Herbs & Spices

Bugleweed & Its Beneficial Properties in Treating Hyperthyroidism

Bugleweed is a medicinal plant that is used to treat several diseases. It has a pungent taste and a strong flavor and is commonly known for its ability to treat thyroid problems. Bugleweed plant is known to have originated in Europe but its also found in areas of the Mississipi river.

There are blueish-purple colored flowers that bloom from May to September. This plant is also known as ajuga, gipsy weed, sweet bugle, etc. There have been traditional uses of it for medicinal purposes, like consumption. In ancient times consumption was known to be a disease that was triggered by starvation caused by pulmonary tuberculosis.


  • Bugleweed is a species of flowers that are commonly used for medicinal purposes. American holistic practitioners have used bugleweed in treating cough, heart and also used it as a sedative.
  • It grows in well-drained soil in partial shade.
  • Bugleweed maintains the TSH- a thyroid-stimulating hormone.
  • It helps in regulating hormones in the body – moderate levels of estrogen that lowers risks of PMS, cancer and other diseases.
  • People in Europe during ancient times used this plant as a sedative due to its properties.

Benefits of Bugleweed Plant on Your Body

  1. Bugleweed is known to heal wounds quickly and also useful in treating burn wounds.
  2. It has been used since time immemorial for the skin and cosmetic purposes.
  3. This plant works in treating a lot of respiratory diseases as it has anti-tussive properties and is known to be a powerful expectorant.
  4. It can be used for hyperthyroidism(1) has shown effective results in treating the condition. It reduces the production of excess thyroid hormone and also prevents and treats hyperthyroidism.
  5. Bugleweed tonic helps in improving heart health. It eases out palpitations and relaxes your body, also cures Graves’ disease.
  6. It has been very helpful for women suffering from menstrual disorders, also relieves symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, anxiety, stress, and cramping caused by hormones during this time.
  7. Bugleweed plant has shown excellent results in treating tuberculosis.
  8. Bugleweed herb can be an active ingredient in your diet regime as it is low in calories and can be used to lose weight.
  9. It works as an anti-diuretic and helps in maintaining blood sugar levels of your body.
  10. It works as anvaso-relaxant. The properties of bugleweed help to reduce dysuria- a condition where there is extreme pain during urination. It helps to ease and soothe the muscle tracts and eases out the pain.

Bugleweed- A Dietary Supplement

While this plant is famous for its benefits, its use is restricted for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. They shouldn’t strictly refrain from consuming this plant for any purpose until prescribed by the doctor. It must necessarily be stopped before surgery as it can increase the blood sugar levels.

Always consult your doctor before you start using this daily for its health benefits. Bugleweed benefits can be extracted from its leaves and flowers and used in a preferable from depending upon usage. It treats stress, anxiety and depression as it helps in getting uninterrupted sleep, and helps with the hormones in your body

Methods to Use Bugleweed Plant Properly

You can utilize bugleweed benefits by following the following recipes.

1. Decoction for Blood Clots

Image: Shutterstock

This helps in dissolving the blood that clots in an injury.

You need

  • Bugleweed flowers and leaves
  • Wine


  1. Make a decoction of flowers and leaves from the bugleweed plant in wine. Apply on the area where there’s a blood clot caused by bruising.

2. Bugleweed Herbal Tea for Cough

Bugleweed tea works as a very effective remedy in treating mucus(2) and clears congestion.

You need

  • Bugleweed plant leaves
  • Water to boil


Boil around 250 ml water in a pan and add 1 ½ tsp dried leaves to the boiling water. Turn off the flame and let it steep in the water for 10 minutes. Strain this and drink about 3-4 times in a day.

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3. Bugleweed Tea for Hyperthyroidism


This is an effective bust must be in consultation with your doctor.

You need

  • 2 tsp bugleweed leaves, 1 cup of hot water.


  1. Take hot water in a cup and add 2 tsp of leaves. Let it steep for 5 mins. Finally, strain it and drink. Drink this once every day for 2-3 weeks.

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Herbal supplements can cause an allergic reaction. Although bugleweed has not been known to cause many side effects, symptoms of an allergic reaction they may include

  • Swelling in the face.
  • Hives/ rashes
  • Weird tingling sensation in the mouth.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Wheezing sound
  • Choking feeling in the throat
  • Dizziness
  • Hoarse voice

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after consuming it, stop immediately and see a doctor. This plant cannot be a replacement for medication for any of the diseases it is known to treat, but if taken regularly and in the prescribed dosage, it can work wonders for your body.


1. Is Bugleweed Edible?

Yes. You can sauté it or add it to salads for consumption. You can also use these leaves for tea by drying it first.

2. Is This Good for Skin?

Yes, it surely is. It has been used as an active ingredient for ointments and oils for skin.