
5 Amazing Benefits of Sugar Cane Juice

Sugar cane juice has always been one of the favorite drinks of people from all over the world. It is a stem and fibrous stalk of a large variety of species of tall perennial true grasses. Sugar cane is the native to the hot tropical climate of Southern Asia. It is one of the leading sources of sugar as it is rich in sugar sucrose.

The benefits of sugar cane juice are limitless. It slows down the process of aging, promotes the loss of weight in a short time, and even helps to regulate the blood pressure in the human body. Besides this, Sugar Cane juice also helps to fight kidney stones naturally and also strengthens the gums. Sugar Cane juice has no fats; it is 100% natural and contains 30 grams of sugar. There is no need to add extra sugar for sweetness in the juice.

Sugar cane Juice: An Overview

Sugar Cane juice is very easy to extract as you can obtain it by squeezing the stalk in a mill which is specially made for this purpose. Besides containing a lot of natural sugar, which provides a lot of energy to the body; there are other benefits of sugar cane juice as well. It includes a substantial amount of minerals which helps to strengthen the teeth and bones.

Some minerals present in sugar cane juice are sodium(1), potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. All these minerals are essential for the body. Sodium, Iron, and Calcium are essential for the body as they strengthen the muscles and bones, and also replenish the red blood cells in the blood. Sugar cane also provides the body with a considerable amount of calories; hence it is an excellent source of instant energy.

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Breaking the Myth: Sugar Cane Juice isn’t Good for Weight Loss

These days, there are a lot of misconceptions that the people have developed in their minds mainly because they pay attention to a lot of attention to what other people say. A lot of people assume that sugar cane juice is not meant for the obese as it contains a lot of calories and sugars.

But this is just a myth. Aiding in weight loss is one of the major benefits of sugar cane juice. It juice helps to develop a healthy and effective digestive tract as it contains soluble fibers.

Sugar Cane juice is alkaline which helps in burning fats, and also helps a person to get rid of excessive levels of acidity. Sugar cane juice provides you with a lot of calories, and hence, a lot of energy which increases your metabolism(2). It also boosts the metabolism and speeds up the process of weight loss.

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Surprising Health Benefits of Sugar Cane Juice That You Can Enjoy

The list of benefits of sugar cane juice is enormous. Sugar cane juice can be used in more than one way to help you to improve your health, and take care of your skin.

It can also be applied to the skin to cure a lot of common skin problems. Intake of sugar cane juice also increases muscle power. Some of the benefits of sugar cane juice are listed below.

1. Cures Acne


If used regularly, sugar cane juice is proven to be effective in curing skin problems like acne if it is used regularly. You can directly apply it to the skin or can mix it with fuller’s earth and apply as a face mask.

[Also Read: Natural Treatments for Acne ]

2. Strengthens the Teeth and Gums:

Unhealthy and junk food can have adverse effects on your digestive as well as dental health. An unhealthy diet can easily lead to tooth decay, and gum damage which in turn causes bad breath.

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Sugar cane juice helps build and strengthen tooth enamel and gums as it contains calcium and phosphorus.

3. Strengthens the Liver

Sugar cane juice helps to strengthen the liver, thus protecting you from, or get rid of jaundice. You can add a dash of lime to the sugar cane juice to improve the liver functioning.

Sugar cane juice helps to maintain the glucose levels in the body, and its alkaline nature helps regulate the electrolytic balance of the body.

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4. Strengthens the Digestive Tract

Sugar cane juice is a vibrant source of potassium which can help to maintain a balance in the pH levels of your stomach. It also facilitates and boosts the secretion of digestive fluids in your body.

5. Helps fight Cancer


One of the significant benefits of sugar cane juice is that it can help fight cancer. Cancer is a fatal disease in most cases, but this fantastic juice can help to fight it. Sugar cane juice has flavonoids that are very useful in combating prostate and breast cancer. It hampers the multiplication of cancer cells and also reduces the risk of breast cancer.

3 DIY Sugar Cane Juice Recipes for Healthy Liver and Skin

Sugar cane juice can be easily extracted. You can easily add it to a person’s daily routine. Top 3 DIYs with Sugar cane juice are listed below:

1. Sugar Cane Juice Mask

Things Needed:

  • Sugar Cane Juice
  • Fuller’s Earth


  1. Take Fuller’s earth and Sugar cane in a bowl and mix them properly; be careful that you mix an adequate amount of both the things.
  2. The mixture should be of a thick consistency
  3. Apply the mask on your face and your neck.
  4. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.
  5. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask and wipe your face dry.

2. Sugar Cane Lime Juice:


  • Sugar Cane Juice
  • A dash of lime
  • Some Ice


  1. Take some sugar cane juice, and squeeze a zest of lime in it.
  2. Use a spoon and stir it, make sure that the lime mixes properly in it.
  3. Add some ice to the mixture.
  4. Drink it at least thrice a week.

3. Ginger in Sugar Cane Juice:


  • One Cup Sugar cane juice
  • ½ tbsp black salt
  • Two tbsp ginger juice
  • One tbsp brown sugar cane


  1. Take a cup of sugar cane juice and add all the other ingredients in it.
  2. Use a spoon to stir this mixture and ensure that all of the ingredients are mixed properly
  3. Drink it fresh.

This mixture of ginger in sugar cane juice is very effective in curing a sore throat.

Things To Remember While Using Sugar Cane Juice

Sugar cane juice has a very minimal amount of risks factors. However, it is essential to prepare the juice in healthy conditions. If you drink sugar cane juice prepared in unhealthy conditions, it can cause diseases like diarrhea. People consider sugar canes as the best breeding ground for microorganisms; hence you should wash them properly before using them.

Sugar cane juice should be consumed fresh; however, you can store it in the freezer for some time. But in any case, do not consume sugar cane juice that has been kept in the refrigerator for more than 20 minutes.

The sugar cane juice, also known as the wonder tonic has a lot of benefits that can outweigh the number of risk factors associated with it. You can serve sugar cane even to a person who has diabetes as it contains sucrose that is purely natural sugar that helps to regulate the blood sugar levels.

Sugar cane juice must be served fresh and taken in adequate amounts as it can cure and prevent any diseases and disorders. If you add an appropriate quantity of sugar cane juice in your regular diet, it will surely pay off by helping you achieve an elite lifestyle as the benefits of sugar cane juice are countless. Try the DIY methods mentioned above to include the benefits of sugarcane juice in the best way possible.