Natural Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Also known as dentinal hypersensitivity, tooth sensitivity may become troubling when the softer inner part of the tooth, called dentine, that lies under the enamel and the gums, gets exposed.

Receding gums and enamel wear are the two major problems that can result in tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity has no at-risk age groups; it can happen to anyone anytime during a lifetime. However, statistics reveal that most people suffering from tooth sensitivity are between the age bracket of 20 to 50 years.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

The dentine has thousands of microscopic channels that run to the center of the tooth through it.

These nerves present inside the tooth get stimulated once the dentin is exposed to external triggers, like very hot or very cold drinks, thereby causing a sharp sensation of tooth sensitivity.

The two main factors, which cause tooth sensitivity are gum recession and enamel wear. The causes of tooth sensitivity are as follows:

  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush.
  • Gum recession that exposes the dentin due to periodontal disease.
  • Exposure of tooth’s root due to inflamed or sore gum tissue, known as Gingivitis.
  • Teeth grinding or clenching.
  • Building up of plague.
  • Using mouthwash for the long term.
  • Enamel reduction caused due to intake of acidic foods.
Tooth sensitivity can be treated successfully by maintaining proper oral hygiene.

How to Fix Sensitive Teeth: Natural Remedies and Treatments

Natural remedies for sensitive teeth can work wonders in relieving the pain and discomfort associated with it. Some of these are as follows.

CURE 1. Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

1. Desensitizing Toothpaste


Why does it work?

Desensitizing toothpaste contains compounds that block the pain signals that travel from the tooth nerve to the brain. One of the most active ingredients among these is potassium nitrate(1). These compounds cover the nerve endings and shield them from irritants.

How to use and how much to use?

The toothpaste should be used twice daily, once in the morning and once before bedtime. It is recommended to use toothpaste on a soft-bristle toothbrush and rinse the mouth with low-acid mouthwashes or fluoride mouth rinses for best results.

[ Read: Natural Alternatives to Toothpaste ]

2. Oil Pulling

Why does it work?

Tooth sensitivity can be reduced by oil pulling with coconut or sesame oil. Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic method of swishing oil around the mouth for several minutes before spitting it out. This process, if practiced every day, reduces plaque formation and gum diseases, like Gingivitis, which in turn causes tooth sensitivity.

How to use and how much to use?

Oil pulling should be done at least once every day to prevent gum diseases. Take some sesame or coconut oil, and rub it on your gums for a few minutes before spitting it out. Practice this for 10-15 minutes every day.

[ Read: Oil Pulling Benefits ]

3. Saltwater


Why does it work?

Saltwater acts as a strong antiseptic, and hence, helps in reducing pain and inflammation.

How to use and how much to use?

In order to alleviate pain and discomfort due to tooth sensitivity, gargle and rinse your mouth with salt in warm at least twice daily.

½ to ¾  teaspoon of salt should be added to lukewarm water. Then, the prepared solution should be swished in the mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

CURE 2: Herbs for Sensitive teeth

When talking about sensitive teeth remedy, natural herbs play a pivotal role in reducing pain and relieving discomfort caused due to tooth sensitivity. Some of the most effective ones are as follows.

1. Turmeric

Why does it work?

Turmeric consists of a compound named curcumin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and hence works well on sensitive teeth.

How to use and how much to use?

Grind some turmeric and massage it over the gums and tooth to heal tooth sensitivity. You can alternatively make a paste by mixing 1 tsp turmeric, ½ tsp salt, and ½ teaspoon mustard oil. This paste should be applied twice daily on the gums and teeth for pain relief.

2. Cinnamon


Why does it work?

Cinnamon(2) is known to kill the bacteria present in the mouth, and when it is consumed along with clove, it is considered to be one of the best remedies for sensitive teeth. Cinnamon is an excellent pain reliever for the gums.

How to use and how much to use?

Cinnamon bark should be boiled along with clove, and the water should be used to gargle at least twice a day. You can consume 2-3 grams of the bark every day to prevent tooth decay and help relieve tooth sensitivity.

[ Read: Natural Remedies for Tooth Decay ]

3. Arnica

Why does it work?

For sensitive teeth cure, Arnica is considered to be one of the best herbs. It soothes the nervous system, reduces inflammation, and provides instant relief from pain.

How to use and how much to use?

As a remedy for sensitive teeth, apply Arnica gel on the gums and teeth twice every day. Arnica is a herb that can be extracted from the Arnica plant.

Desensitizing toothpaste is quite effective in reducing tooth sensitivity.

CURE 3: Essential Oils for Sensitive Teeth

Both heat and cold; sensitive teeth can be treated with special essential oils, which are particularly known for providing relief from tooth sensitivity due to the properties present in them. Let us take a look at some of them.

1. Clove


Why does it work?

Usage of Clove oil for relieving dental pain is being done since ancient times, long before the birth of modern dentistry. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties make it an excellent painkiller to soothe sensitive teeth as well.

How to use and how much to use?

For relieving severe toothache due to sensitivity, mix four drops of clove oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil and three drops of cinnamon oil. Apply the mixture directly on the affected tooth or the cavity. However, make sure not to swallow your saliva for a few minutes after applying this mixture. This practice can be repeated as and when you experience pain or numbness due to sensitivity.

Alternatively, clove oil can also be applied independently by simply taking a few drops in a cotton ball and placing it on the infected tooth or area. This can be repeated at least twice a day.

2. Tea Tree

Why does it work?

Tea tree helps to kill the bacteria that causes the cavity, which in turn results in tooth sensitivity. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and even renders a mild anesthetic effect that helps sooth infection and pain drastically.

