Natural Remedies

9 Essential Oils for Teething to Take Away All that Pain

The beginning of the emergence of an infant’s primary teeth (colloquially known as milk teeth) is known as teething. Every baby is born with all 20 primary teeth below his/her gum line.

They typically start to come through between 6 and 12 months of age. It is a significant milestone in a child’s life as it is one of the first signs of growing up. It carries similar sentimental value for the parents as well.

However, the process of teething is a painful phenomenon; this is where the age-old home remedies of using essential oils for teething come into play then.

Babies suffer a lot due to the already painful process, and it is exacerbated by their young age which means that their immune system is not as well equipped as that of adults to cope with it, thus rendering them especially sensitive and vulnerable.

Symptoms of Teething

The following are some of the behaviors manifested by an infant who is on the verge of teething:

  • Fussiness
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Appetite loss
  • Drooling more than usual
  • Swollen, tender gums
  • A slightly raised body temperature (less than 38° C)
  • Gnawing or always wanting to chew on hard things
  • Increase in biting and sucking behaviour
  • Crying
  • Teething rash
  • Face rubbing or ear pulling
  • Redness on the cheeks or chin

Occasionally the infant may also suffer from fever, diarrhea, and rashes as a result of teething.

What Are The Best Essential Oils For Teething?

Essential oil for teething massages is widely used to ease the pain and discomfort that comes from teething(1). They are a safe and effective treatment for mild teething distress.

Following are the Nine best essential oils for teething that are known to provide relief from teething significantly:

1. Clove Oil

Clove’s numerous benefits for dental problems are well known. Hence it comes as no surprise that it is a preferred natural remedy for baby teething and the accompanying teething fever and teething pain.

Why One Should Use?

Clove buds are known to possess analgesic and antiseptic properties that are useful in healing any pain affecting a teething infant.

How To Use?

To use the clove oil for teething pain, it must be mixed with a carrier oil and then massaged along the gums of the baby. A sit is a highly potent oil, it must not be ingested, and as such, it is not advisable to be sued on kids below two years of age.

2. Copaiba Oil

Although comparatively lesser known than other oils on this list and also less readily available, this oil works wonders when it comes to alleviating teething pain.

Why One Should Use?

Copaiba oil contains a high level of Beta-caryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllenes have extensively shown the ability to moderate the body’s responses to irritations like newly emerging teeth.

How To Use Copaiba?

Mix a drop of copaiba oil with two drops of coconut oil and rub on the baby’s gums.  Repeat every few hours as needed.  If you are hesitant to place the oil inside the baby’s mouth, you could rub the oil along the baby’s jawline.

3. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is an age-old preferred option for pain-related complaints due to its relaxing properties. It is also usable on teething babies.

Why One Should Use?

Lavender oil is famous for its peaceful and nontoxic nature, thereby making it ideal for managing teething pain in babies under six months of age. Apart from being antiseptic, the sedative effects of lavender oil provide a soothing effect to the bay and relieve the pain to a large extent.

How To Use?

Take a few drops of the lavender oil, mix it with a carrier oil and gently massage along the jawline.

[Read More: Lavender Oil Benefits]

4. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is a gentle essential oil that is beneficial for babies who have trouble sleeping. It has natural soothing effects and is traditionally used to treat insomnia in babies and adults.

Why One Should Use?

Due to its sedative effects, Chamomile oil is popular for managing the teething pain in kids. As it is entirely non-toxic, it can be used safely for kids of all ages.

How To Use?

To use the chamomile oil, you should take a few drops and add it to a vaporizer. You can also mix chamomile oil with any carrier oil and give a gentle massage over the affected area along the jawline.

[Read: Vanilla Extract for Teething]

5. Ginger Oil

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Ginger is also a popular option for curing dental problems. It is also usable for babies going through teething too.

Why One Should Use?

Ginger oil is known to alleviate pain caused by arthritis, fatigue, and muscular aches. Muscular aches such as teething come under this category too.

