Digestive Health

Effects of Aloe Vera Juice in Treating Acid Reflux

From ancient time, aloe vera has been used as a magical property to heal lots of physical ailments. In beauty regime, aloe vera gel is a well-approved ingredient. Do you know how aloe vera juice for acid reflux is helpful? Aloe is a succulent plant which grows mainly in tropical countries. It contains several antioxidants that keep your body safe from oxidative stress.

Besides, the anti-inflammatory properties in aloe vera juice can also have a soothing effect on your stomach. So, if you are suffering from acid reflux, taking aloe juice can soothe the symptoms and keep you away from heartburn. Today, you will get to know more about how aloe juice can give you relief from acid reflux.

Did You Know?

  • You should have de-colorized and purified aloe vera juice to get relief from acid reflux.
  • Aloe vera juice is full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients.
  • This juice is also effective in boosting up your digestive system and detoxifying your body.

Aloe Vera Juice for Acid Reflux


Acid reflux can cause heartburn, sour feelings int your throat, pain at abdomen, and so on. To treat this, you need certain elements that can soothe your stomach and lower the irritations. Aloe vera(1) is really effective in doing this. Usually, aloe vera juice is used to treat acid reflux. This juice is found in the aloe latex.

To get the best result, you can try pure aloe juice for better gut health. Aloe vera is loaded with amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Therefore, it is quite effective in detoxifying your body.

According to recent research, aloe juice is one of the best remedies for GERD and acid reflux. The anti-inflammatory contents in this herb can reduce inflammation, and over-production of acids that are the main symptom of acid reflux.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux]

Steps for Taking Aloe Vera in Acid Reflux

There are certain essential things you need to follow to find the best aloe vera juice for GERD and also the proper way to have it.

1. Buy It in Liquid Form

The leaf of the aloe vera contains laxative which is not recommended to have. Thus, buy aloe vera gel in liquid form, and have it orally.

2. Have It on an Empty Stomach

You can have aloe juice 3 to 4 times a day but always have it 20 minutes before eating. Dosage may vary, but usually, 2fl oz is perfect for daily consumption. Also, you should check the label for the appropriate dosage as that may change as per brands.

3. Inculcate Lifestyle Changes

Aloe juice can only work on acid reflux if you bring positive changes in your lifestyle simultaneously. While taking aloe juice, you should also quit smoking and exercise regularly to get rid of acid reflux. Eat smaller portions to avoid pressure on the stomach.

[Also Read: Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice]

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How Does Aloe Vera Help in GERD?


When you are suffering from acid reflux, the bile juice returns to your esophagus and creates a burning sensation in your throat and chest. This is called heartburn, which is a predominant symptom of GERD(2). Aloe Vera has the soothing effects to treat this and gives you quick relief from the symptoms of acid reflux.

How Does Aloe Vera Juice for Gastritis Work? Read on to Know

1. It Heals Ulceration

Ulceration is one of the leading causes of heartburn. It happens when your stomach produces more stomach acid, which refluxes to your esophagus and irritates you.

If it happens regularly, it creates wounds in your stomach walls and causes inflammation. Researchers have found that aloe vera contains certain compounds that are known as ‘wound hormone.’ These work effectively on the excessive production of stomach acid and heal stomach walls.

2. Aloe Vera Creates a Protective Shield

There are lots of curative and prophylactic agents in aloe vera that lower the production of excessive stomach acid and create a guarding wall to protect your stomach and esophagus. Besides that, the aloe gel maintains the average pH balance of the stomach and assists in the normal digestive process.

3. It Protects from Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties in aloe vera fight against the chronic inflammation in your mucosa membranes and blood. While you take aloe juice, it creates a gut lining to keep it safe from the effectiveness of stomach acid and reduces heartburn. There are also certain chemicals in aloe juice that break down the complicated parts of your food and assist your stomach in digesting it.

[Also Read: 7 Fantastic Herbs That Relieve Acid Reflux]

Pros and Cons of Taking Aloe Vera Juice in GERD


  • Aloe vera juice is full of nutrients that avoid acid reflux by helping you digest your food well.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe juice soothe heartburn.
  • Aloe juice detoxifies your body and keeps your stomach healthy and protected.


  • Certain types of aloe juice cause diarrhea.
  • Drinking aloe juice during pregnancy can promote miscarriage.
  • People with diabetes should avoid drinking aloe juice as it leads to hyperglycemia.

Bottom Line

So, now you know the usefulness of aloe vera juice for acid reflux. But do not have it while you are pregnant. Aloe vera juice is an excellent home remedy to treat acid reflux. However, it may not suit everyone. So, if you are suffering from acid reflux at regular intervals, you should consult a doctor.


1. Is Aloe Vera Juice Good for Acid Reflux?

It is effective due to the anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants present in it.

2. Does Aloe Vera Juice Treat Gastritis?

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory components that reduce gastrointestinal inflammation, which is the main symptom of gastritis.

3. Can Aloe Vera Juice Cause Cancer?

Aloe vera juice is safe for consuming orally, but you should avoid taking aloe latex orally as it contains cancer-causing compounds.