How to use and how much to use?

Tea tree oil can be used independently or in conjunction with other natural ingredients. You can even mix three drops of tea tree oil with two drops of frankincense oil and eight drops of chamomile oil in two cups of warm water. Then use this liquid for hot compression on the affected area for relief from pain and swelling.

3. Cinnamon


Why does it work?

Cinnamon contains antibacterial properties, which are especially effective in fighting against microorganisms that cause tooth decay and gum disease. They even help in pain-numbing as they contain phytocompounds that have anti-inflammatory effects.

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How to use and how much to use?

Cinnamon oil can be applied directly to the infected areas on the tooth or gums at least twice a day or even more if the irritation and pain are severe.

As an alternative for relieving severe toothache due to sensitivity, mix three drops of cinnamon oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil and four drops of clove oil.

Apply the mixture directly on the affected tooth or the cavity. However, make sure not to swallow your saliva for a few minutes after applying this mixture. This practice can be repeated as and when you experience pain or numbness due to sensitivity.

[ Read: Essential Oils For Toothache ]

Gum disease and tooth decay are the root cause of sensitive teeth. 

CURE 4: Foods for Sensitive Teeth

There are various food items, which can soothe tooth pain and inflammation caused due to tooth sensitivity. Some of them which provide sensitive teeth remedy are as follows.

1. Grass-Fed Butter

Why does it work?

Grass-fed butter has fat-soluble Vitamin A that works like wonders in teeth healing, and hence, in tooth sensitivity.

How to use and how much to use?

You can either try raw milk or non-homogenised full-fat organic milk, double cream, yogurt, and different varieties of cheese. Include these foods into your daily diet by having them during breakfast or including them with the main course at mealtimes like lunch and dinner.

A glass of milk for breakfast, a bowl of yogurt at lunchtime, and some cheese spread for supper can help in teeth sensitivity to a great extent.

2. Liver


Why does it work?

The liver is considered to be teeth-healing dynamite as it comes laden with Vitamin-D and Vitamin-A, which works amazingly well to heal the gums and prevent tooth sensitivity. It even promotes growth and health equally.

How to use and how much to use?

Include butter or lard along with lever to make a delicious dish. Add at least one liver recipe to any one of your meals every day so as to encourage relief from tooth sensitivity.

[ Read: Foods That Whiten Your Teeth ]

3. Caviar

Why does it work?

Caviar, or fish eggs, is highly rich in Vitamin-D which initiates tooth healing, and hence, prevents and fights tooth sensitivity.

How to use and how much to use?

Include these as a part of your meal at least once a day. They can be eaten in any form, or even cooked to taste as per personal preferences.

It’s a myth that one shouldn’t drink coffee or eat ice-cream if that have sensitive teeth.

CURE 5: Supplements for Sensitive Teeth

How to relieve sensitive teeth with certain supplements? Let us check this out

1. Calcium


Why does it help?

Calcium is considered to be one of the best friends of teeth as it helps in building bones and providing structural support. It assists in the hardening of the enamel inside the mouth and strengthening the jawbone as well.

How to use and how much to use?

Including milk, cheese, broccoli, yogurt, and salmon in your daily diet can make up for the calcium requirement of your body. Alternatively, with people having calcium deficiency, they can even have calcium supplement tablets to suffice the need. Having 500mg of Calcium tablets every day is sufficient for adults.

2. Vitamin D

Why does it help?

Vitamin D boosts the bone mineral density and helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. Hence, to get the maximum out of your calcium intake, it is mandatory to have adequate amounts of Vitamin D as well.

How to use and how much to use?

The best way to get sufficient Vitamin D for the body is through exposure to sunlight. Alternative sources are canned tuna, fatty fish and portobello mushrooms, milk, oranges, and cereals are also good sources of Vitamin D.

Adding the above food items in your daily regime during meal times can help build up the Vitamin D content for the body. However, for people having an acute deficiency of Vitamin D, it is advisable to take Vitamin supplement tablets after consulting a physician.

[ Read: Treat Exposed Nerve in Tooth ]

3. Phosphorous

Why does it help?

Phosphorus assists in supporting calcium which in turn is responsible for building bones and teeth within the human body.

How to use and how much to use?

There are many kinds of seafood that can make up for the phosphorus content in the body, like shrimp, tuna, salmon, etc. Plant-based rich phosphorus sources are lentils, soybeans, and pumpkin seeds.

Adding these food substances in the raw or cooked form in your daily diet during meal times can work like wonders in providing sufficient phosphorus to the body. Supplementary tablets for phosphorus are also available, which can be taken after consulting a doctor.

Sensitivity can result in tooth loss.

Tooth Sensitivity troubles immensely if not treated properly or taken care of at the right hour. The wearing down of enamel and gum diseases, resulting from plaque buildup, are the root causes of this incessant problem.

However, checking up on it and treating it at the right time with proper tooth care and consultation from a dentist can keep this problem at bay.

Teeth whitening for sensitive teeth or using white strips for sensitive teeth and even switching to homemade toothpaste for sensitive teeth are some of its remedies that should be considered seriously.


1. What helps sensitive teeth?

Ans: Using desensitizing toothpaste, soft bristle toothbrushes, and fluoride mouthwashes are the most common remedies that help sensitive teeth, prescribed by most dentists.

2. What to do for sensitive teeth?

Ans: Avoid teeth grinding and highly acidic foods to keep tooth sensitivity at bay.

3. How to whiten sensitive teeth?

Ans: You can undergo professional whitening treatments, get porcelain veneers layered on your teeth, or use white strips for sensitive teeth to whiten them.