Natural Remedies

Uses & Benefits of Argan Oil for Hair Growth

Ever wondered having those long, beautifully dense and shiny tresses that turn heads as you walk down the road? It is the fantasy of every girl and woman to have that perfect crown and they would go to great lengths to achieve it. But sadly, not everyone finds the right solution or advice.

The haircare market is flooded with tons of products ranging from serums, oils, gels, conditioners, and shampoos. Unfortunately, many of these products are synthetic and harsh and can cause long term damage to hair and scalp if not used properly.

All these problems not only damage the hair but also hurt the appearance and overall self-image of a person. Hence, for today’s woman, hair care has become a very important part of the daily beauty regime. As known traditionally, natural oils are a great source of nourishment for hair. Argan oil for hair growth is the perfect package for hair care.

Causes of hair damage


Predominantly, hair damage can generally occur due to the following factors.

  1. Medication
  2. Hormonal imbalance
  3. Excessive use of chemical hair care products
  4. Diet habits
  5. Stress
  6. Heredity


The symptoms of damaged hair are easy to spot visually. The following are few which affect many women:

  1. Split ends
  2. Unusual heat damage
  3. Extreme shedding
  4. Dullness
  5. Extensive tangling
  6. Lack of moisture

Argan oil for hair growth


Argan oil(1) is a type of plant-based oil produced naturally from the kernels of Argania Spinosa L. commonly known as the Argan tree. This oil is native to the magical land of Morocco. Argan oil for hair growth is naturally prepared and thus has no irritating effects on the scalp. This makes it extremely reliable for use. Besides hair growth, Argan oil also has many other advantages for the skin and body. Here are some of the benefits of Argan oil:

  1. Prevents and cures dandruff.
  2. Acts as an excellent hair conditioner
  3. Helps in styling the hair
  4. Helps in regulating the pH of skin
  5. It is an excellent skin toner
  6. Protects the skin from sun exposure
  7. Acts as a great exfoliator
  8. Excellent remedy for acne
  9. Serves as a lip conditioner
  10. Moisturizes whole body

Why Argan oil for hair growth?


Argan oil for hair growth is known to cure and improve hair conditions. It is considered to be the best solution for all kinds of hair damage. Here are some reasons why Argan oil is recommended for hair growth.

  1. Rich in vitamin E: Vitamin E is known to aid hair growth and maintenance. It is rich in vitamin E, which makes it highly recommended for hair growth. Besides, it also nourishes the hair follicles, making it soft, smooth and silky.
  2. Anti-sebum activity: It possesses anti- sebum activity that acts very fast. These anti- sebum properties make the hair less oily. Studies have shown that the application of Argan oil for four weeks shows a noticeable reduction in the greasiness of hair.
  3. Antioxidant properties: It possesses excellent antioxidant properties due to its omega 3s, vitamin E and almond oil contents.
  4. Soothing properties: It improves the blood circulation below the scalp. This facilitates the growth of hair.
  5. Antimicrobial properties: Its antimicrobial properties treat damaged skin and inflammation on the scalp. This property of the Argan oil also helps control and cure eczema and psoriasis.
  6. Moisturizing properties: It prevents split ends and gives back shine to the hair. The moisturizing properties also prevent the scalp from drying and itching.
  7. Other nutritional properties: It is rich in essential nutrients like vitamin C. This vitamin nourishes the hair and prevents hair fall.

How to use Argan oil for hair growth?

There are some ways in which Argan oil can be used for hair growth. Here are some of the methods of efficiently using Argan oil for hair growth.

  1. Choose a suitable natural shampoo and use it along with. Massage your scalp gently with the shampoo and oil mixture and wash it after some time.
  2. Dilute the oil with some suitable carrier essential oils like basil, cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, thyme, etc.
  3. Mix the Argan oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil to double the benefits. The coconut oil possesses properties somewhat similar to that of Argan oil. Therefore, mixing both oils would complement each other’s’ properties thus making them even more beneficial.
  4. Prepare a hair mask with Argan oil and olive oil. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with ten drops of Argan oil and three drops of suitable carrier oil to prepare your perfect mixture. Apply it to your hair and scalp and keep it for some time. Keep it for as long as you want and then wash it properly.
  5. Prepare a leave-in conditioner using Argan oil. Mix 10 ml of Argan oil with 30 ml of jojoba oil, 50 ml of water. You may or may not add any essential oil. The choice is up to you. Applying this mixture would make your hair nourished, and since you have to keep in applied for at least a day, you may not use it very often.
  6. Mix 20 ml of Argan oil with 30 ml of rosewater and a few of any essential oil of your choice. This mix can be used as a leave-in conditioner.

Nevertheless, these are not the only possible ways of using Argan oil for your skin.

[ Read: Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair Growth ]

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Dos and Don’ts

Make sure you consult a health care expert before thinking about hair growth with Argan Oil. The Argan oil must not be used in the concentrated form and must be diluted before it can be used. Teenagers and kids must consult a health care expert before using the oil. Stick to the mixing ratios and frequency of using prescribed to you. Not following the instructions correctly can increase the problems. Use the oils as frequently as prescribed to obtain the desired results.


Just because argan oil is a natural remedy, it does not mean that it can be used without any precautions. Its usage comes with its own set of precautions which must be followed for its safe and effective use.

  1. Perform a patch test before you apply the argan oil to your scalp for healthy hair. Your skin may be allergic to the oil. Therefore, you must test it else the allergic reactions can increase the hair damage troubles.
  2. Choose the right oil for you. In the market, many brands are selling argan oil claiming it to be completely natural. But, that is not the truth. Check the product description thoroughly and make sure it does not contain any chemical smell or color.
  3. Mix it with the other oils only after consulting an expert.
  4. Use the oil as frequently as prescribed. Irregularity in use may not produce the desired results in hair growth and quality.

Natural Ways for Hair Growth

Fortunately, Argan oil is not the only oil that aids hair growth and improvement. Just in case, if you are allergic to Argan oil or cannot use it for some other medical cause, here are some other home remedies that can help you maintain your hair.

1.Olive oil


Packed with fatty acids, olive oil is a blessing for the hair. It also contains several antioxidants and vitamin E that helps in healing the damaged layers by moisturizing them. It also prevents the hair from further damage.

[ Read: Olive Oil DIYs for Beautiful Hair ]



Avocado is rich in vitamins, fat, protein, essential fatty acids and natural oils. Avocado can thus repair and soften your hair. It also keeps the hair hydrated and protects from hair breakage.


Eggs help in providing the nourishment that was lost by the hair due to damage. The egg yolk contains protein, minerals and essential fatty acids that can nourish the hair and give it a natural shine. Egg also cleanses the hair and scalp.

Bottom Line

Due to the increased levels of pollution and stress, hair fall has become a widespread problem. There is no specific cure in medical science for this ailment, but now with the help of natural remedies like Argan Oil for hair growth, you finally have a potential solution to this problem. With its natural properties, Argan Oil not only reverses the damage caused to your hair but also helps with the growth of new hair. Use it in combination with the above-mentioned natural remedies and see the effects for yourself.