Eye Health

Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil for Eyes You Should Know

Our eyes are our windows to see the world around us. Imagine a world without eyes, and you won’t see any light. But they are one of the sensitive organs of your body. Changing lifestyle has made eye problems widespread. Healthy eyes are a concern for many people today. These problems may range from short-term strains to total vision impairments. Itchy eyes, red eyes, eye strain, puffy or swollen eyes cause significant discomfort. Besides medical care, natural remedies can help in taking care of your eyes and preventing problems.

Use Castor oil for eyes and heal them naturally and effectively. For the eyes, 100% organic oil which is hexane-free(1), sterile and has not undergone any extraction process is preferred and suggested by healthcare experts.

Cold Pressed Castor Oil is the best type of castor oil for your eyes(2). It is obtained by pressing the organic castor seeds without the application of heat on them. This oil has got the maximum nutrients and utility for eye-related problems.

Castor Oil Benefits for Eyes

Image: ShutterStock

Castor Oil has various properties that help you with ailments related to the eye.

  • Castor Oil has a good of fatty acids and other antioxidants that are highly beneficial for the eyes.
  • The anti-inflammatory nature of this oil helps in the reduction of the redness and swelling of the eyes.
  • Castor oil is successful in treating swollen eyes, puffy eyes, itchy eyes, red or bloodshot eyes, and irritated eyes.
  • Castor oil encourages the lipids and hence, heals the allergies related to the eyes.
  • It is also believed to supplement the treatment of Cataract that comes as a great relief to many patients around the world.
  • Using Castor Oil for dark circles helps in enhancing the beauty of the eyes and the face.

[Also Read: Natural Remedies to Treat Dry Eyes]

How to Use Castor Oil For Eyes

Image: Shutterstock

  • The first and most important step is to consult your healthcare expert about the problem, the type of oil and the right proportion to be used in a particular case.
  • For instant relief from dry, itchy or red eyes, use the drops of Castor oil directly into your eyes.
  • It is best to use this just before going to bed.
  • Make sure that your eyes are clean, dry and do not have any makeup on them.
  • After this, tilt your head and put 1-3 drops (or as per the recommendation of your healthcare expert) of Castor oil into your eyes and blink for a couple of times.
  • Close your eyes and then gently massage the areas around them.
  • Make sure to maintain a gap of at least 12 hours before putting anything else inside your eyes, including makeup and contact lenses.
  • For under-eye wrinkles or dark circles, the topical application of Castor oil can be used either alone or after blending it with other prescribed ingredients.


  • 3-4 drops of Castor Oil, 3-4 drops of Almond Oil


Mix both the oils mentioned above and apply the mixture under and around your eyes without applying much pressure. After applying it, pat the skin of these areas a few times using your ring finger gently. Keep this overnight to get rid of wrinkles and under-eye bags.

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[Also Read: Benefits of Using Castor Oil for Dry Eyes]

DO’s and DON’Ts


  • Make sure while purchasing that the cold compressed castor oil is hexane-free and of the right quality.
  • Do take a simple skin patch test before the topical application of Castor Oil around your eyes.


  • Do not use castor oil directly into your eyes without consulting your healthcare expert.
  • Do not exceed the proportion of the oil as prescribed by the healthcare expert.


  • Safety and sterility are essential issues concerning any oil available in the market. Use the right castor oil for eyes that do not have any chemical additions.
  • Store the oil in a glass container to prevent it from getting spoiled.
  • Make sure not to exceed the proportion of the castor oil recommended else it may end up harming your eyes or skin.

Side effects

In case, your eyes develop redness or irritation after the application of the oil, this may be an allergy or side effect of using the oil; although, it is not very frequent. It is best to do a patch test and check first. It is recommended to confirm with your healthcare expert before using it to know whether the castor oil is suitable and useful in your case or not.

Our eyes are delicate. Modern-day pharmaceuticals and eye drops may help you temporarily, but their chemical constituents are not very suitable in the long run. Castor oil solves this issue. It is not only natural but has very few side effects and many other extra benefits as well. Be a little cautious to consult your healthcare expert beforehand. Try Castor oil and help your eyes to regain the health that they need and rightly deserve.


1. Is it safe to get castor oil in your eyes?

Castor oil is the safest option for your eyes. However, if you are suffering from any eye condition or wearing contacts, it is better to avoid it. And, it is also important to stop using castor oil for eyes, if you experience redness or irritation.

2. How long does castor oil take to work?

There is no scientific proof that castor oil can work wonders for your overall eye health. However, it can make your eyelashes and eyebrows glossier and thicker. It typically takes 1 -2 weeks for it to start showing any significant change.

3. Can castor oil help dry eyes?

Castor oil has omega-3 fatty acids present in it which will help you relieve from dry eyes symptoms. So, using castor oil eye drops may treat your symptoms by reducing tear evaporation.