Natural Remedies

8 Remarkable Essential Oils For Chest Congestion

Are you suffering from an irritating pain in your throat or chest accompanied by soreness, mucus, constant cough, and cold? These are some primary symptoms of Chest Congestion which is a condition in which there is a strong inflammation along with building up of phlegm that causes excess pain and clogging in the throat.

Opting essential oils for chest congestion not only proves to be beneficial for reducing the pain in the chest but also helps in preventing the growth of infectious bacteria that infect the respiratory tract.

There are many methods to treat this chronic disease. However, effective natural home remedies prove to have a killer effect on the viruses that cause this and are credible to expel mucus out of the body besides imparting an assuasive relief from the nagging cold and cough.

Also Read: Effective Essential Oils for Cough

Types, Symptoms, and Causes of Chest Congestion

Chest congestion is a painful condition in which a person experiences a strong inflammation in the chest, excess mucus in the respiratory tract and an annoying cough and cold with a high fever in the body. It occurs due to the infectioncaused by certain bacteria and viruses that enter in the body through the nasal passage.


Some of the common symptoms that come with chronic chest congestion include:

  • A headache
  • Disorientation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excess Phlegm
  • Prolonged high fever
  • Chest pain while coughing
  • Tiredness due to lack of sleep


There are plenty of reasons for Chest Congestions to occur in the respiratory tract of our body: –

  • Common Cold
  • Bacterial and viral infections
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Allergies
  • Severe Bronchitis
  • Tuberculosis

What Essential Oils Are Good For Chest Congestion?

Owing to the natural properties and negligible side effects Essentials oils have been popular since ancient times, and their powerful attack on the disease has saved many lives from many acute and fatal diseases. Thus, there is a rise in using essential oils for chest congestion to speed up the normal recovery besides offering relief from chest pain, cough and cold.

Essential oils are taken from leaves, roots, flowers, bark and other parts of the plant to use them in numerous therapeutic and medicinal applications. Rich in a plethora of nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, hormones and an exalted fragrance, these essential oils work perfectly to cure chronic chest congestion(1) from its core.

Also Read: Best Essential Oils for Cold

How To Use Essential Oils For Chest Congestion?

Following are few perfect essential oils for chest congestion that suits well to ease breathing and loosen mucus from the chest-

1. Oregano Oil for Chest Congestion

Image: ShutterStock

Oregano oil is powerful in curing any respiratory disease. When inhaled, it brings relief to the respiratory tract and mitigates the pain caused by asthma attack or chest congestion.

Why one should Use Oregano Oil For Chest Congestion?

A renowned herb for its expectorant, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties is powerful in curing chest congestion from its roots.

How To Treat Chest Congestion With Oregano Oil?

Put 20-30 drops of oregano oil in water and inhale the mist sprayed by it for the opening of your sore throat and getting rid of a closed nose.

[Read: Home Remedies for Chest Pain]

2. Lemongrass Oil for Chest Congestion

Enriched with analgesic, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and astringent properties, Lemongrass offers a soothing effect from a running nose and constant cough that comes along severe chest congestion.

Why Use Lemongrass Oil For Chest Congestion?

Owing to its useful attributes, it works its magic by aiding in opening the clogged throat and working upon alleviating the soreness and getting rid of bacteria that might infect the respiratory tract.

How To Treat Chest Congestion With Lemongrass Oil?

Massaging your throat and chest with lemongrass oil mixed with some carrier oil like coconut oil can benefit you to get rid of the chronic chest congestion.

Read More: Lemongrass Tea Benefits

3. Peppermint Oil for Chest Congestion

A highly effective remedy for curing respiratory diseases, peppermint oil(2) is used in cooling chest rubs and balms. It not only clear the respiratory tract but also provides immediate relief from cold and cough.

Why one should Use Peppermint Oil For Chest Congestion?

Peppermint has decongestant, antispasmodic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties that make it work as a super essential oil for treating chest congestion in babies.

How To Get Rid Of Chest Congestion With Peppermint Oil?

Make a balm by combing a few drops of peppermint oil, lavender oil, and coconut oil and apply it regularly over your chest and throat area.

4. Cinnamon Oil for Chest Congestion

Taken from the bark of cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and linalool, Cinnamon Oil is said to be one of the oldest spices oil in the world used to cure any medical problem. It exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic properties.

Why one should Use Cinnamon Oil For Chest Congestion?

It is a potent essential oil that helps to treat chest congestion from its roots and eases breathing. It is useful in dilating the blood vessels and supplementing the lungs with more oxygen supply.

How To Treat Chest Congestion With Cinnamon Oil?

It can be taken with honey in lukewarm water as a wonder drink that relieves the throat. Its intense aroma is helpful in curing chest congestion naturally.

5. Eucalyptus Oil for Chest Congestion

Eucalyptus oil is infused with eucalyptol that quickly breaks down mucus and phlegm and imparts a soothing effect to the aching throat from chest congestion, bronchitis, and sinusitis.

Why one should Use Eucalyptus Oil For Chest Congestion?

Eucalyptus Oil(3) is a source of many essential properties like decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial that fight against all respiratory problems from chronic asthma to severe chest congestion.

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How To Treat Chest Congestion With Eucalyptus Oil?

