Digestive Health

Why Use Honey for Acid Reflux?

For those experiencing a back-flow of acid residue from the stomach into the esophagus, and into your throat and mouth, due to acid reflux, a cure is critical. GERD/Gastroesophageal disease is common, but the definitions of this disorder vary.

The first known definition of GERD was as recent as 2006. Commonly known as acid reflux, it is also called heartburn. Rather than relying on over-the-counter medication, is there another option for this medical condition, which is natural? Honey is a medicinal sweetener used for its wound-healing properties among ancient civilizations, such as the  Assyrians, Chinese, Egyptians, and Romans.

Scientific evidence on the nutritive powers of honey has only supported folklore and traditional medicine systems. With over 200 nutrients, honey is a powerhouse of a home remedy for acid reflux, that sure packs a strong punch. Let’s delve deeper into how to use honey for acid reflux.

How Does Honey Help in Acid Reflux?

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Honey has phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which imbue it with wound-curing, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties(1). This healing power is the reason why honey is an essential cure for GERD symptoms. Its cytoprotective functions apart, honey soothes inflammation in the body and averts nausea.

Such symptoms are at the root of acid reflux. Another way honey helps in acid reflux is through its potent antioxidant properties. Specifically, the sweetening agent contains potent antioxidants. As acid reflux-induced symptoms are also thought to be caused by oxidative stress, honey undoes the free radical damage through its radical scavenging activity(2).

Honey also reduces inflammation by possibly impacting the inhibition of prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide(3), according to research. Honey also coats the mucous membrane and has longer staying power in the esophagus. So, it soothes the esophageal tract and prevents acidity from building up.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux]

Why Honey Counters Acid Reflux?

Raw honey is rich in minerals, nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids. For years, it has been prescribed as a cure for a wide range of medical conditions. Now GERD is one of them. Honey mainly soothes the lining of the esophagus and helps to heal the damage caused by acid reflux. This excellent home remedy also contains enzymes which aid in digestion.

Bees make honey from nectar, which is 100% natural and store it in hives for food. Once the honey is harvested, it needs to stay organic, if you want all its healing benefits. In a British Medicine Journal clinical review, it has been suggested that the viscous nature of honey serves as a soothing coat for the esophagus and wards off acid reflux.

[Read: Drinks for Acid Reflux]

Mostly, the value of honey to coat mucus membranes stems from its viscosity, which is 129.5 times that of distilled water! So, if you’re looking for an acid reflux cure, honey could be the solution to your problem.

How to Use Honey for Acid Reflux


Honey is best taken in raw, organic form. It can also be mixed with water or made into a herbal tea and ingested. Honey is generally considered safe for adult use, but bear in mind that if you are allergic to bees or pollen, or have a medical disorder like diabetes, avoid honey.

As honey primarily is a source of sugar, it can impact blood-glucose levels adversely. So, if you are suffering from medical conditions such as diabetes, low blood sugar, or allergies, it’s best to avoid this home remedy. Don’t take honey if you are on medicines that impact blood-sugar levels.

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Pregnant women and babies must not have honey as a remedy. This is because, besides its high sugar content, honey also has a possibility of inflicting botulism. Food poisoning through botulism can have severe consequences for infants, whose nervous systems are immature. Infants should, therefore, never be given honey as a remedy.

For those who can take this natural remedy, it is best to opt for Makuna honey or other such raw, unprocessed and unpasteurized honey brands. Always remember to add the honey once the liquid has cooled if you have it as a tea or a beverage.

This precaution is a must because heat destroys many of the nutrients present in this substance. Try taking one tablespoon of honey after every meal to avert acid reflux in response to calorie-rich food. You can also make it in the form of a honey tea, by mixing the honey with water.

Thus, honey remains a potent cure for GERD or acid reflux, on account of its powerful antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. Honey kills harmful toxins that impact digestion negatively. It fights inflammation and free radical damage.

All of this results in averting many of the symptoms of heartburn, such as nausea, coughing, acid regurgitation, and flatulence. Honey is an excellent choice for those who want to opt for a remedy that is organic and 100% natural, instead of OTC medicines that only add to the bill, instead of alleviating the symptoms!

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Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

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1. Is Honey Good for Acid Reflux?

Honey works well in combating GERD, because of most of the symptoms of acid reflux stem from inflammation, free radical damage, hyperacidity and irritation of the esophageal tract. As honey is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, with anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, it soothes the body and restores the balance so critical for cutting down on acid reflux.

2. What Type of Honey Works Best for Acid Reflux?

Raw, unprocessed, unpasteurized honey works best for acid reflux. The reason is that honey contains 200 nutrients, many of which are heat sensitive. Adding additives or preservatives destroys the healing power of honey. Always opt for natural honey for curing acid reflux.

3. How Does Honey Ward Off Acid Reflux?

Honey works by coating the esophageal tract, as it has a mucilaginous property on account of its viscosity. Honey is thick and coats the esophagus, preventing the tube from the stomach to the mouth from getting irritation. Acidity lessens, as honey is a natural digestive acid which balances pH levels in the body. Additionally, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties add to its ability to stop the acid reflux.