Dental & Oral Care

6 Best Home Remedies for Cavities Treatment

A cavity gets developed when a tooth breaks down or decays. Sometimes, cavity termed as dental caries, and in case an individual has tooth decay, it is essential to get it repaired as quickly as possible. The sticky and slimy substance produced due to the germs, which can cause tooth decay. The bacteria in the mouth produce acids, and when this substance clings to the teeth, the acid is capable of eating the outermost layer of the tooth, known as the enamel.

As per the CDC’s National Centre for Health statistics report, around 91% of U.S. adults of age group 20–64 had cavities in the year 2011–2012. If you do not opt for home remedies or visit the dentist, the acid can continuously make its way through the outer layer, and the inner part of the tooth can start to decay.=

Do you want to know how to fix a cavity at home? Wait no more,  read on about the effective home remedies for cavities.

Effective Home Remedies for Cavities

1. Vitamin D


Enamel is considered as one of the most mineralized substances in the human body. It consists of calcium and phosphate. Vitamin D is essential to increase the absorption of phosphate and calcium from the food that we eat. Increasing the intake of phosphate and calcium helps in improving the strength of the teeth as well as their capability to fight demineralization by the bacteria.

Vitamin D receptors are present on cells in the immune system and the teeth. Vitamin D is capable of binding to these receptors and can also raise the level of antimicrobial proteins in the body that help in fighting the bacteria, which can cause dental caries.

Moreover, the teeth cells that form enamel and dentin consists of vitamin D receptors, which means that vitamin D plays a vital role in their functioning. Vitamin D deficiency is capable of causing different types of health issues. The first sign of vitamin D deficiency includes bleeding gums and tooth decay(1).

If an individual does not fulfill the vitamin D deficiency, the problem can lead to the immune system, digestive, and brain disorders. Therefore, you cannot ignore health issues related to teeth.

You can intake essential amount of vitamin D from dairy products, such as yogurt, milk, and butter. Exposure to sun rays is also a good source of Vitamin D intake.

[Also Read: How to Get Rid of Cavities with Natural Remedies]

2. Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride helps in preventing tooth decay by decreasing the rate of the remineralization process and reducing the breakdown of enamel. The new enamel crystals that develop are more massive, more difficult, as well as more resistant to acid.

Outer covering on a tooth is hard yet porous. Plaque bacteria on the surface of the teeth are capable of producing acids that seep into the enamel’s pores and can also break down the internal structure of the teeth. This entire process, known as demineralization, is capable of creating a weak spot in the tooth, which may become a cavity if untreated.

An individual must do brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste regularly because it helps in strengthening weak spots as well as exposed roots and also helps in preventing tooth decay, which is in its early stages.

Always supervise the children when they are brushing their teeth. As recommended, children who are under the age of 6 should only use a pea size fluoride-based toothpaste.

3. Sugar-Free Gum


Chewing sugar-free gum helps in protecting the teeth and gums in between your meals when it is not possible to brush with fluoride toothpaste and toothbrush. Our teeth are more at an acid attack risk after we have eaten. The acid produced by plaque bacteria, and the sugar present in the food and drink, slowly dissolves away the dentine and enamel of the tooth, producing a hole or a cavity.

However, sugar-free gum consists of a compound known as casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate helps in reducing S. mutans even more as compared to chewing gum, which contains xylitol. These type of chewing gums are available in stores. The chewing gum which contains xylitol can stimulate salivation, increase the pH of plaque, and decrease S. mutans, in the long run.

Chewing sugar-free gum helps the mouth to develop more saliva, which is the natural defense of the mouth against acid. Thus, preventing cavities (2).

4. Licorice Root

Dried licorice root is an herb, which is sometimes useful for treating respiratory, sore throats, and digestive problems as well as other disorders. It can act as an active agent for fighting the bacteria, which is responsible for causing tooth decay and periodontal disease.

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While preparing Chinese traditional medicine and other medicines, licorice root is useful as an additive that can improve the other herbal ingredient’s activities. It is also helpful as a breath or mouth freshening ingredient in a few natural kinds of toothpaste.

An individual should use the licorice root with caution. Always consult with a healthcare professional because it has serious side effects as well as negative interactions with prescribed medications.

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5. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling was recognized and developed in an ancient alternative medicine system called Ayurveda. It incorporates swishing around a tablespoon of coconut, sunflower or sesame oil in the mouth for a prescribed duration, then spits it out. Research indicates that it helps in improving tooth health. When you use sesame oil in the pulling method, it can reduce the amount of plaque as well as bacteria to some extent as a mouthwash.

Oil pulling technique can reduce plaque; helping in remineralizing enamel and avoiding cavities.

Oil pulling is suggested for a variety of ailments, such as asthma, headaches, acne, and even diabetes. It is widely useful to stop or avoid cavities from developing, can reduce mouth bacteria, as well as promote healthy gums. As per the survey, oil pulling can also curb the bad breath, cure insomnia and fatigue, relieve stress, dissipate body pains, and cure the digestive problems too.

[Also Read: Oil Pulling Benefits to Maintain Dental Health]

6. Removal of Sugary Food Items


You should eat sticky and sugary foods occasionally. In case you love sweets and cannot stay away from it, then you must drink some water (tap water), which consists of fluoride. Fluoride helps in rinsing out your mouth and can also dilute the sugar, which sticks to the surface of the tooth.

Moreover, consume soft drinks in a very less quantity. In case you love to drink aerated drinks then do not sip the drink slowly for a long duration of time. Keeping aerated drinks in your mouth for a long time could expose the teeth to sugar as well as acid attacks for longer. Instead of sipping on soft drink, go for normal water because it is devoid of sugar, acid, or calories.

When you drink or eat anything sugary, the bacteria present inside the mouth breaks it down. However, bacteria also produce acid in the entire process. That acid can destroy the tooth enamel, which further results in cavity or tooth decay over time.

To prevent cavity or tooth decay, keep the intake of high-sugar beverages and foods to a minimum, especially during meals, as well as right before going to sleep.

Home remedies are beneficial because they are capable of reducing the risk of cavities or can even reverse damage to the enamel in the pre-cavity stage. These home remedies are useful along with dentist-recommended methods like flossing and brushing with fluoride toothpaste.

However, all cavities do not cause pain, so you need to see a dentist regularly because they can detect tooth decay at an early stage and can recommend preventive measures.


1. What are cavities?

Cavities are dental caries caused by the plague. It is a thick substance that causes tooth decay, which invariably damages the tooth and causes cavities.

2. What are the symptoms and causes of cavities?

The signs and symptoms of cavity vary and depend on their location and extent. At the beginning of a hole, you may fail to notice any symptoms such as toothache, tooth sensitivity, etc(3). Cause of cavity is tooth decay, which is a process, including plaque form, plaque attack, etc.

3. How to prevent cavities?

Best oral, as well as dental hygiene, can help in avoiding cavities and tooth decay. Some tips to assist in preventing cavities such as brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, rinse your mouth, visit the dentist regularly, etc.