Women's Health

5 Natural Essential Oils For an Endometriosis Treatment

The human body never fails to amaze. The more you know about it, the more surprised you are. The female reproductive system is unique because it holds another life inside it in the womb. Maybe that is why the uterus has one of the most active muscles in a woman’s body.

Endometriosis is a situation where the tissues that should be growing inside the uterus grow outside it. It can cause a lot of discomfort during your monthly periods and intercourse. One in ten females has endometriosis in their reproductive years, which is generally between the age group of 15 to 49 years.

The number of women affected is around 176 million in the whole world. There is no definite cure as the exact cause of endometriosis remains unknown. There are some beneficial essential oils for endometriosis, which could be an easy and natural cure for your health problems(1).

Essential Oils For Endometriosis

    1. Frankincense Oil
    2. Lavender Oil
    3. Clary Sage Oil
    4. Geranium Essential Oil
    5. Cypress Essential Oil
    6. FAQs

Interestingly, the ovum is the largest cell that a human body can produce.

1. Frankincense Oil


Frankincense oil is of immense value for curing endometriosis.

  • Firstly, it helps prevent the growth of molecules that cause inflammation in endometriosis.
  • Secondly, it boosts immunity while destroying bacteria, viruses, etc.
  • Thirdly, it eases menstruation flow and delays menopause.
  • Fourthly, it provides relief to uncomfortable symptoms associated with menstruation like pain, fatigue, nausea, mood swings, and headache.
  • Fifthly, it regulates the endocrine system and healthy blood circulation. It is even useful for preventing cysts, fibroids, and in dealing with cancer.

Moreover, its aroma has a calming effect.

You could opt for a blend of essential oils or only Frankincense essential oil for endometriosis. It is always safe to dilute the essential oils with a suitable carrier oil. You could use coconut oil or jojoba oil as a carrier oil. Massage the diluted frankincense oil on the pelvic area or over the ovaries.

You could also use it in your bath water or a diffuser. Alternatively, you could use a blend of lavender oil, myrrh oil, and castor oil for endometriosis.

Use 1-4 drops of frankincense oil diluted with any carrier oil for massage, or diffuser. Alternatively, you could mix three drops each of frankincense oil and myrrh oil with two teaspoons of castor oil for endometriosis.

2. Lavender Oil

Owing to its healing and soothing effects, Lavender oil is one of the most loved essential oils. You could use lavender essential oil for endometriosis as it is anti-inflammatory and relieves pain. It fights off anxiety, stress, and other symptoms like dysmenorrhoea. Further, it calms you and helps you to sleep. A 2006 study used a combination of lavender, rose and clary sage oil. It is concluded that an abdomen massage with this blend of essentials oil helps to relieve abdominal pain, cramps, and dysmenorrhoea.

You could use lavender oil for endometriosis in many combinations.

Massage with lavender rose, and clary sage essential oils with coconut or almond oil. You could use lavender, sage, and marjoram essential oils with an unscented cream.

Also, you could take lavender, clove, cinnamon, and rose essential oils with olive oil. It is an excellent idea to combine the lavender essential oil with castor oil for endometriosis. You will benefit immensely by combining the essential oil with a traditional remedy like castor oil for endometriosis. Use any of the above combinations to massage your abdomen.

Use only 1-4 drops of lavender oil diluted with a carrier oil for massage. When using a blend of oils, you should always mix these essential oils in the correct proportion. Also, conduct a patch test before trying these oils.

3. Clary Sage Oil


Clary sage oil is an effective essential oil for endometriosis. This oil is beneficial for overall uterine health and has a positive effect on pituitary gland functioning. It is termed as a ‘uterine tonic.’ It helps ease abdomen cramps, pain, stress, and anxiety. Its estrogenic effect improves the menstrual cycle.

It has antiseptic and anti-oxidative properties, which can reduce the risk of endometriosis and adhesions. It helps to reduce inflammation too. A study on menopausal females concluded it to have a positive effect on cortisol levels and thyroid hormones. (2)

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You could use diluted clary sage oil to massage your abdomen. Alternatively, you could use a blend of essential oils with a carrier oil for massage.

Use a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil for the massage. Alternatively, you could use six drops of clary sage, twelve drops of geranium, five drops of rose, and ten drops of nutmeg essential oils for endometriosis.

[ Read: Treating and Coping with Endometriosis Naturally ]

4. Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil is a ‘uterine tonic’ as it supports reproductive health. It is believed to be a very useful essential oil for endometriosis. Research says it helps to balance female hormones while relieving stress and anxiety. According to a study, inhaling it helps decreases anxiety by 18 percent.

You could use diluted geranium essential oil directly to massage your pelvic area. Also, you could use a blend of essential oils for enhanced benefit.

You could mix 1-4 drops of this oil with a carrier oil for massage. Alternatively, you could combine twelve drops of geranium, six drops of clary sage, five drops of rose and ten drops of nutmeg oil and two teaspoons of coconut oil to massage your pelvic area.

[Also Read: Home Remedies For Endometriosis]

5. Cypress Essential Oil


The cypress essential oil is the best choice for women who face infertility issues due to endometriosis. It boosts fertility and is a beneficial essential oil for endometriosis. Some evidence shows that it helps in blood circulation, which means that it brings relief in any form of bleeding.  It is a natural pain reliever and antispasmodic.

You could dilute cypress oil with carrier oils like coconut, jojoba or castor oil for endometriosis. Massage your pelvic area with this diluted oil. You could also add it to your bathing water or opt for a blend of essential oils for the massage.

Use 1-4 drops of cypress oil diluted in a carrier oil for massage. When you are preparing a blend of essential oils, be careful so as to mix them in the correct proportion.

These are the best essential oils for endometriosis. However, you could also try other essential oils for endometriosis like eucalyptus oil, ginger oil, chamomile oil, sandalwood oil, and avocado oil. You should always conduct a patch test before using any essential oil to check for allergies.

The choice of carrier oil is also crucial as a suitable carrier oil can enhance the benefit of the essential oils. Adopting a healthy lifestyle along with the use of these oils will help get rid of the health issues.


1. What are the best home remedies for endometriosis?

The best home remedies for endometriosis are

  1. Diet for endometriosis
  2. Yoga and meditation
  3. Moderate exercise
  4. Warm baths
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain
  6. Acupuncture
  7. Turmeric
  8. Essential Oils For Endometriosis

2. What diet can you follow for endometriosis?

The diet for endometriosis includes

  1. Vegetables and high fiber food
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids
  3. Gluten-free diet
  4. Low FODMAP diet
  5. Avoiding trigger foods.

3. How is turmeric beneficial for endometriosis?

Turmeric has many medicinal properties. It is anti-inflammatory and helps in reducing pain. It helps prevent the growth of endometrial tissues. You can take turmeric supplements or enjoy ginger turmeric tea. You could also apply natural essential oils for endometriosis pain relief.