Eucalyptus oil must be mixed with ginger or Coconut oil and rubbed over the throat and chest area that will help in supplying maximum oxygen to the lungs.

Also Read: Eucalyptus Oil Benefits

6. Lavender Oil for Chest Congestion

Lavender oil is an excellent choice when it comes to treating cough chest congestion naturally. Its effective analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties help to heal throat infections, whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis.

Why one should Use Lavender Oil For Chest Congestion?

A best natural home remedy of all times, Lavender oil plays a significant role in speeding the process of recovery from a chronic cough and cold.

How To Get Rid Of Chest Congestion With Lavender Oil?

Inhaling vapors after putting some drops of lavender oil in warm water can bring excellent results to the soreness of throat and nagging cold.

Also Read: Excellent Lavender Oil Benefits 

7. Tea Tree Oil for Chest Congestion

Tea Tree oil is beneficial to kill the viruses that form a cyst around themselves by breaking the cysts and giving a boost to the immune system. It works wonder to prevent several maladies like cold, cough, sore throat and influenza from entering into the body.

Why one should Use Tea Tree Oil For Chest Congestion?

Owing to the anti-viral properties of tea tree oil mucus gets expelled, and chronic symptoms of asthma, cough and cold, and severe chest congestion get better with regular use.

How To Treat Chest Congestion With Tea Tree Oil?

Inhaling the vapors of tea tree oil by putting it on a towel can be useful in supplying rich oxygen to the lungs.

8. Clove Oil for Chest Congestion

Clove Oil has potent anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic properties and is a natural expectorant to cure and clear mucus from the throat, lungs, and nasal airways.

Why one should Use Clove Oil For Chest Congestion?

Clove oil is known to possess a plethora of vital nutrients that are powerful to get rid of the clogged mucus in the lungs and throat. It is potent oil that mitigates the soreness and alleviates the pain in the chest.

How To Get Rid Of Chest Congestion With Clove Oil?

Massaging clove oil combined with coconut oil over the nose, throat and chest area gives instant relief from the pain.

Other Essential Oils for Chest Congestion

In addition to essential oils for chest congestion, you can also use these other oils if you are seeking permanent relief from the ailment.

1. Castor Oil for Chest Congestion

Castor oil comes from the Ricinus communis plant which is an excellent source of various minerals and proteins which are best known for curing Chest Congestion due to its versatile properties.

Why one should use Castor Oil for Chest Congestion?

Castor oil is a natural remedy that stimulates breathing and help to get relief from a nagging cold or a cough. Imparting valuable outcomes from a wide array of problems is necessary.

How to treat Chest Congestion with Castor Oil?

An external application of castor oil is soaking a cloth in castor oil and placing it over your chest for a whole night better outcomes.

2. Coconut Oil for Chest Congestion

Coconut oil is well-known for strengthening our immune system and build up a mucus-free chest. It is suitable to kill the bacteria that cause chest congestion and cough.

Why one should use Coconut Oil for Chest Congestion?

Not only does the antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid present in coconut oil are an excellent source of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties but also help in eliminating chest congestion and soothe a sore throat.

How to treat Chest Congestion with Coconut Oil?

Consumption of coconut oil every day is helpful in fighting against chest congestion. Replace your regular oil with coconut oil for best results. Also, you may massage your throat and chest with warm coconut oil for relief from pain.

Some Other Essential Oils for Chest Congestion are:

  • Chamomile Oil
  • Rosemary Oil
  • Thyme Oil
  • Frankincense essential oil

Risks And Precautions

Always pay close attention to the composition of an essential oil and notice if it contains anything that can cause allergy to your body. An oil that is not suitable for your skin should not be used again and make sure you follow all the precautions that are written over the oil to avoid any problem from occurring.

Other Home Remedies For Chest Congestion

Not only Essential Oils, but there is also a multitude of home remedies for Chest Congestion that can be followed for best results: –

1. The Honey magic

According to a study in 2007, Honey is said to possess all the necessary antibacterial and antiviral properties that help in soothing the irritated throat and fights against harmful infections. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with one spoon honey mixed in it proves to cure chronic chest congestion naturally.

2. Drinking Fenugreek Tea

Grinding the fenugreek seeds and adding the powder while making tea works wonders in alleviating the soreness and eliminating mucus from the body. It is also helpful in reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar to treat mucus

Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with warm water must be used to gargle every morning so that the excess mucus can be eliminated from the body and is advantageous to treat severe chest congestion in a fast way.


While severe chest congestion should be treated naturally as well as with proper advice from your healthcare experts; engaging in organic natural home remedies along with the use of essential oils for chest congestion will surely benefit you to treat chest congestion in an excellent way. One must stay away from dust prone areas so that the viruses and bacteria causing chest congestion are miles apart.


1. Is there any way to prevent chest congestion from occurring?

Chest Congestion is a common problem and can only be prevented by following some precautions in changing seasons and while going to an area where conditions are not favorable by covering your nose and mouth with a scarf. Drinking warm water and hot tea with ginger, honey, and lemon are other simple ways to prevent it.

2. How to get rid of excess phlegm to reduce soreness in the throat?

Excess mucus or phlegm can be eliminated from the body by two practices: gargling regularly with either salt in warm water or apple cider vinegar in warm water. It will impart a calming effect to the throat, alleviate chest decongestion and help in healing soreness in the throat.