Health Conditions

Get Rid of Calluses on Feet with 7 Perfect Restorative Tips

Do you suffer from the soreness and discomfort of calluses that recently developed on your feet? Calluses can be a tough thing to deal with especially if you are someone who has to walk on a daily basis.

Calluses or corns are the hard and thickened skin areas that form when there is a lot of friction and pressure from day-to-day activities. Calluses or corns develop on a natural basis to protect your soft skin underneath. If you are curious about how to get rid of calluses on feet, some natural remedies can help remove this hardened skin.

Calluses can even restrict proper movement around the places they develop and require the attention of an experienced dermatologist to get treated immediately. However, with the right products (read: remedies & treatments) and regimen coupled with a little patience, a callus is actually pretty easy to tick it off.

7 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Calluses On Feet

  1. Lowers Your Blood Pressure
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar
  3. Castor Oil
  4. Pumice Stone
  5. Epsom Salt
  6. Tea-Tree Oil
  7. Baking Soda with Lemon Juice

What causes Calluses on feet?

The right answer to what causes calluses on feet is the fact that repeated pressure applied to the same skin spot can be the prime reason for this development. The extra skin layers develop over an affected area ultimately revealing a harder and raised bumpy spot that tends to cause issues with movement.

Calluses don’t generally hurt but can easily restrict proper movement. Calluses mostly occur around the palms, heels, knees, and toes. They don’t indicate medical issues with no such requirement for emergency care.

However, if natural remedies fail to heal the painful callus on the toe, you need to seek treatment from a dermatologist. So if you are perplexed with how to get rid of calluses on toes, try restricting the regular movement that might cause unnecessary friction.

What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Calluses?

Calluses and corns are problems that ail the foot, toes, and fingertips. Before we get to the part how to get rid of calluses on feet, you need to understand what are the signs and symptoms of calluses and corns.

The signs and symptoms of calluses include:

  • Bumpy skin
  • Hard and thick skin patch
  • Dry and flaky skin
  • Tenderness and pain near the affected skin area
  • Conical or rounded skin bumps
  • Interference with walking and other activities

Where do calluses occur?

Calluses and corns tend to occur in several places, but they are most common on the fingers and feet. They can be painful at times even if they are minimal. With time, calluses can get bigger and cause more issues. So before knowing how to get rid of calluses on toes, let’s understand the main locations that tend to suffer from the effect of calluses.

  • Calluses can be seen developing towards the bottom half of the feet, above metatarsal arch or the “ball” in the foot
  • Towards the outside periphery of the 5th toe where the feet rub against the shoe
  • Calluses can also occur near the 4th and 5th toes
  • Mountains where the fingers end

Types of calluses

Calluses are of various types depending on the texture and area they form. So if you are in search of ways on how to get rid of calluses on feet, you need to understand the different types of calluses. The common varieties of calluses include:

Hard Calluses

These calluses rank among the common ones and tend to reflect as one small concentrate area composed of hard skin which is usually the size similar to a pea. It might obstruct the proper functionality of toes or feet affected by the same.

Soft Calluses

These developments are identical to that of hard calluses but are often rubbery and whitish in appearance and texture. They usually occur between the toes where skin tends to be moist from the sweat glands. Inadequate drying and heavy friction make up for the soft calluses.

Seed Calluses

These small calluses are found either in clusters or singly towards the bottom half of the feet. They tend to be painful with the capacity to bleed if roughed up hard from constant walking or friction.

Neurovascular Calluses

These calluses tend to form over the blood vessels and nerve fibers. They tend to be painful with the capacity to bleed.

Fibrous Calluses

These varieties of calluses arise when the condition has been prevalent for a very long duration. With time they get attached with deeper tissues can cause intense pain when walking or accomplishing any activities.

Risk factors of calluses and corns

Any activity or condition that brings in intensified friction near the toes or fingers can advance to development of calluses and corns. People of any age can get subjected to the effects of this hardened skin condition. However, it is particularly common for people that have surpassed the age limit of 65 years. Calluses are known to affect about 20 to 65 percent of the people between the said age ranges. Some major risk factors leading to the onset of calluses are:

  • Gait abnormalities
  • Anatomical abnormalities of toes and feet
  • Bunions
  • Shoes that fit bad leading to extra friction
  • Use of tools, equipment, and instruments that put extra pressure over specific locations such as fingers
  • Occupational hazards such as garden workers and farmers

7 Natural Remedies & Treatments To Get Rid Of Calluses On Feet

With just the right natural remedies, you can easily get rid of this painful and troublesome calluses. If you ever feel a hardened blister over your skin or a callus between toes, make sure you try out these proven home remedies.

1. Warm Water

Image: Shutterstock

If you happen to locate a callus on a big toe or any other place try the warm water treatment. Warm up enough water so that the affected area can easily submerge. Make sure the water isn’t too hot.

