Skin Conditions

Turmeric for Eczema: A Natural Remedy That Works

Over 31 million Americans suffer from eczema, including infants and children. Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is characterized by painful skin rashes and wounds. Inflammation triggers allergic reactions and swellings or lesions along with persistent itching in the affected area.

Turmeric (also called Curcuma longa botanically) is an excellent cure for eczema. Turmeric prevents itching, helps rashes to heal quickly, brings down the inflammation, and lowers skin redness and dryness.

Why Use Turmeric for Eczema?

Turmeric can be applied externally or taken orally to prevent itching and help to treat eczema. Specifically, turmeric(1) is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antineoplastic agent. As it is known for warding off microbe or germ growth, curcumin in turmeric, which gives it the yellow color controls enzymes causing eczema. Use turmeric for healing sore, red, itchy patches found all over the body.

Dry, scaly skin heals due to the lubricating and moisturizing properties of turmeric for eczema.  Curcumin decreases oxidation, irritation,  and inflammation, causing wounds to heal quickly and cure eczema. Turmeric also impacts collagen production, which helps the skin to remain healthy. Turmeric reduces red patches, or hyperpigmentation is caused due to eczema as well. It calms and cools the skin, especially when mixed with ingredients like honey.

Turmeric speeds up the shedding of dead skin cells and protects new skin cells from damage. This is ideal for those seeking relief from eczema or related skin conditions. Turmeric is a part of creams because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Chemicals like curcumin are natural compounds that bring down skin swelling. They also cool the skin and prevent further itching.

[Read: Natural Treatments for Eczema]

Ways to Use Turmeric for Eczema Treatment

1. Turmeric Bath


Herbal baths are beneficial for eczema patients. Because it is a potent anti-inflammatory and heals wounds, turmeric powder can be an excellent bath salt. Add half a cup of fresh, powdered, and ground turmeric to a warm bath. Soak yourself in the tub for 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water for the best outcomes.

2. Neem and Turmeric

Turmeric combines with the antimicrobial neem leaves to create the perfect remedy for eczema. To enjoy the benefits of neem and turmeric, grind turmeric into powdered form. Then put two to three drops of neem oil in one tablespoon of turmeric to balance the acidity of the skin and reduce rash flare-ups. Do not use turmeric and neem if you are allergic to salicylic acid. Leave the paste on for 20-30 minutes till it dries and then wash off with lukewarm water.

[Read: Neem Oil for Eczema]

3. Turmeric and Olive Oil

While olive oil contains healing and hydrating essential oils, turmeric is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing agent. Combining both can prove beneficial for eczema patients. To obtain the benefits of both, take turmeric powder of around two tablespoons.

Put three to four drops of olive oil meant for topical use into this powder. Combine the turmeric and olive oil to make a paste that should then be applied to the impacted area. After the paste dries, wash it off and moisturize the affected area with additional coconut oil.

4. Turmeric in Foods and Supplement

Turmeric is a spice that has been consumed for ages in the Asian Continent. Especially, the south Asian Countries. It is recognized as a safe and healthy spice and has shown no adverse effects in healthy people, who have consumed 12,000 mg per day of curcumin.

  • You could add turmeric to any dish you are cooking and not only reap its benefits but also add a flavor punch to the dish.
  • As it comes to supplements, it is recommended that you check with your doctor as the dosage and the usage of these supplements is variable and depends on the person.

[Read: Olive Oil for Eczema]

5. Turmeric Face Mask


The key to crafting the turmeric face mask for eczema is combining its powdered form or extract with a natural thickening agent. The idea is to make a base based on skin concerns. For antibacterial action, mix warm water and honey with the turmeric in powdered or extract form.

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Add yogurt and lemon juice for brightening effects, antioxidant activity, and additional nourishment. Add aloe vera gel. Aloe vera contains aloenins which reduce inflammation and soothe the skin. For antioxidant benefits, add some rice flour and powdered almond. Then, take this paste and leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

Rinse the face using lukewarm water. After this, lubricate the skin and apply a moisturizer for additional benefits. You can use coconut oil for the best outcomes. Do not leave the face mask on overnight, as turmeric can stain the skin. Wash your face with milk, if the turmeric has indeed left a yellow mark. Use this mask for facial eczema 2-3 times per week.


Turmeric, in general, is recognized as a safe spice to consume by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Due to its soaring popularity in cosmetic and health circles, there is an abundance of studies that are available proving the efficacy of the drug, with no side-effects that are visible.

However, there have been reports of lead poison from ground turmeric and supplements due to the addition of lead chromate, which is added to the spice to enhance its color. This is mostly seen in Bangladesh and India.

Furthermore supplementing with this is spice is usually studied in adults, hence the effect it bears on the children is unknown. Hence, it is recommended that if you have a child suffering from eczema, take them to a dermatologist or other health care professional before using turmeric.

[Read: Supplements for Eczema]

Bottom Line

Therefore, there are so many benefits of choosing turmeric to combat skin conditions like eczema. Turmeric for eczema can be tried in the form of a warm bath, a face mask, or even with neem or coconut or olive oil as a paste. Turmeric possesses potent antioxidant properties. It wards off microbial growth that causes eczema lesions. It also lowers inflammation caused due to eczema(2).

[Read: Aloe Vera for Eczema]


1. How Can Turmeric Be Used for Eczema?

Try adding turmeric to your diet, or using it topically in powdered or extract form. Turmeric can be thickened using honey, milk, olive oil, neem paste, and other healing agents to exert maximum benefits for eczema patients seeking a cure.

2. Does Turmeric for Eczema Work in the Supplement Form?

If your diet is not rich in turmeric, and you dislike taking the spice in dishes, meals, or juices, try taking turmeric supplements in capsule or tablet form. These work equally well. Turmeric supplements are available, but always check for US FDA approval and take any supplementation under medical supervision.

3. Can you permanently cure eczema?

There is no cure for eczema and it can only be controlled, using natural, alternative and complementary treatments.

4. Is eczema inherited?

The exact cause of eczema is unknown. There have been certain theories about it being genetic, however, there is nothing substantial to conclude that eczema is genetic.

5. Is eczema contagious by touching?

Eczema isn’t contagious, as in it doesn’t pass to someone else if you touch an active rash.