Essential Oils

6 Less Known Causes, and How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection

Yeast infection which is otherwise referred to as candidiasis or moniliasis is an infection caused by the uncontrolled propagation of yeast. Vaginal yeast infections are more common because women usually have yeast present or growing in their vaginal regions.

There are many ways of treating yeast infection. If unattended, this could lead to very awkward conditions. Thanks to essential oils like Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infections it is now easier to manage the complications caused by yeast infections.

Types of Yeast Infections

There are a few types of yeast infection that can affect us, they are –

  • Diaper Rash – This could affect babies or even women who use menstrual pads, due to the moisture or irritation that is caused by wearing these pads
  • Vaginal yeast infection – At time the natural yeast present around the genital region in women outgrow its number and lead to an infection. Up to 75% of the women face at least once in their lives.
  • Penile Yeast infection – Although rare in men, it can still be found in some cases, where the man has contracted penile yeast infection through sexual contact.

[Also Read: Treat Yeast Infection with Natural Remedies]

Symptoms of yeast infection

  • Burning, redness or swelling of the vagina in women
  • Pain or burning sensation when you pee
  • Pain during sex
  • A thick, white colorless discharge from vaginal or penile parts (surrounding the organ)
  • Discolouring of the region, it turns either extremely white or dark (both are equally dangerous)
  • Itching sensation, unable to tolerate itching

Causes for yeast infection

  • Hormones (during pregnancy)
  • Menopause (due to secretion of fluid)
  • Sometimes contracted through sexual activities
  • Bacterial infections
  • Usage of vaginal sprays
  • Usage of antibiotics

Tea tree oil for Yeast Infection

Image: Shutterstock

Being one of the most versatile oils used almost everywhere in Aromatherapy, tea tree oil is also one of the hot oils and should be used with extreme care. It has to be diluted before it is used, and it should never be used directly on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties are known far and wide, and as such, it is one of the best natural treatments against yeast infections.

Why use Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection

In particular, Tea tree oil(1) can be extremely beneficial as it has properties such as essence, aroma as well as cleansing properties. Tea tree oil is heavily used for the treatment of severe pains, hair loss, skin disorders among many other benefits, along with also its aromatic experience, which is just severely beautiful.

Tea tree is said to have great constituents and is an aid to remove tendonitis or at least reduce its pain to a great extent. It’s not only of aromatic use but has several therapeutic benefits, namely reducing the stress on muscles, getting rid of swellings, infections as well as uneven growths such as warts, skin-tags as well. Many other essential oils are recommended too, but if you are looking for a good experience, then go for Tea tree Oil for yeast infection.

[Read: Essential Oils for Yeast Infection]

How to use Tea tree oil for yeast infection

  • Manually applying the oil along with a carrier oil like coconut oil on to your vaginal regions, to get rid of moisture-like substance which causes infection.
  • Put a few (very few) drops of this oil onto a cloth and then dab it onto the regions, for excellent results.
  • Use cotton balls and dip them in tea tree oil and then apply it slowly onto the parts infected by yeast formation, repeat this for a week and wash off with warm water and a natural soap to reduce the amount of yeast infection.
  • You can also mix Tea tree Oil along with other essential oils for a thick contrast of ability as well as texture.
    This adds onto the process and could help in faster and quicker riddance of yeast infections in the private parts region. Or you can always add coconut oil, and preferably, it is always needed to mix coconut oil with tea tree oil before using it, to avoid extra-aromatic essence or even the side effects of foreign oil on your delicate, sensitive skin.

How to make Tea tree Oil at home

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  • Cut springs of tea tree or purchase them dried – cut them in equal segments, stems can be added to the mixture but avoid woody stems that are at the bottom. You may wish to add more tea tree, as it could create a strong essence and colour too.
  • Let it dry, this takes approximately a week but make sure to not sun-dry them
  • Lightly crush the tea tree buds using a heavy object but make sure not to powder them, this process it to make the buds tiny to fit them in a jar
  • Put them in a jar, preferably one that’s not been exposed to air
  • Pour any carrier oil (make sure not to use oils with heavy smell) preferably almond oil; olive oil is used for this process. Just make sure you don’t use oil that smells too much as you risk overpowering the smell of the tea tree.
  • Let the tea tree soak in the oil for close to 4-5 weeks and monitor it every week and observe that the smell increases as the weeks go by.
  • Strain the oil using a strainer or a muslin cloth, preferably a strainer as its more effective
  • Store the oil in a cool, dry place in a dark bottle after adding vitamin E drops to the mixture.

Note: Bottled products that you might obtain usually have added colors in them for presentation purpose. Tea tree oil is now ready to use, for a variety of purposes that could aid better health or even get rid of a couple of ailments.

[Read: Coconut Oil for Yeast Infections]

Precautions, Side Effects, Do’s and Don’ts of using this oil

  • Make sure to add a carrier oil like coconut oil to dilute the mixture of tea tree oil which can sometimes be over-aromatic
  • Not diluting the oil could lead to skin rashes and irritation, so make sure to patch-test by pouring the oil preferably on a non-visible spot of your body, to check if your body can take the components of the oil.
  • Always consult your doctor before the use of any essential oil, as he could have better suggestions on hand or even tell you to discard the idea of oiling if the condition is too severe or many other aspects as such.
  • If you use the oil on your genital area, always wash it off properly and adequately to avoid any circumstances in the future, such as further allergy or irritation.

Other home remedies for yeast infections

  • Keeping skin entirely clean and dry
  • Wash genital area every day with a natural soap
  • You can to some extent add one of the essential oils in your warm water bath, to get a better experience.
  • Consuming lesser sugars in your food, cutting out milk products indefinitely
  • Keeping the rest of your body clean, to stay away from skin diseases
  • Stay away from sexual activities completely, to avoid further aggravation of the disease
  • Always take warm water baths, avoid cold water
  • Use clean, dry towels
  • Always dry yourself entirely before wearing clean clothes that are washed with lesser washing soap.

[Read: Antifungal essential oils]


Yeast infections can definitely be very cumbersome and irritating, but it is never too late to treat yourself if you have this ailment. Just use Tea Tree oil for yeast infections and follow the above methods to get rid of the infections. Make sure to keep yourself dry all the time and filled with fluids such as water and eat plenty of vegetables with good water content to make sure you stay healthy, and so does your genital region.


1. Do yeast infections smell?

Yes, some yeast infections have a bad odor. Sometimes, they smell like fish, honey, beer, and also sour.

2. Is Aloe Vera good for yeast infection?

Aloe vera contains antifungal properties, which is an excellent source to fight yeast infections. Consuming aloe vera orally can support the growth of white blood cells, which fights yeasts from within.

3. Does salt water help yeast infections?

Salt water inhibits the growth of infection-causing microbes and reduces symptoms, including itch and other discomforts.

4. What should you not eat when you have a yeast infection?

People infected with yeast should avoid sugars, glutenous grains, alcohol drinks, dairy products, and fermented with yeast.