Hair Care

The Proven Effects of Peppermint Oil for Hair Loss

Frequent hair loss is everyone’s worst nightmare. Hair loss is one of the prevailing problems around the world. Although the chances of hair loss do increase with age, increasing stress and decreasing water quality have played a significant role in making hair loss a widespread phenomenon.

There are numerous ways to curb your hair loss, but what if we say that peppermint oil is the best natural essential oil that seeps into your hair follicles to nourish them and aid hair growth! Amazed?

Check out the potential benefits of peppermint oil for hair loss and get the awe-inspiring look.


  • Scientists, by using various samples of human DNA, have even discovered a bald gene.
  • Around 35 million males and 21 million females suffer from loss of hair, starting from the age of 35.
  • 25 percent of men are affected by hair loss before the age of 21.

Use of Peppermint Oil for Hair Loss

1. Peppermint Oil Alone


Peppermint oil is highly packed with nourishing and conditioning properties. The antifungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties in peppermint oil treat dandruff and head lice.

[Read: ACV for Hair Loss]

In addition, the pungent aroma of peppermint oil(1) lifts your mood, increases energy, and relieves stress. Read on to know how to use peppermint oil for hair loss.

  • Combine 5 drops of peppermint oil with 2 tbsp of any carrier oil
  • Massage the mixture onto your scalp for 20 minutes
  • Leave the oil in your hair for another 30 minutes
  • Rinse out the oil in the end with lukewarm water and mild sulfate-free shampoo

Do it 3 -4 times a week for better hair growth.

[ Read: Benefits of Peppermint Oil ]

2. Peppermint Oil with Tea Tree Oil


The combination of peppermint oil with tea tree oil works wondrously in promoting hair growth. The tea tree essential oil improves the circulation of blood that helps to flush out the toxins and stimulate dormant hair follicles.

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, and antioxidant(2) effects of tea tree oil ensure that your hair stays clean and healthy. Therefore, the improved scalp health makes the follicles more receptive to nutrition, and the unclogged pores help promote unhindered hair growth.

Also, the combination helps unclog pores and calms down the overzealous sebaceous glands for greasy hair.

  • Combine 5 drops of peppermint oil, and 5 drops tea tree oil with 2 tbsp of any carrier oil
  • Heat the oil mixture until it is slightly warm
  • The section your hair and rub the warm oil onto your scalp and along the length of your hair
  • Massage it for 10-15 minutes once the entire scalp is fully covered with the oil
  • Do a towel treatment to unclog your hair follicles
  • Wash off the oil with a mild sulfate-free shampoo

It is recommended to treat your hair with hot oil mixture not more than 3 times a week.

[Read: Natural Remedies for Hair Loss]

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Why Use Peppermint Oil for Hair Loss?

Whether you have hair loss, oily scalp or dry scalp, and other hair problem issues, peppermint oil is going to work for you! Read on to know why to use peppermint oil for hair loss.

Peppermint oil induces rapid growth from the roots and strengthens the hair follicles. The stimulating properties of peppermint oil penetrated through your scalp surface and stimulate the follicles of hair. The oil increases blood circulation and improves hair growth and prevents hair loss.

The peppermint oil suits every hair and scalp type, whether you have an oily scalp or a dry scalp, the oil works for you. The astringent properties help to normalize the sebum secretion and cools your scalp.

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The PH balance formula in peppermint oil is beneficial for the opposite kind of hair and scalp problems too. The moisturizing properties help treats dry scalp and dandruff so that you get a problem-free scalp and beautiful hair.

You can easily curb your hair problems. The peppermint oil for hair loss is superbly discussed and does not cause any harm to your scalp or body. However, some people may be allergic to the oil, and using a small amount is considered to be safe.

The peppermint oil can serve as an affordable option for expensive hair-care treatment or drugs like minoxidil(3). It strengthens the hair follicles and induces rapid hair growth. If you want to style your hair like a model, then peppermint could be the best choice for your hair loss problems.

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1. What Other Essential Oils Used for Hair Loss?

The other beneficial essential oils used for hair loss are thyme essential oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil, cedarwood oil, chamomile oil, lemongrass oil, and clary sage oil. Massaging with these essential oils, promote hair growth, and helps fight their loss.

2. What Home Remedies Can Be Used for Hair Loss?

The effective home remedies that can be used for hair loss include amla, onion juice, yogurt, coconut oil, green tea, and egg yolk mask. These home remedies stimulate new hair growth and reduce hair loss significantly.

3. How Is Rosemary Essential Oil Helpful for Hair Loss?

Rosemary essential oil improves hair growth and thickness and eventually promotes a healthy scalp. Studies show that rosemary help increases the hair count and treat itchiness on the scalp. Also, the oil strengthens fragile hair follicles, prevents baldness, and dandruff with its remarkable antifungal and antioxidant properties.