Brain & Mental Health

8 Home Remedies for ADHD Treatment

It can be debilitating to have ADHD or to see someone you love have it. It can bring about impulsiveness, absent-mindedness, aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, inability to concentrate, and troubled relationships.

According to a study, more than 4% of American adults have ADHD. ADHD medications can help relieve the symptoms. However, no magic pill will completely cure ADHD, although certain medicines do decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity.

Dexedrine, Adderall, and Ritalin are the most common drugs prescribed for ADHD. However, they have side effects like depression, irritability, racing heartbeat,  loss of appetite, and difficulty sleeping. It is also why people are now turning to home remedies for ADHD.

Home Remedies for ADHD

1. Fatty Fishes


Fatty fishes are rich in omega – 3 fatty acids. Studies show that deficiency in omega – 3 fatty acids is one of the leading cause of ADHD. Fish oil not only cures ADHD(1) but also cures depression, heart diseases, joint pain, chronic skin ailments, and arthritis.

There are supplements of fish oil, but it is always ideal to consume it in the dietary plan. Because consuming fresh fish helps maintain a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is perfect for consuming 500-100 milligrams of omega – 3 fatty acids. Excess consumption of fish oil might lead to side effects.

Fish oil contains one of the three types of omega – 3 fatty acids that is EPA and DHA. They enhance coordination between the body and the brain. Here are a few foods rich in omega – 3 fatty acids that are ideal home remedies for ADHD.

2. Mackerel

Mackerel are small fatty fishes. They are rich in various nutrients, selenium, and vitamin B12. They taste incredibly delicious and the good news is that they can be effortlessly cooked. Four thousand one hundred seven milligrams per serving is ideal for consumption.

[Read: Natural Treatments for ADHD]

3. Salmon

Image: Shutterstock

Salmon is rich in nutrition. It is also rich in selenium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B. 4023 milligrams per serving is adequate for consumption.

4. Herring

Herring fish is medium in size. People mostly consume it in the form of pickles, cold smoked, or pre-cooked food items. Smoked Herring can be a perfect breakfast and contains 100% of vitamin D and vitamin B12. 3181 milligram per serving is ideal for regular consumption.

Food and Diet

The main functionality of the brain largely depends on the food you intake. Deficiency in specific food level triggers the symptoms of ADHD. Are you suffering from ADHD? Here are a few food items that are perfect home remedies for ADHD that you should consider in your regular dietary plan.

1. Protein-Rich Diet


Protein-rich food helps the body produce neurotransmitters, which improves cellular communication. It eventually increases impulsivity and hyperactivity by blocking surges in the bloodstream. Food items such as poultry, fish, lean beef, eggs, nuts, low-fat dairy products, soy, and nuts are highly rich in protein. You should consider having your breakfast, including any one of these items.

2. Balanced Diet Meal

Supplements and prescription are not enough to fight against ADHD. A balanced diet is equally important. Balanced diet meals, which include carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and proteins, can help with the symptoms of behavioral health. Eating fiber-rich whole grains balances the blood sugar level, which significantly helps reduce spiking.

3. Vitamins and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Source: ShutterStock

Nutrition drawdowns increase the symptoms of ADHD. It will automatically reduce with adequate vitamin & mineral intake. Zinc, Iron, and magnesium improve brain ability to the response. Seafood and fortified cereals are rich in omega-3 fatty acids(2), which improves concentration and mental focus.

[Also Read: Supplements for ADHD]

Essential Oils

Essential oils have the power to relieve you from stress, mood disorders, and anxiety. They help to get a grip and control over your symptoms. Using essential oil regularly in your mindfulness routine helps fight ADHD. Here are a few suggestions to make different essential oil work for you.

1. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is most effective when used in the diffused form, or you can even apply it on your feet. It will relieve your stress and anxiety.

2. Peppermint Oil

Any essential oil relieves you from stress, but peppermint oil helps you in focusing or control your thoughts. It works best when used in the middle of the day. You mix the oil with coconut oil and rub it against sore muscles when you feel exhausted.

3. Vetiver Oil


It is challenging for people suffering ADHD to find emotional balance. Vetiver oil helps render psychological help. The oil is usually mixed with lavender oil and used in the bathing water.

Essential oils are most effective when you directly take them from flowering plants. All in all, essential oils deal with all physical, emotional, and physiological problems.

[Read: Essential Oils for ADHD]

Regular Physical Exercise

Exercising releases dopamine, which eventually helps fight against the symptoms of ADHD. It stimulates both physical and mental functionality of the body. It helps focus and concentrate better. Regularly working out helps feel good as it releases a hormone called endorphins(3). Exercising works more like a supplement of ADHD drugs. It is a natural antidepressant.

To get a person suffering from ADHD to workout is itself a difficult task. Exercising can do all the wonder alone. People who have ADHD need emotional support, along with all the therapies and prescriptions to experience better results.

Initially, you can start running, brisk walking, biking, or swimming. These activities will increase your heartbeat and alter your breathing pattern, tire your muscles, and release sweat.

Regularly working out, you will start observing changes in your behavioral problems, enhanced ability to focus or concentrate, better memory, and consciousness in actions.

Exercising helps you benefit both mentally and physically. It is worth it for an individual suffering from ADHD.

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Healthy Sleep Patterns


On average, 7 – 9 hours of sleep is mandatory. The tiredness makes it harder for people suffering from ADHD to sleep. They are easily distracted, which makes it difficult for them to go to bed. A few things you should do to be able to sleep, they are:

Practice a calm bedtime routine. Go to bed around the same time regularly. Listen to some deep sleep music before bedtime to calm yourself. Once you go to bed, avoid watching TV or staring at your cell phones.

