General Health

10 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Clammy Hands

For many, sweaty palms are an embarrassment. Especially when in meetings or public where shaking hands is mandatory. When palms keep sweating, holding onto something or writing, driving, etc. can become uneasy or frustrating.

But, there is no need to worry. It is common for people to sweat through their palms. Clammy hands are a condition that is medically termed as Palmar Hyperhidrosis and are actually caused when part of the autonomic nervous system is prone to hyperactivity.

In lay man’s terms, it means that the sweat glands work overtime secreting excessive sweat on the palms which makes them clammy and wet in appearance.

In this case, the natural remedy goes a long way in getting rid of clammy hands.

Natural Remedies for Clammy Hands

Below listed are recognized as the best home remedies to treat or prevent sweaty or clammy hands.

1. Baking Soda

Image: ShutterStock

Add 2 cups of baking soda to a big bowl of water. Soak your hands in the bowl. Do this every day for half an hour for effective results.

[Read: Benefits of Baking Soda]

2. Tomato Juice

Soaking hand in a bowl of lukewarm water to which a cup of tomato juice has been added is the other best option. Following this process, for half an hour a day helps in reducing the sweat on palms to a great extent.

[Also Read: Benefits of Tomato Juice]

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Image: ShutterStock

The problem of sweaty hands can also be combated with soaking them in a solution of apple cider vinegar and water mixed in the ratio of 1:2 for 5 minutes daily and a mild herbal soap.

[Read: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar]

4. Boric Powder

Sprinkle a bit of boric acid(1) powder onto your palms whenever you have to wear gloves. This will help soak the sweat as well as help with keeping the hands sweat free. Wash your hand with some mild herbal soap after you take off the gloves.

5. Baby Powder

If Boric Acid powder is unavailable, you can also dust your palms with some baby powder, if you do not have the time to soak them in the above infusions.

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Make sure to avoid deodorants since the chemicals in them are known to block the pores of the skin and cause serious dermatological problems.

6. Tea Water

The tannins in tea work as a natural antiperspirant. Prepare a solution by boiling with water with 5 bags of tea for half an hour. This will help reduce the perspiration in a few days.

7. Sage Tea

Tea also has an astringent property which helps in drying out the excess oil in the skin. As such, drinking green tea or sage tea on an empty stomach will help a lot with the sweaty hands.

8. Water


Drinking at least 3 liters of water every day ensures that your body temperature remains low which in turn helps with combating the excessive sweating condition.

[Read: Benefits of Drinking Cold Water]

9. Herbal Remedies

Certain herbs like Turmeric(2), Neem, etc. have been known to help with the detoxifying of the blood, which also helps in controlling sweaty hands. You can rub drops of neem oil mixed with water onto your clammy palms to help with the clammy hands.

10. Diet

It is suggested that you try and avoid all kinds of oily food as well as certain vegetables such as garlic, onions, broccoli, asparagus, etc. since they have been known to aid in the sweating process. Also, avoid all types of caffeinated and alcoholic drinks.

Bottom Line

Sweating is a normal condition. People generally sweat in nervous or anxious situations. Sometimes, sweating becomes an unconscious condition, where controlling it could become really hard.

However, the above-mentioned remedies help to control or prevent clammy hands. On the other hand, genes are also responsible for sweaty hands. So, next time you sweat, don’t blame it on yourself. Just understand that it is a normal condition and can be treated effectively.


1. Are clammy hands a sign of anxiety?

Yes, clammy hands can be one of the signs of anxiety.

2. Are sweaty palms a symptom of anything?

Not every person who has sweaty palms have health issues. Palms can become sweaty due to physical exertion or even heat. However, conditions like hyperhidrosis or emotional stress can cause sweaty palms.