Dental & Oral Care

10 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Tooth Decay

What Is Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is also known as tooth cavities is caused by softening of the tooth enamel due to certain acids produced by the bacteria. It usually destroys the outer, hard layer of the teeth. If left untreated, the acid can gradually eat away the next layer of the tooth, which then leads to a root cavity.

Sabrina Toppa from Time Health Research states that around 2.4 billion people suffer from tooth decay worldwide, and almost 190 million new cases are registered every year.

Did you know?

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.

How to Prevent Tooth Decay?

Home Remedies for Tooth Decay

Mentioned below are some easy natural remedies to get rid of tooth decay.

1. Oil Pulling


Why Does This Work?

Oil pulling(1) is an ancient ayurvedic treatment which improves tooth health by preventing decomposition due to acid.

How to Use?

To do this, you can put a tablespoon of coconut or sesame oil in the mouth, keep it in the mouth for a while and then spit it out.

How Much to Use?

You can do it twice every day as it significantly improves tooth health.

[ Read: Natural Remedies to Cure Toothache ]

2. Licorice Root

Why Does This Work?

The root is known for their antibacterial property which helps in preventing cavities.

How to Use?

The root can be directly chewed, or you can boil it in a pot of water, strain the water and then drink it. However, make sure you consult a doctor if you consume licorice root while some other medication is prescribed to you as licorice roots can have negative effects in combination with some medicines.

How Much to Use?

It is recommended to consume at least twice or thrice a week to see good results.

3. Bentonite Clay


Why Does This Work?

Bentonite clay(2) for tooth decay can be used as a mouthwash because of its toxin absorbing properties. It also neutralizes bad bacteria and remineralizes your teeth.

How to Use?

Mix half a spoon of clay in half a cup of water and rinse your mouth with it. Keep it in the mouth for a minimum of two minutes before spitting it out.

How Much to Use?

You can do this twice every day. Once in the morning and once at night before going to bed.

[ Read: Natural Treatments for Cavities ]

4. Fluoride Toothpaste

Why Does This Work?

It helps greatly in preventing tooth decay by slowing the enamel decomposition and increasing the mineralization process. It also hardens the enamel and promotes new harden layers of enamel which are also resistant to acid.

How to use and how much?

You can use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, which are easily available in the market. They are easy and should be used twice daily. If they are being used by children, then make sure they are given only a pea-sized portion of it as a high quantity of fluoride can be harmful to children.

[ Read: Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste ]

5. Cinnamon Oil


Why Does This Work?

Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of cinnamon oil help alleviate pain caused due to tooth decay.

How to Use?

It can be used to rinse the mouth. Add a few drops of cinnamon oil in half a cup of warm water. Make sure you keep it in the mouth for 2 minutes before spitting it out.

How Much to Use?

If not daily, then use it at least 3-4 times a week.

6. Lemon oil

Why Does This Work?

Lemon oil is known for promoting healthy gums and preventing tooth decay due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

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How to Use?

It can be added in water which can then be used to rinse the mouth. Try to keep it in the mouth for a minimum of 2 minutes before spitting it out.

How Much to Use?

Try to use it every day and if not, then at least thrice a week.

7. Tea Tree Oil


Why Does This Work?

It is rich in anti-bacterial properties which kills all the bacteria in the mouth and prevents tooth and gum decay.

How to Use?

It should never be applied or used directly due to its highly potent nature. It can be used in mixture with coconut oil.

How Much to Use?

If not daily, then try to use at least 3-4 times a week.

[ Read: Treat Toothache With Tea Tree Oil ]

8. Clove oil

Why Does This Work?

It has a long history of maintaining oral health due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Use?

It can be used to rinse the mouth by adding in water. Also, it can be directly applied to the affected through a cotton swab.

How Much to Use?

Try to use daily to see good results.

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9. Vitamin D


Why Does This Work?

Vitamin D helps reverse cavities and heals tooth decay.

How to Use and How Much?

Try to consume a diet rich in Vitamin D or additionally you can also take supplements for Vitamin D which are easily available at pharmacies. If taking supplements, then take one every day.

10. Calcium

Why Does This Work?

It keeps the bones and teeth healthy. Calcium also protects the gums by avoiding swelling and bleeding.

How to Use and How Much?

Try to eat a diet which is rich in calcium, or you can take supplements easily available. If you are not sure which calcium supplement to take, then you can ask your doctor.

[ Read: Foods for Healthier Gums ]

It is important to keep in mind that tooth decay is reversible. To stop and reverse tooth decay follow the below mentioned simple measures:

To Stop Tooth Decay Follow the Simple Measures Mentioned Below:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily
  • While brushing clean between your teeth properly
  • Rinse your mouth with water properly after eating food
  • Visit your dentist at regular intervals
  • Avoid overconsumption of sweetened food

Did You Know?

1882 was the year commercial floss was first manufactured.


1. How to Cure Tooth Decay with Home Remedies?

There are many essential oils, herbs and supplements which can be taken to get rid of tooth decay.

2. Can Toddlers Have Tooth Decay?

Yes. Poor oral hygiene can lead to tooth decay. Parents should look after their children’s oral health since the very beginning.

3. How Often Should We Go to the Dentist for a Regular Check-Up?

It is advisable to go once a month. If not, then at least once every two months.