Now soak the affected area for at least 20 minutes. After you have towel-dried the skin, try to see if a gentle scrubbing over the affected skin can help remove the callus. With continuous usage, you can see the calluses on the big toe or any similar location reducing in size with the normal skin turning out.

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2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Image: Shutterstock

Apple cider vinegar serves as an excellent callus remover for feet. The acidic content of Apple Cider Vinegar tends to soften hard skin over the callus and helps on how to get rid of calluses on feet. Now mix the solution comprised of 4 parts water with 1 part apple cider.

Now soak the callus on top of a toe or the affected area for at least 20 minutes. As you remove the skin after soaking, you can easily peel off the affected layer in bits and pieces. Don’t try to pull the skin too hard or it might cause bleeding and infection.

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3. Castor Oil

Are you suffering from painful callus on big toe? Do you want to know how to remove or how to get rid of calluses on feet easily at home? Try out the castor oil to help aid any toe callus removal.

Castor oil houses properties that help lubricate the skin naturally. It tends to be especially helpful if you want to condition the skin to rub off the callus from the toe or foot. Soak the callus with a mix of warm water that contains about five tablespoons castor oil. It helps lubricate tough skin around any affected area.

Shop for Castor Oil

4. Pumice Stone

The pumice stone comes especially handy when you have a callus on toe knuckle or planning on how to cure the hardened skin. The central idea here is to instill a scrubbing effect over the affected area.

Once you are done soaking the callus in warm water, all you need to do is apply pressure with pumice stone using light circular motions that help get rid of the dead and hardened skin. Don’t assume that the hardened skin will go away just by doing this once. You need to continue this method at least 2 to 3 times a week to get rid of the thick calluses on feet.

5. Epsom Salt

If you are puzzled about how to get rid of calluses on feet, Epsom salt deems as an excellent exfoliator. This treatment comes especially handy if you have been wondering about the different how to remedies for stubborn calluses. Epsom salt helps you relax and loosen the hard skin. The salt has fine grains that relax the muscles while soothing the skin.

If you want to make sure that the severe calluses on feet get treated properly, then mix at least two to three spoonful of Epsom salt in the basin. Now warm up some water and put the same in the basin. Soak the affected area for at least 20 minutes to half an hour. After drying off the water from the feet, try to slowly peel off the hard skin which has softened from being soaked in Epsom salt water.

6. Tea-Tree Oil

Image: Shutterstock

Tea-tree oil functions as a great antifungal, antibacterial, and a natural antiseptic for how to get rid of calluses on feet. Place some drops of the tea tree oil over a basin filled with warm water. Now soak the callus with warm water to ensure that it has become soft.

However, make sure you don’t soak the callus affected area in this remedy for a duration exceeding 15 minutes. Given the fact that this essential oil tends to be particularly strong, you need to avoid contact for long or else you may risk damaging the soft skin around the callus.

Shop for Tea Tree Oil

7. Baking Soda with Lemon Juice

Image: Shutterstock

If you plan to understand how to prevent calluses on your skin or feet, you need to opt for this particular remedy. This remedy comes from the combination of a chemical element named Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (Baking Soda) with an acid element (Lemon Juice).

It sparked up reaction helps with the removal of calluses. To start, you need to put your feet in warm water and slowly put in the lemon juice and baking soda. The combination of these two helps with dissolving the hard skin and hence revealing the fresh softer skin.

Prevention of calluses

Now that you know how to get rid of calluses on feet, you also need to know how to prevent the onset of calluses. Here are some methods that will help you prevent the onset of calluses.

  • After you are done washing your hands and feet thoroughly, wash the feet and apply some good moisturizing cream meant for the foot and hand. It will keep the skin from getting hard and turning into calluses
  • Make sure you use a pumice stone on a regular basis with gentle hand movements. It will scrub off the hard layers while keeping the soft skin intact. However, make sure the stone is dried off completely before the next use to prevent any bacteria development
  • Always wear shoes that are perfectly comfortable with a proper fit. Avoid regular use of heels that add additional pressure to calluses. There needs to be enough space amidst your foot’s longest toe with the front half of your shoe. It allows proper movement of your foot fingers
  • Don’t out through unnecessary pain if you feel it isn’t normal. If you happen to feel pain while walking or completing any task make sure you stop it immediately and get in touch with your doctor for proper guidance


Although calluses aren’t much big of an issue, they can affect your daily practices and at times lead to the painful condition. If you happen to experience any issues while walking or accomplishing daily activities, you can try out the above stated natural remedies for how to get rid of calluses on feet or try to contact a podiatrist or chiropodist. In cases of extreme callus feet, it is often recommended to leave the diagnosis to an experienced professional.