Don’t sleep 5 to 6 hours before you go to bed and avoid drinking caffeine before bedtime. Arrange a comfortable bed for yourself before you go to bed so that you are not disturbed once you fall asleep.

Make sure you don’t sleep anywhere around four to five hours before your bedtime. Make sure you don’t drink caffeine before bedtime. Though coffee for ADHD is recommended, it is not advisable to drink it at night.

You should avoid excessive napping as this can make you feel less sleepy at night. Sleeping at night is a better idea than sleeping during the day, especially for children with ADHD, because growth hormones, crucial for the development of the brain, body, and personality, are released between eleven and three.



Regular workouts significantly improve both physical and mental health. Exercising releases neurotransmitters that relieve stress or anxiety. But yoga has proved to benefit overall health from blood pressure, circulation, Cholesterol, muscle weight to mental health. It’s a cure-all therapy that has been treating various health issues globally.

Yoga helps in achieving the state of mindfulness. It provides clarity of thoughts and actions. It improves the symptoms of ADHD. It helps you fight against your behavioral problems or judgmental thoughts in your head. It builds a connection between the body and brain. Yoga mostly focuses on positive thoughts and calmness.

Yoga is excellent therapy, but one must practice from the basics to get it right. It contains various postures and moves that result in better transitions. If you have ADHD, there are few particulars that you must consider in your yoga routine.

  • Don’t push yourself to practice complicated postures. You will end up being more stressed. Instead, consider working on more straightforward moves and focus on being calm and steady.
  • As a beginner, you can always begin with postures such as Iyengar, yin or hatha.
  • Practice and focus on your breathing patterns. Breathing is one of the primary keys in yoga. It had a lot to do with the psychological and physical state of a person. Slow inhalation and exhalation replace delta waves with alpha waves which stimulate the brain’s functions.
  • Every physique is unique. Body requirement varies from person to person. Set a goal according to your capability and practice for at least an hour a day. You can always increase it with time and perfection. Remember that “Too much of anything could be bad.”

[Also Read: Alternative Treatments for ADHD]

Behavioral or Parental Sleeping Pattern

Behavioral therapy is well known as a treatment for various mental disorders, one of which includes ADHD. The principal of behavioral treatment is to eradicate wicked behavioral problems.

Behavioral therapy also successfully treats depression, anxiety, stress, panic disorders, and bipolar disorders. There are various behavioral therapies.

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


It deals with how a person’s thoughts and beliefs affect his actions.

2. System Desensitization Therapy

It is one way to serious condition the brain against the fears. Initially, the treatment begins with relaxing and practicing breathing patterns. But once you become an expert at it, you will be exposed to your concerns.

3. Aversion Therapy

The therapy deals with getting affected people out of drug or substance abuse. It conditions the brain and enhances the will power of a person.

Often, children benefit the most out of behavioral therapy. Parents play a significant role in behavioral treatment for children because they have to reinforce their kids to teach good behavior over bad behavior in their daily life.

Precautionary Measures

You should note that certain preservatives and additives have chemicals which could cause hyperactivity in children. It is especially true for food colors like Allura red, sunset yellow, tartrazine, quinoline yellow, and sodium benzoate.

BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) are preservatives found in oily food like potato chips, butter, cereal, gum, and dried cake mixes. They can trigger the symptoms of ADHD. It is best if you avoid milk, tomatoes, plums, peaches, prunes, and chocolate. You can find processed sugars and carbohydrates in pretty much all types of foods.

Parents are advised to give enough attention to their children to regulate their behavior. Research shows that a structured daily routine might also help. This routine should include having timely meals, doing chores, playing, taking part in an after-school activity, and doing homework. The child might not get distracted easily if he or she knows what he or she is supposed to do.

Healthy habits prevent children from becoming hyperactive. Emotions are better regulated and controlled when the child follows a routine. Parents should explain what bad behavior is to children and inform them that there will be negative consequences.

ADHD can be hard to treat and control. People with ADHD can and will grow up to be responsible and focused adults, but it takes work on not only the part of parents but also the children, to overcome it, or at least, manage it. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to controlling ADHD. The home remedies for ADHD given here if put to use might help someone suffering from It.


1. What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a behavioral disorder that affects children and adults. It makes them irritable, excitable, impulsive, hyperactive and unfocused. It causes executive dysfunction, which is a term that refers to the inability of the brain for self-management. ADHD is a biological brain-based disorder which is mostly genetic. Added chemicals found in food can also cause ADHD.

2. What Causes ADHD?

It is unclear what exactly causes this disorder. However, as suggested before, it is likely hereditary as there is a significant alteration of neurotransmitters like dopamine. Research has also shown that disturbances in the circadian rhythm, lack of sleep, and sleep disturbances also cause ADHD.

In children, the root cause may be lack of interest. When children are forced to learn in a certain way, they might develop apathy. Parents should keep in mind that not all children learn by hearing. Some do better when they learn by playing, experimenting, and doing.

3. How Are Lifestyle Changes Helpful for Children with ADHD?

Children with ADHD should practice discipline, and that involves many lifestyle changes. Unhealthy dietary choices that add more sugar to the blood and too much of screen-time (watching TV, playing video games and mobile games), are likely to worsen the symptoms of ADHD. As stated before, ADHD can be controlled by following a routine with time slots for each activity. Home remedies for ADHD might also be useful.