How To Cure

Proven Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Spider Veins

Spider veins are superficial leg veins. These occur when tiny veins congregate below the skin, which causes red or purple discoloration. Spider veins are generally cosmetic and can occur in anyone. Over 55% of people over the age of 50 have this condition, according to a study(1)

How to Treat Spider Veins Using Naturopathic Remedies

Spider Veins and Symptoms

Spider veins occur when the valves in your veins stop working correctly. These are the valves that carry blood to the heart. Spider veins indicate that your valves have become weak. Though the condition is treatable, it can indicate a bigger health issue.

Some common symptoms of spider veins are an achy feeling in your leg, pain after sitting or standing for a long time, skin discoloration around a vein, and swelling in the lower leg.

CURE 1: Home Remedies for Spider Veins

Spider veins are usually a cosmetic problem and can be cured with home remedies. Some of the popular home remedies for spider veins are as below.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Spider Veins

Why use?

Apple cider vinegar helps improve blood flow, and spider veins are caused because the blood valves are not functioning well. So, using apple cider vinegar can reduce spider veins.

How to use?

Soak a piece of cloth in apple cider vinegar and wrap it around the affected area. Leave it on for 30 minutes then rinse.

How much to use?

You can apply apple cider vinegar daily but before using it, do a patch test to ensure it doesn’t irritate the skin since it’s acidic in nature.

[Read: ACV for Varicose Veins]

2. Massage

Why use?

Massage is the best way to relax muscles and improve blood circulation.

How to use?

You can go for a Swedish massage or do a castor oil massage at home to treat spider veins.

How much to use?

Try to take a massage twice a week for painful spider veins or once a week for minimal spider veins.

3. Exercise

Why use?

Working out helps to pump blood to the heart and improves the overall blood circulation.

How to use?

Walking and bicycling are the best exercises to cure spider veins and also help to improve overall health.

How much to use?

Try to exercise for 20-30 minutes daily.

[Read: Natural Ways to Treat Spider Veins]

4. Lemon and Baking Soda

Image: Shutterstock

Why use?

Lemon contains vitamin C and is also used as a blood purifier. While baking soda has neutralizing properties. A research found that combining the two can help to prevent spider veins.

How to use?

Add some lemon juice and one spoon of baking soda to a glass of water. This will make the water fizzy, and once the fizz has settled, drink the water.

How much to use?

You can drink 1-2 glasses of this lemon and baking soda water daily.

5. Hot and Cold Compress

Why use?

A hot and cold compress is a popular remedy for swelling and pain since it regulates the blood flow. This is also the reason you can use a hot or cold compress to treat spider veins.

How to use?

Alternatively, apply a hot and cold compress to the affected area.

How much to use?

You can use a hot and cold compress 2-3 times a day.

[Read: Home Remedies for Varicose Veins]

Anyone over the age of 50 is susceptible to getting spider veins.

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CURE 2: Herbs

Here are some herbs that can treat spider veins.

1. Witch Hazel

Why use?

Apart from being a natural astringent, witch hazel is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Using witch hazel can shrink the spider veins so that they are not visible.

How to use?

Soak a cotton pad in witch hazel and rub it over the spider veins. Let it stay for 15 mins then rinse off.

How much to use?

Apply witch hazel 2-3 times daily to treat spider veins.

[Read: Witch Hazel for Face]

2. Ginkgo Biloba


Why use?

The active ingredients in Ginkgo Biloba can strengthen tissue and vein walls. It also helps to improve blood circulation.

How to use?

Ginkgo biloba is available as a pill supplement which should be taken with your meal.

How much to use?

The recommended daily intake of Ginkgo Biloba is 40 mg.

3. Horse Chestnut

Why use?

Horse chestnut is a flowering plant, and its extract is called aescin. Aescin helps to strengthen vein walls and reduces inflammation caused due to spider veins.

How to use?

The herb is available as a tablet which should be taken daily.

How much to use?

The daily recommended intake of aescin is 50 mg.

[Read: Natural Remedies for Cellulitis]

4. Bilberry

Why use?

According to research, bilberry has been shown to improve circulation problems and can also reduce swelling(2).

How to use?

Bilberry infused tea is a popular way of getting the most out of this herb.

How much to use?

The recommended intake is 50 grams daily for adults.

5. Turmeric

Why use?

Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to reduce the swelling caused by spider veins.

How to use?

Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of water. Drink the mix before bed.

How much to use?

Turmeric milk should be taken every night before bed.

6. Garlic


Why use?

Garlic is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also aids in blood circulation and reducing spider veins.

How to use?

You can add garlic to your salad dressing or to your soup. Alternatively, crush some garlic cloves and add a few drops of water to it to make a paste. Apply this paste over the spider veins and leave it on for 15 mins.

How much to use?

Garlic has a lot of health benefits, and you can include it in your daily diet.

Did you know?

Related Post

Spider veins are different from varicose veins in that spider veins look like spider webs but do not protrude from the skin.

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CURE 3: Foods

Certain foods can help to increase blood flow and open blockage in the blood valves. Here are some effective foods to treat spider veins.

