Dental & Oral Care

Effective Home Remedies for Pyorrhoea to Protect Your Teeth

Pyorrhoea is a dental infection caused by bacteria. The bacteria are produced in between the teeth of the patients. The food particles stuck in the cervices of teeth while eating cause the bacteria to grow and infect the gums. The visible symptoms are seen after the infection has spread to the gums.

These bacterial infection results in the formation of pus in the gums. The bone tissues holding the teeth are infected in pyorrhea. The patient will completely lose his/ her teeth if left untreated. The microorganisms are grown around the teeth due to the improper brushing of teeth. It is recommended to brush the teeth regularly after eating your meals.

Brushing the teeth properly helps avoid the accumulation of microorganisms in and around the teeth. The bacteria were grown in the spaces between the teeth and gums. These bacteria produce acids, toxins, and enzymes which help in disrupting the structure of tissues and bones holding the teeth.

In a few severe cases, the infection spreads rapidly resulting in the exposure of nerves of the gums.

Symptoms of Pyorrhoea

The common symptoms of pyorrhoea include

  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Difficulty in chewing

Risk factors

The major risk factor of pyorrhoea include

  • Chronic periodontitis
  • Gingivitis
  • Ulcerative gingivitis

Treatment of Pyorrhoea

There are two methods for treating pyorrhoea

  1. Surgical methods
  2. Non-surgical methods

If pyorrhoea is diagnosed in the early stages it can be treated through non-surgical treatments. In the advanced stages, it can be cured by surgical methods. On surgical methods comprises of the following steps

1. Scaling

Scaling is the first step in the treatment of pyorrhoea. In scaling technique, the dental plaque and the microbial biofilm is removed to avoid the spread of infection.

2. Root Planning


After removal of the dental plaques, the roots are cleaned deeply. Scaling is a part of root planning method.

3. Polishing

Polishing(1) the teeth is required after cleaning the plaques. The polishing is done to clean the outer surfaces of the teeth. Polishing helps in clearing the stains of the plaque from the adjacent teeth.

4. Antibiotics

Pyorrhoea is a bacterial infection. Antibiotics are given to the patient in the form of mouthwash and pills. These antibiotics are required to kill the bacterial germs.

5. Splinting

Splinting is a technique which attaches the mobile and weak teeth together. Joining of weak teeth helps in the formation of the strong single unit of teeth. The single unit makes teeth more stable and helps in comfortable chewing.

6. Bite guard

Removal of dental plaques and splinting results in imbalanced bite while eating. Imbalanced bite tenses the muscles and can increase bone loss. The bone loss can be avoided by using a bite guard.

Bite guard also referred to as night guard. These night guards help in comfortable chewing and relaxing the tensed muscles. The bite guards are not mandatory for patients. The patients who face difficulty in chewing can use these bite guard.

[Read: Foods That Whiten Your Teeth]

Home Remedies for Pyorrhoea

Pyorrhoea can be treated by simple home Remedies like

1. Salt


Salt is used for the treatment of pyorrhoea as it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Using salt helps in reducing pain. Add two teaspoons of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and swish the mouth full of the solution for 1 minute. Rinse and repeat the same procedure two to three times a day for complete removal of bacterial germs from the mouth.

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2. Turmeric

Turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric is used to relieve pain and inflammation. Turmeric is also known to kill bacterial germs. Turmeric powder can be used to brush your teeth. And the other alternative method for using turmeric is to make a paste.

The turmeric paste can be made by mixing a pinch of turmeric powder with water or vitamin solution. Apply this paste on gums in a night before going to bed and rinse with lukewarm water in the morning. Applying turmeric paste helps in relieving pain.

3. Guava

Guava helps in reducing swelling and pain in gums during pyorrhoea infection. Guava leaves are washed and chewed to stop bleeding of gums. Guava leaves also help in reducing the risk of pus formation in the gums due to pyorrhoea infection. Guava is rich in vitamin C and chewing ripe guava with salt helps in reducing plaque formation and makes your teeth healthy

4. Indian lilac or Neem


Neem is having antibacterial activity. It helps in curing bad breath caused due to pyorrhea. Extract the juice of neem leaves(2) and apply it to the teeth and gums and rinse it with warm water after 5-10 minutes. Use the same procedure 2-3 times a day to cure pyorrhoea

5. Spinach Juice

Mix 1 cup of spinach juice with 1 cup of carrot juice and drink. Drinking spinach juice helps in curing pyorrhoea.

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6. Papaya

Consuming papaya helps in reducing pain and bleeding of gums.

7. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is having antibacterial activity. Mix equal amount of water and hydrogen peroxide and rinse the mouth frequently to prevent bacterial infection.

8. Banana


Ripe banana helps to cure pain and prevent bleeding of gums in patients suffering from pyorrhoea.

[Read: Benefits of Banana]

9. Orange

Take out orange and lemon peel and rub it on teeth for 5 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Rubbing citrus fruit peels stops bleeding of gums

10. Pomegranate

Make a paste of crushed pomegranate with a half teaspoon of pepper and 1 teaspoon of salt. Apply the paste on gums and leave for 5 minutes and rinse the mouth with warm water.

11. Cinnamon

Gargle with cinnamon water. Boil 4 to 5 pieces of cinnamon in water for half an hour. Let it cool for some time and use the water for gargling.

12. Mustard oil


Mix mustard oil with a pinch of salt and apply it on gums after brushing. Applying mustard oil helps in relieving the pain caused by pyorrhoea

13. Pepper

Grind black pepper to form the powder and mix with salt. Apply the mixture on the gums several times to cure pyorrhoea

14. Pure Ghee

Make the paste of pure ghee with camphor and apply on gums twice a day to treat pyorrhoea.