Brain & Mental Health

Living in a Wrong Time Zone? Try Meditation for Insomnia

Sleep meditation works best if done slowly and gradually!

Meditation for insomnia is one of the most effective ways one can manage the condition. Multiple forms of meditation can be used. Mindfulness meditation reduces insomnia by channeling wandering thoughts to careful consideration of your environment and experiences.

This method allows the mind to relax. Secondly, affirmation meditation provides for ease of mind through a deep focus on a single thought. Doing so removes the stress of thinking about multiple things, which helps the body go to sleep. Yet another method of sleep meditation for insomnia is guided sleep meditation for insomnia.

Bizarre Facts

Did you know that insomnia affects a more significant percentage of the female population compared to the male population?

Here the patient finds it more comfortable to sleep by following a path of instructions to direct focus gradually on one specific subject. This focus reduces the tension and stress caused by random thoughts. All these methods are both curative and preventative.

By retraining the mind to think in a particular way, you learn how to put your mind to sleep comfortably. At the same time, retraining changes the way the mind thinks at sleep time, allowing for the prevention of insomnia in the future.

[Also Read: Scientifically Proven Remedies For Insomnia]

Process of Meditation For Better Sleep


Each of the three types of sleep meditation for insomnia follows slightly different methods and approaches. If a patient prefers mindfulness meditation, he/she can follow the following steps:

  1. This particular meditation can be done at any time of the day.
  2. Start by focusing on your breath, particularly when you inhale or exhale.
  3. Once you have maintained the focus on your breath, you need to focus on not letting any distractions meddle with your thoughts. These can be external distractions such as someone passing by, or internal distractions like a sudden thought or flashback.
  4. Start focusing on other bodily sensations, for example, tensions and relaxations of your muscles or the feeling the heartbeat. You may choose to focus on external sensations too like raindrops against the window or the ticking of a clock.
  5. The whole process makes you more understanding of your inner self while avoiding any distractions.
  6. This reduced reaction reduces sleeplessness to distractions and agitations.

[Also Read: Acupuncture for Treating Insomnia]

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For Those Preferring Affirmation Meditation for Insomnia, the Following Method Can Be Followed:

  1. The basic concept is the same as mindfulness meditation: one-point focus. However, instead of focusing on your breath or some other sensation in the face of distractions and agitations, your focus is on replacing those distractions with positive thoughts and affirmations.
  2. Every time you face a distraction; tell yourself that you are relaxing by saying something like “My mind is at peace” etc. It is appreciable to select an affirmation that is significant to you. For example, if you like nature, you can say something like, “ I am currently is a garden full of happiness and love.”
  3. It is recommended to use a religious hymn, or mantra if you have a strong faith in the affirmation.
  4. According to psychologists, this whole process helps relax the subconscious mind, putting people to sleep(1).

Guided Sleep Meditation Is the Last Approach. for This, Follow the Following Steps:

  1. Once you lay down in bed, find yourself a comfortable posture. Prefer keeping your legs at hip-width apart.
  2. Your primary focus should be on noticing your breathing. Once you have focused your mind on giving close attention to the speed and pattern of your breath, start focusing on the air that you breathe in and out.
  3. Some many fidgets and thoughts can arise while doing so. The best approach is considered not getting too caught up in them. With practice, your mind would get trained to let those thoughts be.
  4. Prevent indulging in any thought that focuses on frustration or self-criticism. Tell yourself to focus on breathing when you start getting caught up in those thoughts.
  5. Once your mind is focused on breathing, pay attention to other bodily sensations, starting from the bottom.
  6. If at the time your attention moves to your face, and you are still awake, repeat the process of focusing on your breath and start counting them.
  7. If counting distracts you, you may start focusing on bodily sensations again. Do this until you are finally asleep.
  8. Remember, if you consider the whole process as “striving to sleep”, you are reducing the chances of going to sleep. Instead of thinking of guided sleep meditation as a challenge, consider it a sleep supplement(2).

[Also Read: Guided Sleep Meditation For Insmonia]

Meditation techniques for insomnia can be highly effective and practically costless for people to practice. They can provide a natural remedy for sleeplessness, saving people from the adverse side effects of “over-the-counter” medicines.

However, before the regular practice of these techniques, a practitioner should be consulted to craft an individualized plan per patient’s requirements.

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1. Can Meditation Techniques for Insomnia Be Used Together?

Patients can combine these techniques to get better results. Ask a practitioner for a proper plan to suit your case.

2. Can Meditation Prevent Insomnia?

Meditation techniques retrain the mind. Thus, once you get rid of insomnia, you think differently than before, and there are lesser chances of insomnia to reoccur.

3. Are There Any Side Effects of Meditation?

Meditation is not a medicine. It is instead a technique that focuses on training your mind. As a result, there are no adverse side effects of meditation, unlike over-the-counter medications.