Alternative Treatments

Get Rid of Pelvic Pain Through Yoga

Constant pelvic pain can be challenging as it limits the routine movements. Exercising your pelvic floor must be a part of your workout routine as a strong pelvis is linked to the right balance, a healthy bladder, and better breathing.

The pelvic floor works with the diaphragm like the movements of a jellyfish. The pelvic floor has muscles, ligaments, and nerves that act as a hammock to support the organs.

It is a familiar concept that these muscles need to be tightened with exercises like Kegels, but that isn’t the case. Some women have really tight pelvic floors, because of staying in a bad posture or extensive periods of sitting.

Doing yoga aids in releasing the pelvic floor of this pressure by lengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improving their tone(1).

Another typical problem that is tackled through yoga is the imbalance between the right and left sides of the pelvic floor.

It also enhances the depth of breathing, and the oxygen nourishes the muscle cells relieving the constant mental torture caused by pelvic pain.

Yoga is also helpful in reducing the agony associated with endometriosis(2). It improves the blood circulation and supply to pelvic muscles.

Does yoga reduce pelvic pain?

Yoga does reduce pelvic pain by improved circulation and improved blood flow.

It also releases pressure from the pelvic floor by lengthening the tendons.

Is yoga for pelvic floor safe?

Yoga is safe for the pelvic floor. It helps in relieving pelvic pain, but one needs

to have proper knowledge about different poses.

How to perform yoga for the pelvic floor?

Yoga is one of the most effective solutions for pelvic and postural problems. There are a number of poses you can practice to get rid of the problem.

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1. Legs up Wall

Image: Shutterstock
  • Lie on your back on a mat near a wall.
  • Bring your back as close to the wall as possible.
  • Gently move your legs up the wall, until the back of your legs lie against the wall.
  • Place a folded blanket or a towel under your back. For a variation, you can bend your knees and bring them to your chest.
  • Close your eyes and inhale slowly, and bring your legs back on the wall.
  • Stay in the same posture for a couple of minutes.
  • Twist your knees, slowly roll onto your side, and sit up.

[Read: Yoga Poses to Increase Strength]

2. Supported Child’s Pose

  • Fold a blanket or bolster and place it on the back of your knees. Now, sit on it.
  • Take either a bolster or 2 to 3 quilts and fold them. Place them exactly in front of you.
  • Spread your knees a little bit wider than your hips.
  • Now, slowly lean forward with your head, shoulders, and chest on to the bolster. Use your hands to drape the bolster as if you are hugging.
  • Stay in that position as long as you can. Now, turn to the other side to create symmetry in your neck.

3. Reclining Supported Butterfly Pose

  • Lie on a mat on the floor.
  • Bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor.
  • Bring your soles of feet together by bending your knees on respective sides.
  • You can keep your hands on your stomach or to the sides.
  • Stay in this pose for 10 minutes.
  • Gradually move to your side, and come back to a sitting position.

[Read: Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain]

4. Mountain pose

  • Stand on a mat with your feet a feet apart and hands resting along your sides.
  • Place the yoga brick between your thighs.
  • Now, try to squeeze the block together.
  • Extend both your arms up over the sky and try to press your palms towards each other. Make sure your arms are lengthened and straight.

5. Sphinx Pose

  • Lie on your stomach on a mat with your legs together.
  • Pivot your thighs inside to protect your lower back.
  • Place your elbows under your shoulders and your lower arms on the floor parallel to one another.
  • Breathe in and, pushing on your arms, lift your chest and head away from the floor.
  • Rise your belly slightly off the floor to keep your spine adjusted.
  • Inhale gradually, feeling the abdominal region stretch. Stay in this pose for four to five seconds.
  • Breathe out and gradually bring down your abdomen, chest, and head to the floor.

[Read: Yoga to Relieve Menstrual Cramps]

Do you need to take precautions before yoga?

It is best to consult a physiotherapist before adding yoga to your routine. He/she will tell you which positions and angles to try and which ones aren’t suitable for you. Staying hydrated and warming up before yoga is very important.

Yoga can create a clinically noticeable improvement in the pain levels for your pelvic floor. Yoga practice is known to reinforce the muscular strength. Also, it lengthens the pelvic floor muscles and improves their tone.

However, before adding yoga to your pelvic pain recovery, you must consult your physical trainers or physician.

They can guide you about your physical capacity and favorable poses for your particular problem. Doing yoga when dehydrated increases the chances of cramps.

Practicing yoga without proper knowledge can also cause pain in the joints or a strong pull in your muscles.


1. Can We Do Lunges for the Pelvic Floor?

You can, provided you have a strong pelvic floor. But if you don’t, then it may increase inconvenience and other back pain problems. So kindly talk to your physician first to make sure what to include in your pelvic floor exercises.