnamon with Black Tea


This tea aids Weight Loss

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Things you will need

1 cinnamon stick, 1 tsp loose black tea leaves, water to boil, milk or sugar


Boil water in a pan and add a cinnamon stick to it. Let it steep for 10 minutes. Add tea leaves. Turn off flame and let it steep for another 3 minutes. Strain and add sugar/honey if you like it sweet. To enhance the taste, you could also add milk to it.

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4. Cinnamon and Ginger Tea

This tea protects against ailments, especially cold. The benefits of cinnamon tea are much more when you add some grated ginger to the concoction.


Boil water in a pan and add cinnamon(2) and ginger juice. Add tea leaves and let it steep for a while: strain and drink. You can add some sugar if you like. Do not forget to try this the next time you have a cold.

[Read: Health Benefits of Tea]

Precautions of Using Cinnamon Tea

  • It must be consumed in a safe, proportionate amount.
  • It is known to generate heat. Hence an excess amount can cause side effects, leading ulcers and mouth sores.
  • Always check for allergies. If you experience symptoms of swelling, itching, or breathing, stop drinking this tea immediately.
  • If you have a liver problem, it is recommended you do not drink cinnamon Tea.

Cinnamon, besides being an impressive spice, is also beneficial for your health. It lowers blood pressure, treats blood sugar, aids in sleep, and much more. A cup of cinnamon tea every day is going to benefit you every day.

Cinnamon tea is easy to make and is readily available. There is no ground rule as to when you should be drinking this tea, but it is better if you drink in the morning or before sleep, as it aids sleep. If you use tea for weight loss, make sure you cut down on sugar.


1. Can Cinnamon Tea Be Consumed When Cold?

The benefits of cinnamon are extracted when it is allowed to steep in hot water. For flu or weight loss, it must be consumed hot. But if you want to sip onto it casually, you can drink it when cold.

2. What Form of Cinnamon Should I Use While Making Tea?

You can use a cinnamon stick or powdered cinnamon for making cinnamon tea. Both of these forms have the same benefits.