1. Fruits

Why use?

Fruits with high vitamin C can help to improve blood circulation. Orange, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits are a good source of the vitamin. Watermelon also helps to treat spider veins since it contains lycopene, which improves heart health.

How to use?

Take one healthy food as a snack or with your breakfast.

How much to use?

It is recommended to eat one fruit a day to treat spider veins.

2. Vegetables

Why use?

Various vegetables like onions and beetroot help to improve blood circulation. Onions also contain antioxidants that benefit heart health. Leafy greens contain iron which improves blood flow.

How to use?

Add healthy vegetables to your salad. Spinach also makes a good addition to your smoothie.

How much to use?

Take 2-3 servings of vegetables daily.

3. Banana


Why use?

Banana has a high level of potassium, which can improve blood circulation. It also helps to reduce the water retention that can reduce swelling.

How to use?

Add banana to your daily smoothie or with your salad. It can also be taken as a mid-morning snack.

How much to use?

Eat a banana 3-4 times a week to treat spider veins.

4. Fish

Why use?

Fish contains Omega 3 which is an antioxidant and the fats in it have nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow

How to use?

Fish makes a healthy meal, or you can take it as a side dish.

How much to use?

Try to eat one serving of fish 2-3 times a week.

5. Dark Chocolate

Why use?

The cocoa in dark chocolate helps blood flow, and it stimulates the lining of the arteries, which helps in relaxing them.

How to use?

Dark chocolate can be taken as a snack or added to hot chocolate and chocolate milk.

How much to use?

Take 20 ounces of dark chocolate 2-3 times a week.

Spider veins don’t just look unsightly, but they can be an indication of a bigger medical problem.

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CURE 4: Essential oils for spider veins

Essential oils can help stimulate your muscles, thus relaxing them and improving blood flow. Below are some essential oils that can help to prevent spider veins.

1. Tea Tree Oil


Why use?

Tea tree has powerful antiseptic properties that can help to reduce inflammation caused by spider veins. Adding the oil to aloe vera gel also soothes and relaxes your muscles.

How to use?

Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to aloe vera gel and massage it over the spider veins.

How much to use?

Massage with tea tree oil daily to treat spider veins.

[Read: Essential Oils for Varicose Veins]

2. Cypress Oil

Why use?

Cypress oil contains antioxidants that can reduce free radicals in your body and relax your muscles.

How to use?

Add a few drops of cypress oil to your bath water and soak for 30 mins.

How much to use?

Take a cypress infused bath 2-3 times a week to treat spider veins.

3. Yarrow Oil

Why use?

Yarrow oil has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that can help to relax muscles and reduce inflammation.

How to use?

Mix yarrow oil with a carrier oil and apply it over the spider vein. Leave it on for 15 mins then rinse off.

How much to use?

You should apply yarrow oil 2-3 times a meek for best results.

4. Lavender Oil


Why use?

Lavender oil is known for its relaxing and sedative properties. The oil can calm your mind and relax your muscles, thus aiding blood circulation.

How to use?

Massage lavender oil gently on the spider veins.

How much to use?

You can do a lavender oil massage daily since lavender is a gentle oil and doesn’t harm the skin.

[Read: Excellent Lavender Oil Benefits]

5. Ginger Oil

Why use?

Ginger oil has a warm effect on the skin, which helps to relax your muscles. Ut also helps relieve swelling.

How to use?

Mix ginger oil with coconut oil and massage it over the spider veins. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes and then rinse.

How much to use?

You can apply ginger oil daily to treat spider veins.

Spider veins are more common in women than men, with over 50% of women being diagnosed with this condition.


Spider veins are common among adults over 50 years, but by taking certain preventive measures, you can prevent spider veins.

  • Being overweight contributes to spider veins since your legs have more weight to carry, and this reduces blood circulation. Maintaining a balanced weight is the key to reducing many health issues, including spider veins.
  • Wear compression socks when traveling long distances to maintain the blood circulation in your leg. You can also use these socks if you have to stand for long periods.
  • Try to sleep with your legs elevated by placing a pillow beneath your leg. This will help blood circulation.
  • Avoid tight clothing since it impacts your normal blood circulation.
  • Smoking and alcohol are also responsible for causing spider veins. It can also cause broken vessels and reduce blood flow in your body.

Apart from home remedies to get rid of spider veins, there are also various clinical treatment options that you can try, like laser removal or sclerosis. But none of these remedies is foolproof, and new spider veins can develop if you don’t take proper care.

[Read: Exercises for Varicose Veins]


1. Do Spider Veins Hurt?

Generally, spider veins don’t cause any discomfort. Some very large spider veins may throb or ache.

2. Is the Treatment for Spider Vein Permanent?

The treatment for spider veins involves sealing off or removing the veins. But, new spider veins may develop over time.

3. Why Spider Veins Generally Appear in the Legs?

According to Women’s Health(3), spider veins develop in the legs because your leg veins carry blood to the heart against gravity for the longest distance of any other vein in the body.