
Why You Should Never Eat More Avocados in a Single Day

Scientifically known as Persea Americana, avocado is the fruit of the avocado tree. This fruit is renowned for its rich nutrient value and is added to numerous dishes due to its rich texture and good flavor. It is the main ingredient in guacamole [1].

These days, the avocado has become a prevalent food among health-conscious people. It’s often called a superfood, which is not surprising given its health benefits. Many types of avocado vary in color and shape — from round to pear-shaped and black to green. They can also weigh anywhere from eight ounces.

The most famous variety is the Hass avocado. It’s often known as alligator pear, which is very descriptive, as it tends to be pear-shaped and has bumpy, green skin like an alligator. The green-yellow flesh inside the fruit is eaten, but the seed and skin are discarded.

Avocados are highly nutritious and have a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different minerals and vitamins. Here are a few of the most abundant nutrients in a single 100-gram (3.5-ounce) serving:

  • Vitamin K: 26% of the DV (daily value)
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the DV
  • Folate: 20% of the DV
  • Vitamin B5: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the DV

It also contains slight amounts of manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorous, and vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin), and A.

This is coming with 160 calories, 15 grams of healthy fats, and 2 grams of protein. Although it has 9 g (grams) of carbs, 7 of those are fiber, so there are only two net carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.

Avocados don’t have any sodium or cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. This is why some researchers favor these substances who believe these substances are harmful, which is a debated topic, however.

Avocado, noted for its natural ingredients, is used as a complete diet for young adults. It has several health benefits but can prove to be detrimental when consumed in excess quantity. Hence, avocado has its share of adverse effects too.

Side Effects Of Avocados

It’s been proved in several studies that people who consumed avocado suffered from side effects like paralysis, flu, gastrointestinal disorder, nausea, vomiting, fever, migraine, drowsiness, and asthma.

1. Not suitable for breastfeeding and pregnant women

Avocado may seem like it’s suitable for each situation, but the truth is that pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it. Avocado decreases milk production and has even been known to harm the mammary gland (babies’ stomachs are extremely sensitive to ingest avocado or its remnants).

[Also Read: Healthy Lactation Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms]

2. Stomach issues

People with particularly stomach issues may find that when they have avocado, they encounter some discomfort. It is usually in the form of flatulence or bloating. So be sure to be careful about eating it before going on any dates! Whether you’re looking to pep up your fitness regimen, perk up your diet with low-calorie mouth-watering recipes. 

3. High potassium

We do want to have potassium, but everything is all about the right balance and amounts. Avocados have loads of potassium, which is perfect for us when we’re trying to raise our levels, but make sure that you don’t take too much!

We’re not saying that you need to avoid eating your avocado toast for breakfast; try to monitor how much you’re having.

Adhering to a healthy diet based on your preferences, health needs, and allergies is a great idea; however, it might bring you substantial benefits when combined with a workout regimen that meets your goals. Stronger muscles, better mood, and endurance are just some. 

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[Read: High Potassium Foods to Avoid]

4. No Avocado In Hypersensitivity

People suffering from hypersensitivity should evade eating an avocado. It may cause vomiting or a skin reaction.

5. Avocado Causes Allergy

Avocado effects on the skin are adversely leading to severe skin issues, with allergies being the principal effect. Symptoms of allergy are itching, hives, eczema, or redness in the skin.

6. Liver Damage

One of the severe side effects of avocados is that it can damage liver health. Certain types of avocado oil may cause damage to the liver. Try to evade Mexican avocado, which consists of anethole and estragole. These elements have been checked for carcinogenic reactions.

Thus, consumption of these can cause damage to the liver. If you suffer from compromised liver function and want to avoid avocado oil side effects, stop having this fruit.

[Read: Best Vitamins to Support Liver Health]

7. Sensitivity To Latex

Individuals who are sensitive to latex should avoid taking avocado as it increases the level of serum IgE antibodies in their body, and which can cause an allergic reaction.

8. Reduce Cholesterol

You may be happy reading that avocado decreases cholesterol levels. Yes, that’s true, but if you have it in large amounts, it will harm your body as it is rich in beta-sitosterol that absorbs necessary cholesterol from the body.

[Read: Natural Remedies to Alleviate High Cholesterol Levels]

9. Limit Its Consumption If You Are On Diet

Avocado is a high-calorie food, and it will increase weight. So avoid having them daily if you are on a diet.

10. Cause Mouth Allergy

If an avocado is consumed in adequate amounts, then it may cause mouth allergies like swelling tongue and itching sensation in the mouth.

11. Medication interactions

If you eat enormous avocado quantities, it can actually interfere with the effectiveness of any anti-inflammatory medicines you’re taking. This is a significant potential threat because, let’s face it, if you have any avocado, chances are you’ll consume a lot!

12. Blood thinner

In general, avocado functions as a blood thinner, developing into a health concern if you’re not careful. You should be particularly mindful if you take any medications because avocado may interact adversely with them.

Bottom Line

These are the prominent side effects of avocados that you were not aware of. Isn’t it? More studies are going on about its harmful effects. Till then, have avocado in modest amounts to stay away from allergies. However, make sure that you take the health benefits of it.

Tags: avocado