How To Use?

To use ginger oil, dilute the ginger oil with a carrier oil and gently give a massage along the affected gums.

[Also Read: Ginger Tea Benefits]

6. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint essential(2) oil is a powerhouse and is a boon for every parent. It is also a teething baby’s friend.

Why One Should Use?

Peppermint oil is known to have many refreshing and soothing properties, which are useful in pacifying a fussy child going through teething.

How To Use?

To use peppermint oil, make up a mix of coconut oil and a drop of peppermint oil.  Rub the mix along the gums to provide cooling relief.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is naturally antimicrobial, antifungal, and a disinfectant. It is handy for fussy babies undergoing teething.

Why One Should Use?

Tea tree oil ensures that the ailing baby gets a good night’s sleep and can go for hours straight without coughing.

How To Use?

Massage one drop of tea tree oil on the baby’s skin on the bottom of each foot and place several drops of tea tree oil into his/her cool water humidifier.

[Also read: Benefits of Tea Tree Oil ]

8. Marjoram Oil

Marjoram is a lesser-known essential oil, but it is a very effective natural remedy for teething.

Why One Should Use?

Marjoram oil can help to increase the circulation of blood and ease the pain in muscles. This is very useful for a teething infant.

How To Use?

To use marjoram oil, mix a few drops with a carrier oil and gently rub along the affected area, i.e., along the jawline.

9. Mandarin Oil

Mandarin Oil is a variant of Orange Oil. It is a time-tested home remedy for teething pain and rashes too.

Why One Should Use?

Mandarin oil has calming effects similar to those of lavender oil. Hence it is a great nighttime alternative for babies who are irritated by the scent of lavender.

How To Use?

The sweet scent of mandarin oil is favored over other orange varieties because it is not phototoxic. This means that when diluted and applied directly to the skin, it does not cause skin irritation.

[Also Read: How to Cure Pacifier Rash in Babies ]

Side Effects, Risks, And Precautions Of Using Essential Oils For Teething:-

  1. Some essential oils for teething should not be used with certain medications and medical conditions. Thus it is always better to check whether a particular oil is appropriate for your baby or not.
  2. Before application, perform a patch test by applying a small amount of the diluted essential oil to the baby’s leg or arm, and wait to see if there is a reaction. If there is no reaction, only then proceed to apply the oil blend on the baby’s gums.
  3. Never make the baby ingest essential oils for teething.
  4. Some essential oils for teething should not be used on babies below a certain age, for example, clove oil(3) and ginger oil should not be used on babies below the age of 2 years. Be careful of the age limit and do not use any oil not meant to be used on a baby below a certain age.

Other Home Remedies for Teething:-

  1. Teething toys: Soft, plush, plastic, and rubber toys(among other types of toys) are available in the market specifically to teethe. They are safe for a baby to chew on and they soothe his/her gums.
  2. Cold washcloth: Chill a damp, clean washcloth in the fridge or freezer and allow your child to gnaw on it. A cold washcloth is known to relieve some of the pressure and swelling that comes with teething.

The Bottom Line

Teething is a crucial step in a baby’s life, and for all the irritation and fussiness that comes with it, it is an overall joyous experience for both the child and parents, as it marks a child’s first foray into being exposed to proper, solid, delicious food. Any obstacles and annoyances can be naturally, reliably, and safely cleared by using home remedies of essential oils.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s):-

1. At what age does teething start?

Usually teething starts at around six months of age but in some cases, it may be as early as three months or as late as one year.

2. How long does the pain of teething last?

Usually, the pain subsides in a few days, but with some babies, it may last longer. The entire process of teething is generally complete by the age of three years.

3. Are the teething symptoms worse at night?

Usually, as babies have fewer distractions at night, the pain feels more intense during that period. Sometimes the pain might cause the child to wake up also.

4. When should a child’s teeth start being brushed?

Tooth decay can affect babies of any age. So, you must follow good oral hygiene right from the first-day teething starts in the baby.