General Health

13 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Out of Control

Blood sugar is the excessive buildup of sugar in the blood vessels. Cells need glucose to function, and insulin helps in that process so that cells generate energy in the form of ATP. However, with increased insulin resistance, cell membranes become blunted and can’t absorb sugar.

The result is that there is a buildup of sugars in the blood, which can cause all sorts of problems. Blood sugar can typically manifest as either Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 1 Diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin at all. In Type 2, the body doesn’t utilize insulin properly.

This means you’re either left with too much or too little insulin. Either way, it becomes extremely difficult for the body with problems that require medical intervention. If things escalate, it is always better to consult a medical professional.

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However, there are several other methods through which you can get relief by regulating your blood sugar levels. 

Symptoms of High Blood Sugar 

  1. You have diuresis or micturition — your body either produces excess urine, or you need to urinate frequently. The body’s first line of defense when there is excess sugar buildup is to eliminate via urination. The higher the sugar levels, the more you’ll need to urinate. This leads to acute tissue dehydration. Many people don’t realize they have diabetes until they get tested. For all they care, they are dehydrated, they drink water and urinate
  2. You can feel tired a lot. Sugar is responsible for generating ATP — the energy that the body needs. Without ATP, the body is starved of energy. In addition, the more viscous the blood becomes, the more difficult it is for the heart to pump enough blood for the body
  3. In the initial stages, blood sugar can cause temporary vision blurriness. As the blood gets syrupy, it becomes tougher to pump it into the tiny blood vessels in the eye. In the long run, as the sugar buildup becomes high, it can cause long term impaired vision
  4. Your extremes, such as toes and fingertips, become either numb or tingling. They are usually the first to suffer
  5. Your feet lose sensation from toes to the heel. Sugar further festers the wound. So, wounds take longer to heal. Diabetes remains the leading cause for all amputations to this day
  6. You may experience decreased libido [1] [2]. Excess sugar damages the nerves and blood pressure. High sugar levels cause erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation in men and vaginal dryness and painful sex or less feeling in the genital areas for women
  7. Excess sugar levels negatively impact your GI tract functions as well. You could experience constipation or diarrhea. You may also face gastroparesis — a condition where the food moves sluggishly through the stomach or stops altogether. This creates nausea, vomiting, bloatedness, or pain. This impacts the absorption of nutrients and causes other problems too
  8. Sugar levels can also negatively affect your kidney functions [3]. Your kidneys have blood vessels that control waste management. Increased blood sugar levels mean your kidneys have to work overtime. Over time, the blood vessels become scarred, and your kidneys could shut down if untreated. Worst case scenario, you’d need dialysis or transplantation
  9. You are an increased risk of a heart stroke and brain hemorrhage
  10. You are at a higher risk for memory loss and problems, including Alzheimer’s. High blood sugar, even in those patients without diabetes, can impair memory retention
  11. Your breath can stink, and your teeth can suffer. Blood sugar festers the bacteria in your mouth. Best case scenario, your breath stinks. Worst case scenario, teeth decay because of the plaque deposits. Over time, increased sugar levels can cause painful gums and make chewing difficult
  12. It increases the chances of urinary tract infections. Diabetes can also negatively affect the nerves that control bladder functions
  13. Your skin can become dry, cracked, and itchy. Yeast-like infections can show up under the breasts in women and in the genital areas for men.

[Also ReadNatural Remedies for Diabetes ]

 Natural Ways to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

  • EGCG in substances like matcha has proven to manage blood sugar levels
  • Antioxidants like alpha-lipoic acids can help manage blood sugar levels along with improving immunity and general energy levels in the body. It protects the brain against excitotoxicity and manages excess toxic metal levels.
  • Take healthy doses of magnesium to manage your triglycerides and high blood pressure
  • Reduced Chromium levels can impact HDL levels and increase the chances of insulin resistance. Your triglycerides also increase. Chromium supplements can improve receptor function. The best foods that have good chromium levels are onions, tomatoes, and potatoes
  • NRF-2 protein is responsible for antioxidant and detoxification pathways [4]. It also plays an important role in antioxidant gene induction. Some foods that include this protein are
    • EGCG from green tea
    • Quercetin from apples
    • Curcumin from turmeric
    • Resveratrol from grapes
    • Rosmarinic acid from rosemary
    • L-sulforaphane from broccoli
    • Thiosulfinate Allicin from garlic
  • Vitamin E has been known to regulate insulin sensitivity and in turn, insulin resistance
  • Proanthocyanidin in cinnamon has been known to alter insulin sensitivity patterns in the body through managing signaling activities. This holds great potential in treating diabetes. Cinnamon also benefits people with Type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels and triglycerides
  • Gut health and blood sugar levels are inextricably linked. Metabolic diseases can hamper gut health and cause unwanted side effects from blood sugar levels. Advanced Glycation End-products can affect your gut health and exacerbate your blood sugar problems. 
  • Vitamin D for 12 weeks decreases body fat by as much as 7%. Sunshine is the best source of Vitamin D if you don’t want supplements. So, make sure you soak up all that sunlight.

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