Alternative Treatments

Treatment of Bones & Joints Disorder with Acupuncture


  • Did you know acupuncture needles formerly were made of stone, bamboo, and bones?
  • Did you know the methods you’re commonly using at home now can be damaging your internal system and your health?

It is prevalent to hear; Health is wealth! And a human being can enjoy this wealth only if his internal system is as complete as outward appearance. Healthy bones and joints are the necessities of the body. Acupuncture for TMJ is the best treatment for replenishing the joints.

Acupuncture was used to treat back pain, headache, migraine, and sports injuries efficiently. Fortunately, acupuncture is highly helpful for those suffering from TMJ to relieve the inflammation, anxiety, and tension that is frequently associated with the disorder. Treatment can be inserting specific needles at TMJ acupuncture points. You can also get rid of jaw tension by pressurizing the TMJ relief pressure points. Some common symptoms of TMJ disorders are feeling pain in joints area & nearby, reduction of jaw movement, hard to chew or movement of the mouth, noise in the ear, sensitivity to sound, and dizziness.

Acupuncture is a unique way of controlling the debilitating symptoms that accompany TMJ.

[Read: Acupuncture for Back Pain]

Acupuncture can use in conjunction with your current medications and other forms of treatment, but unlike most drugs, it has no side effects. Although you may need to continue sessions of acupuncture over time to continue to reap its advantages, it is worth it. Acupuncture addresses the root of the issue where most standard treatments are brief, masking any fundamental problems. The role of acupuncture for TMJ is incredible.

[Read: Treat TMJ Pain Naturally]

How Does Acupuncture for TMJ Work?

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Although you can do acupuncture on your own, it is better to consult a specialist. Because there are many TMJ acupuncture points where you can not handle with a needle, clinics facilitate their patients with acupuncture for TMJ. If you have chosen to take advantage of these incredible advantages, bear in mind these suggestions when preparing for your acupuncture appointment.

[Read: Physiotherapy for TMJ]

  • Do not burden yourself on the day of your appointment, as you would want to relax during the therapy. As a precaution, it is vital to bring a list of all your current medications and supplements, mainly if herbs are a component of your treatment. It is because there are individual herb-drug interactions that can have harmful effects (1)
  • Eating before your appointment is another rule to follow. Most specialists suggest eating something about two hours before your therapy. Make sure that this is not a large meal, however, as this can cause you to feel uneasy during your appointment. It should also prevent the other extreme. If you go to your meeting on an empty stomach, you risk feeling lightheaded.
  • Before your acupuncture therapy, do not drink coffee for at least two hours. Because coffee is a stimulant, it improves the fight-or-flight reaction of your body, something that acupuncture is trying to lessen.
  • It is also essential on the day of your appointment to wear loose-fitting garments. It will make placing the needles in the correct TMJ acupuncture points easier for the acupuncturist.

[Read:  Get Rid of Crackling Sound in Ear]

The needles used by acupuncturists are making by stainless steel. These needles are inserted into specific TMJ acupuncture points. Make sure needles are inserted on the only upper layer of skin, one-eighth and one-quarter of an inch into the skin.

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  • Acupuncture needles are not reusable. They should not use various times.
  • A session of acupuncture for TMJ is round about thirty minutes.
  • The patient can also use TMJ relief pressure points for relieving jaw pain.

TMJ relief pressure point is located in your jaw’s center bone and the muscle that boosts when your teeth are clenching. Activate this point by pushing your thumbs firmly on it for a minute, repeat if needed, and do not forget to breathe profoundly.

Put a finger in front of the ear on the TMJ, then open your jaw partially by using the thumb on your chin(2).

Every therapy has good and bad effects. Similarly, acupuncture poses some hazards, as with any treatment, the most prevalent being pain and bleeding from the insertion of acupuncture needles. Other side effects may include rashes of the skin, allergic reactions, bruising, pain, bleeding, nausea, dizziness, fainting, or diseases.

Overall, in the management of TMJ, acupuncture provides an effective therapy method. It is painless. It is a straightforward, comparatively, secure, and effective extra method that helps manage TMJ. Also, acupuncture can assist in minimizing the “clicking” of TMJ by relaxing the lateral pterygoid muscles and thus decreasing the anterior displacement force on the TMJ meniscus.

In TMJ patients, research indicates that acupuncture speeds serotonin, encephalin, and endorphin release. It is efficient in increasing the amplitude and oral function of the jaw motion and promoting relaxation of the masticatory muscles, thereby reducing pain.

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1. How Many Sessions of Acupuncture Do You Need?

A typical session series comprises 6 to 12 visits, once or twice a week, each with 30 to 90 minutes of meetings.

2. How Do You Know If Acupuncture Is Working?

When acupuncture begins to work, it can feel your senses have a tune-up. You hear a little louder. You will see everything clearer than before.  And you also feel better than before.